Honkai: Star Rail

Honkai: Star Rail Characters and Builds

♦ Latest: 3.1 Summary & Amphoreus Guide
♦ Phase 1: Tribbie, Yunli, Hook, Lynx, Guinaifen
♦ Phase 2: Mydei, Huohuo, Arlan, Xueyi, Natasha
♦ 3.2 Characters: Castorice & Anaxa
♦ 3.3 Characters: Hyacine & Cipher
♦ New Events: The Awooo Firm & Protean Hero

Honkai Star Rail - List of All Characters and Builds

Here's a list of all the playable characters in Honkai: Star Rail. See the latest builds for each character, their rarity, element, and paths in this guide!

All Honkai: Star Rail Characters

All Upcoming Characters

Hyacine was revealed in the latest HoYoverse drip marketing and will become a playable character in Version 3.3.

Castorice and Anaxa, as revealed in HoYoVerse's drip marketing, will become playable characters in Version 3.2.

Character Rarity Element Path
Honkai Star Rail Hyacine Icon Hyacine ★5 Wind Wind The Remembrance The Remembrance
Honkai Star Rail Castorice Icon Castorice ★5 Quantum Quantum The Remembrance The Remembrance
Honkai Star Rail Anaxa Icon Anaxa ★5 Wind Wind The Erudition The Erudition

All Playable Characters

Check out which characters are currently playable in the list below!

Character Rarity Element Path
Honkai Star Rail Acheron Icon Acheron ★5 Lightning Lightning The Nihility The Nihility
Honkai Star Rail Aglaea Icon Aglaea ★5 Lightning Lightning The Remembrance The Remembrance
Honkai Star Rail Argenti Icon Argenti ★5 Physical Physical The Erudition The Erudition
Honkai Star Rail Arlan Icon Arlan ★4 Lightning Lightning The Destruction The Destruction
Honkai Star Rail Asta Icon Asta ★4 Fire Fire The Harmony The Harmony
Honkai Star Rail Aventurine Icon Aventurine ★5 Imaginary Imaginary The Preservation The Preservation
Honkai Star Rail Bailu Icon Bailu ★5 Lightning Lightning The Abundance The Abundance
Honkai Star Rail Black Swan Icon Black Swan ★5 Wind Wind The Nihility The Nihility
Honkai Star Rail Blade Icon Blade ★5 Wind Wind The Destruction The Destruction
Honkai Star Rail Boothill Icon Boothill ★5 Physical Physical The Hunt The Hunt
Honkai Star Rail Bronya Icon Bronya ★5 Wind Wind The Harmony The Harmony
Honkai Star Rail Clara Icon Clara ★5 Physical Physical The Destruction The Destruction
Honkai Star Rail Dan Heng Icon Dan Heng ★4 Wind Wind The Hunt The Hunt
Honkai Star Rail Dr. Ratio Icon Dr. Ratio ★5 Imaginary Imaginary The Hunt The Hunt
Honkai Star Rail Feixiao Icon Feixiao ★5 Wind Wind The Hunt The Hunt
Honkai Star Rail Firefly Icon Firefly ★5 Fire Fire The Destruction The Destruction
Honkai Star Rail Fu Xuan Icon Fu Xuan ★5 Quantum Quantum The Preservation The Preservation
Honkai Star Rail Fugue Icon Fugue ★5 Fire Fire The Nihility The Nihility
Honkai Star Rail Gallagher Icon Gallagher ★4 Fire Fire The Abundance The Abundance
Honkai Star Rail Gepard Icon Gepard ★5 Ice Ice The Preservation The Preservation
Honkai Star Rail Guinaifen Icon Guinaifen ★4 Fire Fire The Nihility The Nihility
Honkai Star Rail Hanya Icon Hanya ★4 Physical Physical The Harmony The Harmony
Honkai Star Rail Herta Icon Herta ★4 Ice Ice The Erudition The Erudition
Honkai Star Rail Himeko Icon Himeko ★5 Fire Fire The Erudition The Erudition
Honkai Star Rail Hook Icon Hook ★4 Fire Fire The Destruction The Destruction
Honkai Star Rail Huohuo Icon Huohuo ★5 Wind Wind The Abundance The Abundance
Honkai Star Rail Imbibitor Lunae Icon Imbibitor Lunae ★5 Imaginary Imaginary The Destruction The Destruction
Honkai Star Rail Jade Icon Jade ★5 Quantum Quantum The Erudition The Erudition
Honkai Star Rail Jiaoqiu Icon Jiaoqiu ★5 Fire Fire The Nihility The Nihility
Honkai Star Rail Jing Yuan Icon Jing Yuan ★5 Lightning Lightning The Erudition The Erudition
Honkai Star Rail Jingliu Icon Jingliu ★5 Ice Ice The Destruction The Destruction
Honkai Star Rail Kafka Icon Kafka ★5 Lightning Lightning The Nihility The Nihility
Honkai Star Rail Lingsha Icon Lingsha ★5 Fire Fire The Abundance The Abundance
Honkai Star Rail Luka Icon Luka ★4 Physical Physical The Nihility The Nihility
Honkai Star Rail Luocha Icon Luocha ★5 Imaginary Imaginary The Abundance The Abundance
Honkai Star Rail Lynx Icon Lynx ★4 Quantum Quantum The Abundance The Abundance
Honkai Star Rail March 7th Icon March 7th ★4 Ice Ice The Preservation The Preservation
Honkai Star Rail March 7th (Imaginary) Icon March 7th (Imaginary) ★4 Imaginary Imaginary The Hunt The Hunt
Honkai Star Rail Misha Icon Misha ★4 Ice Ice The Destruction The Destruction
Honkai Star Rail Moze Icon Moze ★4 Lightning Lightning The Hunt The Hunt
Honkai Star Rail Mydei Icon Mydei ★5 Imaginary Imaginary The Destruction The Destruction
Honkai Star Rail Natasha Icon Natasha ★4 Physical Physical The Abundance The Abundance
Honkai Star Rail Pela Icon Pela ★4 Ice Ice The Nihility The Nihility
Honkai Star Rail Qingque Icon Qingque ★4 Quantum Quantum The Erudition The Erudition
Honkai Star Rail Rappa Icon Rappa ★5 Imaginary Imaginary The Erudition The Erudition
Honkai Star Rail Robin Icon Robin ★5 Physical Physical The Harmony The Harmony
Honkai Star Rail Ruan Mei Icon Ruan Mei ★5 Ice Ice The Harmony The Harmony
Honkai Star Rail Sampo Icon Sampo ★4 Wind Wind The Nihility The Nihility
Honkai Star Rail Seele Icon Seele ★5 Quantum Quantum The Hunt The Hunt
Honkai Star Rail Serval Icon Serval ★4 Lightning Lightning The Erudition The Erudition
Honkai Star Rail Silver Wolf Icon Silver Wolf ★5 Quantum Quantum The Nihility The Nihility
Honkai Star Rail Sparkle Icon Sparkle ★5 Quantum Quantum The Harmony The Harmony
Honkai Star Rail Sunday Icon Sunday ★5 Imaginary Imaginary The Harmony The Harmony
Honkai Star Rail Sushang Icon Sushang ★4 Physical Physical The Hunt The Hunt
Honkai Star Rail The Herta Icon The Herta ★5 Ice Ice The Erudition The Erudition
Honkai Star Rail Tingyun Icon Tingyun ★4 Lightning Lightning The Harmony The Harmony
Honkai Star Rail Topaz Icon Topaz ★5 Fire Fire The Hunt The Hunt
Honkai Star Rail Trailblazer Icon Trailblazer ★5 Physical Physical The Destruction The Destruction
Honkai Star Rail Trailblazer (Fire) Icon Trailblazer (Fire) ★5 Fire Fire The Preservation The Preservation
Honkai Star Rail Trailblazer (Ice) Icon Trailblazer (Ice) ★5 Ice Ice The Remembrance The Remembrance
Honkai Star Rail Trailblazer (Imaginary) Icon Trailblazer (Imaginary) ★5 Imaginary Imaginary The Harmony The Harmony
Honkai Star Rail Tribbie Icon Tribbie ★5 Quantum Quantum The Harmony The Harmony
Honkai Star Rail Welt Icon Welt ★5 Imaginary Imaginary The Nihility The Nihility
Honkai Star Rail Xueyi Icon Xueyi ★4 Quantum Quantum The Destruction The Destruction
Honkai Star Rail Yanqing Icon Yanqing ★5 Ice Ice The Hunt The Hunt
Honkai Star Rail Yukong Icon Yukong ★4 Imaginary Imaginary The Harmony The Harmony
Honkai Star Rail Yunli Icon Yunli ★5 Physical Physical The Destruction The Destruction

Latest Character Build Updates

We update our character pages regularly with the best build guides and relic sets!

How to Get Characters in Honkai: Star Rail

Get Characters Through Warp Banners

Honkai Star Rail - All Gacha Warp Banners
There are a few ways you can get characters in Honkai: Star Rail and most of them are obtained through the Character Warp banners by using Stellar Jades.

Some are free and only require you to play the game by progressing through the story and leveling up. Other free characters will require you to clear content, such as the Simulated Universe and the Endgame content.

List of All Free Characters

Claim Serval From The Pre-Registration Rewards

Honkai Star Rail - Serval Ultimate

As a reward for surpassing 3.5 million pre-registrations, players will receive the 4-Star Lightning Character, Serval, for free at launch.

▶ Pre-registration Guide and Rewards

Complete Forgotten Hall Stage 3 to Get Qingque

Honkai Star Rail - Forgotten Hall Guide

Completing Memory Stage 3 of the Forgotten Hall will reward you with a copy of Qingque, a 4-star Erudition Quantum DPS.

Forgotten Hall Guide

Complete Memory of Xianzhou Stage 1 to Get Yukong

Honkai Star Rail - Memory of Xianzhou Guide

Completing Memory Stage 1 of the Memory of Xianzhou will reward you with a copy of Yukong, a 4-star Harmony Imaginary Support.

Memory of Xianzhou Guide

How to Get 5-Star Characters

Honkai Star Rail - All 5-star Characters

You can get 5-star Characters by spending Stellar Jade on any Character Warp Banners. If you are unlucky, however, after 80 rolls, you are guaranteed to receive a 5-Star Character from that banner.

Test your luck by trying out our Warp Banner simulators before doing the real thing!

Gacha Simulator

How to Get the Free 5-Star Character Selector

Honkai Star Rail - Stellar Warp

After rolling a total of 300 times on the Standard Character Warp banner, you can select one 5-Star character of your choice from that banner. Choose wisely, as this is only available once per account.

Standard Character Warp Banner

All Character Guides

All Characters By Type

All Characters by Rarity
5-Star Characters 4-Star Characters
All Characters by Gender
Honkai Star Rail - March 7thFemale Characters Honkai Star Rail - Dan HengMale Characters
All Characters by Paths
Star Rail - The Destruction PathDestruction Star Rail - The Hunt PathThe Hunt Star Rail - The Erudition PathErudition Star Rail - The Harmony PathHarmony
Star Rail - The Nihility PathNihility Star Rail - The Preservation PathPreservation Star Rail - The Abundance PathAbundance Star Rail - The Remembrance PathRemembrance
All Characters by Elements
Honkai Star Rail Fire ElementFire Honkai Star Rail Ice ElementIce Honkai Star Rail Lightning ElementLightning Honkai Star Rail Wind ElementWind
Honkai Star Rail Quantum ElementQuantum Honkai Star Rail Imaginary ElementImaginary Honkai Star Rail Physical ElementPhysical

New and Upcoming Characters

Honkai Star Rail - Upcoming Characters

Check out our list of all the new and upcoming characters and banners, along with the previous character and banner release dates!

All Upcoming Characters

Character Tier List Guides

Honkai Star Rail - Character Tier List

Check out our character tier list, where we rank all the best characters and team comps in the game, and find out which one to reroll for!

All Character Tier Lists
Character Tier List Reroll Tier List
Best Team Comps

Character Elements

Honkai Star Rail - Character Stats and Elements
Enemies have certain elements that they are weak against. Using characters to take advantage of their weaknesses will allow you to decrease their Toughness much faster to trigger a Weakness Break.

List of Elements and Effects

How to Use Techniques

Star Rail - Sunday Technique

Techniques are special moves you can perform while exploring the open world. Each character has different ways they can use their technique, which ranges from buffing your entire party to using it offensively to easily break enemies.

▶ List of Techniques and How to Use

All Characters With Follow-Ups

Honkai Star Rail - Tides of War Stage 6 - Raise Grit Value with Follow-Up Attacks.png

Follow-up attacks deal additional damage to enemies without having to manually trigger them in Honkai: Star Rail. See how to perform a Follow-Up attack and all the characters with this ability!

▶ All Characters With Follow-Up Attacks

Character Class System

Honkai Star Rail - Path Guide

Paths are Honkai Star Rail's character class system, offering differing play styles unique to each character and path.

▶ Paths Guide - Class System Breakdown

Other Related Character Guides

Check out all of our other related character guides we have by clicking on the links below!

Other Character Guides
List of Voice Actors Can You Change Gender?
How to Level Up Characters How to Make Good Teams
How to Switch Characters Can You Customize
Your Character?
How to Change
Main Character's Name
How to Get
the Fire Trailblazer
How to Revive Characters How to Recover HP

Honkai: Star Rail Related Guides

Honkai Star Rail Wiki Guide

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Guides by Category

Honkai Star Rail Categories
Honkai Star Rail - News and Game Information News Honkai Star Rail - Characters Characters
Honkai Star Rail - Tips and Tricks Tips and Tricks Honkai Star Rail - Enemies Enemies
Honkai Star Rail - Bosses Bosses Honkai Star Rail - Light Cones Light Cones
Honkai Star Rail - WarpsWarps Honkai Star Rail - EventsEvents
Honkai Star Rail - ItemsItems Honkai Star Rail - Relics Relics
Honkai Star Rail - Cavern of Corrosion Caverns Honkai Star Rail - Missions Missions
Honkai Star Rail - Maps Maps Honkai Star Rail - Forgotten HallForgotten Hall
Honkai Star Rail - Tier ListsTier Lists Honkai Star Rail - CosmeticsCosmetics
Honkai Star Rail - Simulated UniverseSimulated Universe Honkai Star Rail - Pure FictionPure Fiction
Honkai Star Rail - Apocalyptic Shadow Apocalyptic Shadow


6 Anonymous8 months

to the slander names person, do huohuo next i dare you

5 Anonymousabout 1 year

Idk if this is where I need to say it but Kafka isnt in the sidebar of 5 star Characters


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