Honkai: Star Rail

Stellar Warp Banner Details and Rates

♦ Latest: Livestream Summary, 3.1 Summary & Amphoreus Guide
♦ Phase 1: Tribbie, Yunli, Hook, Lynx, Guinaifen
♦ Phase 2: Mydei, Huohuo, Arlan, Xueyi, Natasha
♦ 3.2 Characters: Castorice & Anaxa
♦ 3.3 Characters: Hyacine & Cipher
♦ New Events: The Awooo Firm & Protean Hero

Honkai Star Rail - Stellar Warp

Stellar Warp is the standard gacha banner in Honkai: Star Rail. See the gacha simulator, how to get a free 5-star character, and all the character or light cone drops here!

Stellar Warp Gacha Simulator

Stellar Warp Banner Simulator

Regular Warp Gacha Rates

Rarity Pull Rate
5★ Character: 0.6%%
Light Cones: 0.6%%
Guaranteed after 90 total warps
4★ Character: 2.55%
Light Cones: 2.55%
Guaranteed after 10 total warps
3★ Light Cones: 94.3%

How to Get a Free 5-Star Character

Choose a 5-Star in 300 Pulls

HSR - Free 5-Star Character
After rolling 300 Warps on the Standard Banner, you will be able to pick a 5-star character of your choice from the banner. Note that this only works once per account, so choose wisely!

Stellar Warp Joint Forces Character Trials

Try Out All The Stellar Warp Characters!

HSR - Joint Forces
In the version 1.2 patch, players are now able to try out all the characters from the Stellar Warp banner under Joint Forces. You can choose which character you'd like to try and get rewards from completing a character trial.

Version 1.2 Release Date and Banners Guide

Joint Forces Character Trial Rewards

Character Rewards
Himeko Himeko
Welt Welt
Bronya Bronya
Gepard Gepard
Clara Clara
Yanqing Yanqing
Bailu Bailu

As a reward for completing a character trial, players will be able to obtain 20x Stellar Jades among other things as a reward. Trial rewards can only be redeemed once.

All Characters in the Stellar Warp Banner

★5 Character Drops in the Standard Banner

5★ Character Drops
Star Rail - BailuBailu Star Rail - BronyaBronya Star Rail - ClaraClara
Star Rail - GepardGepard Star Rail - HimekoHimeko Star Rail - WeltWelt
Star Rail - YanqingYanqing

All 5-Star Characters

★4 Character Drops in the Standard Banner

Standard 4-Star Character Drops
Star Rail - ArlanArlan Star Rail - AstaAsta Star Rail - Dan HengDan Heng
Star Rail - HertaHerta Star Rail - HookHook Star Rail - March 7thMarch 7th
Star Rail - NatashaNatasha Star Rail - PelaPela Star Rail - QingqueQingque
Star Rail - SampoSampo Star Rail - ServalServal Star Rail - SushangSushang
Star Rail - TingyunTingyun Star Rail - YukongYukong Star Rail - LukaLuka
Star Rail - LynxLynx Star Rail - GuinaifenGuinaifen Star Rail - HanyaHanya
Star Rail - XueyiXueyi Star Rail - MishaMisha

All 4-Star Characters

All Light Cones in the Stellar Warp Banner

★5 Light Cone Drops in the Standard Banner

5★ Light Cone Drops
Star Rail - Time Waits for No One Light ConeTime Waits for No One Star Rail - Sleep Like the Dead Light ConeSleep Like the Dead Star Rail - Moment of Victory Light ConeMoment of Victory
Star Rail - In the Name of the World Light ConeIn the Name of the World Star Rail - But the Battle IsnBut the Battle Isn't Over Star Rail - Something Irreplaceable Light ConeSomething Irreplaceable
Star Rail - Night on the Milky Way Light ConeNight on the Milky Way

All 5-Star Light Cones

★4 Light Cone Drops in the Standard Banner

4★ Light Cone Drops
Star Rail - Make the World Clamor Light ConeMake the World Clamor Star Rail - A Secret Vow Light ConeA Secret Vow Star Rail - Planetary Rendezvous Light ConePlanetary Rendezvous
Star Rail - Swordplay Light ConeSwordplay Star Rail - LandauLandau's Choice Star Rail - Eyes of the Prey Light ConeEyes of the Prey
Star Rail - Shared Feeling Light ConeShared Feeling Star Rail - The Birth of the Self Light ConeThe Birth of the Self Star Rail - The Moles Welcome You Light ConeThe Moles Welcome You
Star Rail - Memories of the Past Light ConeMemories of the Past Star Rail - Only Silence Remains Light ConeOnly Silence Remains Star Rail - Day One of My New Life Light ConeDay One of My New Life
Star Rail - Good Night and Sleep Well Light ConeGood Night and Sleep Well Star Rail - Post-Op Conversation Light ConePost-Op Conversation Star Rail - GeniusesGeniuses' Repose
Star Rail - Under the Blue Sky Light ConeUnder the Blue Sky Star Rail - Subscribe for More! Light ConeSubscribe for More! Star Rail - Dance! Dance! Dance! Light ConeDance! Dance! Dance!
Star Rail - Resolution Shines As Pearls of Sweat Light ConeResolution Shines As Pearls of Sweat Star Rail - Perfect Timing Light ConePerfect Timing Star Rail - Trend of the Universal Market Light ConeTrend of the Universal Market
Star Rail - Poised to Bloom Light ConePoised to Bloom

All 4-Star Light Cones

★3 Light Cone Drops in the Standard Banner

3★ Light Cone Drops
Star Rail - Sagacity Light ConeSagacity Star Rail - Mediation Light ConeMediation Star Rail - Hidden Shadow Light ConeHidden Shadow
Star Rail - Pioneering Light ConePioneering Star Rail - Mutual Demise Light ConeMutual Demise Star Rail - Multiplication Light ConeMultiplication
Star Rail - Adversarial Light ConeAdversarial Star Rail - Passkey Light ConePasskey Star Rail - Meshing Cogs Light ConeMeshing Cogs
Star Rail - Loop Light ConeLoop Star Rail - Defense Light ConeDefense Star Rail - Shattered Home Light ConeShattered Home
Star Rail - Fine Fruit Light ConeFine Fruit Star Rail - Darting Arrow Light ConeDarting Arrow Star Rail - Data Bank Light ConeData Bank
Star Rail - Chorus Light ConeChorus Star Rail - Void Light ConeVoid Star Rail - Amber Light ConeAmber
Star Rail - Collapsing Sky Light ConeCollapsing Sky Star Rail - Cornucopia Light ConeCornucopia Star Rail - Arrows Light ConeArrows

All 3-Star Light Cones

Stellar Warp Banner Release Date

Permanently Available Upon Release

HSR - Stellar Warp

Banner Release April 26, 2023

The Stellar Warp is the Regular or Standard Banner in Honkai: Star Rail. This is a permanent Warp or Banner and will always be available in the game. This banner was released on April 26, 2023!

Honkai: Star Rail Livestream Guide

Honkai: Star Rail Related Guides

Honkai Star Rail - All Gacha (Warp) Banners

All Gacha (Warp) Banners

List of Current Gachas (Warps)

All Current Gacha (Warps)
Honkai Star Rail - Mydei Banner.
Mydei Banner

(Ver 3.1 Phase 2)
Honkai Star Rail - Flame of Blood, Blaze My Path Banner
Flame of Blood, Blaze My Path

(Ver 3.1 Phase 2)
Honkai Star Rail - Huohuo Banner Banner
Huohuo Banner

(Ver 3.1 Phase 2)
Honkai Star Rail - Night of Fright Banner
Night of Fright

(Ver 3.1 Phase 2)
Honkai Star Rail - Stellar Warp Banner
Stellar Warp
Honkai Star Rail - Departure Warp Banner
Departure Warp

List of Upcoming Gachas (Warps)

Upcoming Gacha (Warps)
Honkai Star Rail - Castorice Banner
Castorice Banner

(Version 3.2 Phase 1)
Honkai Star Rail - Make Farewells More Beautiful Banner
Make Farewells More Beautiful

(Version 3.2 Phase 1)
Honkai Star Rail - Indelible Coterie Banner
Indelible Coterie

(Version 3.2 Phase 1)
Honkai Star Rail - Coalesced Truths
Coalesced Truths

(Version 3.2 Phase 1)
Honkai Star Rail - Anaxa Banner
Anaxa Banner

(Version 3.2 Phase 2)
Honkai Star Rail - Life Should Be Cast to Flames Banner
Life Should Be Cast to Flames

(Version 3.2 Phase 2)
Honkai Star Rail - Dr. Ratio Banner
Dr. Ratio Banner

(Version 3.2 Phase 2)
Honkai Star Rail - Baptism of Pure Thought Banner
Baptism of Pure Thought

(Version 3.2 Phase 2)

Gacha (Warp) Banner Guides

Other Gacha (Warp) Banner Guides
Honkai Star Rail - Best Warp Banners to Pull On
Best Warp Banners
Honkai Star Rail - Warp Banner History
Warp Banner History
Honkai Star Rail - The Pity System Explained
Pity System Explained
Honkai Star Rail - HSR Warp Gacha Simulators
All Warp Simulators


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