Honkai: Star Rail

Arlan Best Builds and Teams

♦ Latest: Livestream Summary, 3.1 Summary & Amphoreus Guide
♦ Phase 1: Tribbie, Yunli, Hook, Lynx, Guinaifen
♦ Phase 2: Mydei, Huohuo, Arlan, Xueyi, Natasha
♦ 3.2 Characters: Castorice & Anaxa
♦ 3.3 Characters: Hyacine & Cipher
♦ New Events: The Awooo Firm & Protean Hero

Honkai Star Rail - Arlan Best Builds and Teams

Arlan is a Lightning and Destruction character in Honkai: Star Rail. Check out this guide for Arlan's best builds, team comps, relics, light cones, and how to play them here!

Arlan Character Overview

Arlan Basic Info and Rating

Arlan Basic Information
Star Rail - ArlanArlan Rarity
General Rating Endgame Rating
Star Rail - C Overall

Star Rail - C DPS
Star Rail - C MoC

Star Rail - C PF

Star Rail - C AS

General Ratings are based on E0.
Endgame Ratings are based on enemies and buffs for the current patch.

How do you rate Arlan?

SS 677
S 1273
A 196
B 124
C 402

Character Tier List

Arlan Stats

Level 1
Level 80
Stat Base Value
Stat Base Value

The stats indicated above are Arlan's base values. These numbers do not include the character's equipped Light Cone, Relics, or activated Trace nodes.

List of All Character Stats and Rank

Is Arlan Worth It?

Arlan is a DPS unit that doesn't need to use Skill Points and becomes stronger after losing a ton of HP. Despite his SP-Friendly playstyle, his damage output is very lackluster compared to other DPS units.

While it's possible to complete endgame content using Arlan, we recommend investing in other characters for a smoother playthrough.

Arlan's Best Builds

Lightning Main DPS Build

Base Build
Alternative Cones
Best Light Cone Relics and Ornament
Star Rail - Something Irreplaceable Light Cone Something Irreplaceable
Main Stats Sub Stats
Body: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Feet: SPD
Sphere: Lightning DMG
Rope: ATK%
CRIT Rate ★★★
SPD ★★
ATK% ★★

Arlan can be used as your typical DPS with CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG stats for optimal DMG. Scholar Lost in Erudition increases his CRIT Rate, Skill DMG, and Ultimate DMG.

Arlan should have at least 135 SPD to activate the Firmament Frontline Glamoth effect.

Recommended Stat Values

Stat Recommended Value
CRIT Rate 60% or above
CRIT DMG 120% or above
ATK 2500 or above
SPD 135+

Arlan's Best Team

Arlan F2P Team

DPS Support Support Shielder
Star Rail - ArlanArlan Star Rail - YukongYukong Star Rail - AstaAsta Star Rail - Trailblazer (Fire)Trailblazer (Fire)

Arlan prefers a full team consisting of two Supports and a Shielder. Yukong and Asta can increase his CRIT and SPD stats respectively while the Trailblazer can taunt enemies to prevent them from attacking a low HP Arlan.

Arlan Hypercarry Team

DPS Support Support Shielder
Star Rail - ArlanArlan Star Rail - BronyaBronya Star Rail - TingyunTingyun Star Rail - AventurineAventurine

Deal lots of DMG with Arlan by stacking buffs from Supports and using his skill to sacrifice HP for DMG. Use a Preservation character's shield to prevent Arlan from getting knocked out at low health.

Character Merits
Star Rail - WeltWelt Support Replacement
Welt can delay the enemy's turn to prevent the enemy from attacking Arlan.
Star Rail - PelaPela Support Replacement
Pela can reduce the enemy's DEF and strip buffs to increase DMG dealt by Arlan.
Star Rail - AstaAsta Support Replacement
Asta can increase the party's SPD and provide Arlan with ATK buffs.
Star Rail - Ruan MeiRuan Mei Support Replacement
Ruan Mei can increase the party's Break Efficiency and delay the enemies' recovery from Break.
Star Rail - GepardGepard Shielder Replacement
Gepard can provide shields with his Ultimate and can Freeze an enemy with his Skill.
Star Rail - LynxLynx Shielder Replacement
Lynx can increase the chances of Arlan getting hit while also providing him a good chunk of healing to prevent him from dying.
Star Rail - Fu XuanFu Xuan Shielder Replacement
Fu Xuan can decrease the DMG taken by Arlan and increase his CRIT Rate.

Arlan's Best Light Cones

All Recommended Light Cones

Light Cone Why We Recommend It
Star Rail - Something Irreplaceable Light Cone Something Irreplaceable ★★★★★ - Best
Something Irreplaceable is the best 5-Star Light Cone option for Arlan since it increases his ATK and boosts his DMG when she defeats an enemy or gets hit.
Star Rail - The Unreachable Side Light Cone The Unreachable Side ★★★★☆ - Great
The Unreachable Side is a great 5-Star Light Cone option for Arlan since it increases his CRIT Rate and Max HP. It also increases his DMG whenever he gets attacked.
Star Rail - On the Fall of an Aeon Light Cone On the Fall of an Aeon ★★★★☆ - Great
On the Fall of an Aeon is a great Light Cone for Arlan since it increases his ATK and provides a DMG boost whenever he inflicts Weakness Break on enemies.
Star Rail - Ninja Record - Sound Hunt Light Cone Ninja Record - Sound Hunt ★★★☆☆ - Good
Ninja Record: Sound Hunt is also a good Light cone for Arlan since it increases his HP and boosts his CRIT DMG whenever he heals or loses HP, which fits well with his kit.
Star Rail - A Secret Vow Light Cone A Secret Vow ★★★☆☆ - Good
A Secret Vow is a good 4-Star Light Cone for Arlan since it increases his DMG and lets him deal extra damage to enemies whose current HP is equal to or higher than his HP percentage, which synergizes with his kit.
Star Rail - The Moles Welcome You Light Cone The Moles Welcome You ★★★☆☆ - Good
The Moles Welcome You is a good Light Cone for Arlan if you don't have other options since it increases his ATK, which boosts his overall DMG.

Light Cone List & Guide

Arlan's Best Relics and Ornaments

All Recommended Relics and Ornaments

Relics Rating & Merits
Scholar Lost in Erudition Scholar Lost in Erudition x4 ★★★★★ - Best
Scholar is Arlan's best relic set since it gives him CRIT Rate and increases the damage of his Skill and Ultimate.
Band of Sizzling Thunder Band of Sizzling Thunder x4 ★★★★☆ - 2nd Best
Arlan's next best Relic set as it increases his Lightning DMG and ATK.
Longevous Disciple Longevous Disciple x4 ★★★☆☆ - 3rd Best
Arlan can get bonus CRIT Rate simply by using his Skill. The HP stat doesn't do much aside from increasing his Survivability.
Ornaments Merits
Firmament Frontline Glamoth Firmament Frontline Glamoth ★★★★★ - Best
The Best Ornament even when Arlan only reaches 135 SPD. Becomes a lot better if Arlan reaches 160 SPD through relic stats and SPD buffs.
Rutilant Arena Rutilant Arena ★★★★☆ - 2nd Best
Rutilant Arena increases his CRIT Rate and Skill DMG but needs a 70% CRIT Rate.
Inert Salsotto Inert Salsotto ★★★☆☆ - 3rd Best
Inert Salsotto increases his CRIT Rate and Ultimate DMG as long as he has 50% CRIT Rate.

Arlan Gameplay Guide

Arlan's Trace Priority

Trace Priority & Explanation
Basic Attack ★★☆☆☆ - Low Priority
Arlan's primary utility does not come from his Basic Attack damage. This should be the last Trace to be leveled up.
Skill ★★★★☆ - High Priority
Arlan's secondary source of damage for when his Ultimate is not up.
Ultimate ★★★★★ - Highest Priority
Arlan's Ultimate is his biggest source of damage. This Trace has equal priority with his Talent.
Talent ★★★★★ - Highest Priority
Gives Arlan a damage boost based on how much HP he lost, improving his overall damage.

See All Traces ▼

Arlan's Recommended Eidolons

Why We Recommend It
E1 ★★★☆☆ - Decent
Decent damage boost for his skill.
E2 ★★★★☆ - Good
Situational in use but allows him to ward off debuffs that could prove fatal.
E4 ★★★★☆ - Good
Very situational as most fights last longer than 2 turns. Good to have for survivability.
E6 ★★★★★ - Great
Increases his damage potential massively, especially in multi-target scenarios.

See All Eidolons ▼

Sacrifice HP for More DMG

Star Rail - Arlan can sacrifice his HP to deal more DMG

Arlan is a damage dealer who can get stronger by sacrificing his HP using his Skill. The lower his health percentage is from his Max HP, the stronger he gets.

Bring Preservation characters to the party to prevent Arlan from getting knocked out while he's low on health.

Ultimate can deal AoE DMG

Star Rail - Arlan

Arlan's Ultimate can deal tons of DMG to multiple enemies. Use Arlan's Ultimate on lined-up enemies who are weak to Lightning or when their Weakness is broken.

Self Sustains at Low Health

At later levels, when Arlan's health is below 30% and he defeats an enemy, he can heal himself based on his Max HP stat. If you need to heal quickly, simply take out enemies who can be easily knocked out.

If Arlan's health is at 50% HP, he gains a shield that will prevent DMG from the next attack directed at him.

Arlan Traces - Skills and Passives

Active Abilities

Level 1
Level 6
Level 8
Level 10
Trace Scaling and Explanation
Basic ATK Lightning Rush: Deals Lightning DMG equal to 50% of Arlan's ATK, to a single enemy.
Skill Shackle Breaker: Consumes Arlan's HP equal to 15% of his Max HP to deal Lightning DMG equal to 120% of Arlan's ATK to a single enemy. If Arlan does not have sufficient HP, his HP will be reduced to 1 after using his Skill.
Ultimate Frenzied Punishment: Deals Lightning DMG equal to 192% of Arlan's ATK to a single enemy and Lightning DMG equal to 96% of Arlan's ATK to any adjacent enemies.
Talent Pain and Anger: Increases Arlan's DMG for every percent of HP below his Max HP, up to a max of 36% more DMG.
Trace Scaling and Explanation
Basic ATK Lightning Rush: Deals Lightning DMG equal to 100% of Arlan's ATK to a single enemy.
Skill Shackle Breaker: Consumes Arlan's HP equal to 15% of his Max HP to deal Lightning DMG equal to 180% of Arlan's ATK to a single enemy. If Arlan does not have sufficient HP, his HP will be reduced to 1 after using his Skill.
Ultimate Frenzied Punishment: Deals Lightning DMG equal to 256% of Arlan's ATK to a single enemy and Lightning DMG equal to 128% of Arlan's ATK to enemies adjacent to it.
Talent Pain and Anger: Increases Arlan's DMG for every percent of HP below his Max HP, up to a max of 54% more DMG.
Trace Scaling and Explanation
Skill Shackle Breaker: Consumes Arlan's HP equal to 15% of his Max HP to deal Lightning DMG equal to 210% of Arlan's ATK to a single enemy. If Arlan does not have sufficient HP, his HP will be reduced to 1 after using his Skill.
Ultimate Frenzied Punishment: Deals Lightning DMG equal to 288% of Arlan's ATK to a single enemy and Lightning DMG equal to 144% of Arlan's ATK to enemies adjacent to it.
Talent Pain and Anger: Increases Arlan's DMG for every percent of HP below his Max HP, up to a max of 63% more DMG.
Trace Scaling and Explanation
Skill Shackle Breaker: Consumes Arlan's HP equal to 15% of his Max HP to deal Lightning DMG equal to 240% of Arlan's ATK to a single enemy. If Arlan does not have sufficient HP, his HP will be reduced to 1 after using his Skill.
Ultimate Frenzied Punishment: Deals Lightning DMG equal to 320% of Arlan's ATK to a single enemy and Lightning DMG equal to 160% of Arlan's ATK to enemies adjacent to it.
Talent Pain and Anger: Increases Arlan's DMG for every percent of HP below his Max HP, up to a max of 72% more DMG.

Basic ATK is maxed out at Level 6.

Technique and Bonus Abilities

Trace Scaling and Explanation
Technique Swift Harvest: Immediately attacks the enemy. After entering battle, deals Lightning DMG equal to 80% of Arlan's ATK to all enemies.
Stat Bonus:
1. ATK +4.0%
Bonus Ability Revival: If the current HP percentage is 30% or lower when defeating an enemy, immediately restores HP equal to 20% of Max HP.
Stat Bonus:
1. Effect RES +4.0%
2. ATK +4.0%
3. Max HP +4.0%
Bonus Ability Endurance: The chance to resist DoT debuffs increases by 50%.
Stat Bonus:
1. ATK +6.0%
2. Effect RES +6.0%
3. ATK +6.0%
Bonus Ability Repel: Upon entering battle, if Arlan's HP is at 50% of his Max HP or lower, he gains a Barrier that nullifies the next incoming attack.
Stat Bonus:
1. Max HP +6.0%
2. ATK +8.0%
3. Effect RES +8.0%

See Trace Priority ▲

Arlan's Eidolons

Eidolon Resonance Levels

E1 To the Bitter End
When HP is lower than or equal to 50% of Max HP, increases Skill's DMG by 10%.
E2 Breaking Free
Using Skill or Ultimate removes 1 debuff from oneself.
E3 Power Through
Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.
E4 Turn the Tables
When struck by a killing blow, instead of becoming knocked down, Arlan immediately restores his HP to 25% of his Max HP. This effect is automatically removed after it is triggered once or after 2 turn(s) have elapsed.
E5 Hammer and Tongs
Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
E6 Self-Sacrifice
When HP drops to 50% or below, Ultimate deals 20% more DMG. The DMG multiplier of DMG taken by the target enemy now applies to adjacent enemies as well.

See Recommended Eidolons ▲

Arlan Ascension and Trace Materials

Total Ascension Materials

Ascension Material Total

Total Trace Materials

All Trace Node Materials Total

Lvl Basic ATK Ascension Materials
2 Honkai: Star Rail - Shattered Blade x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Extinguished Core x4 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x4000
3 Honkai: Star Rail - Lifeless Blade x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Glimmering Core x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x8000
4 Honkai: Star Rail - Lifeless Blade x4 Honkai: Star Rail - Glimmering Core x3 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x16000
5 Honkai: Star Rail - Worldbreaker Blade x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Squirming Core x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x36000
6 Honkai: Star Rail - Worldbreaker Blade x6 Honkai: Star Rail - Squirming Core x3 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x128000
Lvl Skill, Talent, & Ult Ascension Materials
2 Honkai: Star Rail - Extinguished Core x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x2000 - -
3 Honkai: Star Rail - Shattered Blade x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Extinguished Core x4 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x4000 -
4 Honkai: Star Rail - Lifeless Blade x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Glimmering Core x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x8000 -
5 Honkai: Star Rail - Lifeless Blade x4 Honkai: Star Rail - Glimmering Core x3 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x16000 -
6 Honkai: Star Rail - Lifeless Blade x6 Honkai: Star Rail - Glimmering Core x5 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x24000 -
7 Honkai: Star Rail - Worldbreaker Blade x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Squirming Core x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x36000 -
8 Honkai: Star Rail - Destroyer x1 Honkai: Star Rail - Worldbreaker Blade x4 Honkai: Star Rail - Squirming Core x3 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x64000
9 Honkai: Star Rail - Destroyer x1 Honkai: Star Rail - Worldbreaker Blade x6 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x128000 -
10 Honkai: Star Rail - Tracks of Destiny x1 Honkai: Star Rail - Destroyer x1 Honkai: Star Rail - Worldbreaker Blade x11 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x240000
Nodes Bonus Stat and Abilities Materials
Ability 1 Honkai: Star Rail - Shattered Blade x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Destroyer x1 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x4000 -
Ability 2 Honkai: Star Rail - Lifeless Blade x4 Honkai: Star Rail - Destroyer x1 Honkai: Star Rail - Tracks of Destiny x1 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x16000
Ability 3 Honkai: Star Rail - Worldbreaker Blade x6 Honkai: Star Rail - Destroyer x1 Honkai: Star Rail - Tracks of Destiny x1 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x128000
Stat 1 Honkai: Star Rail - Extinguished Core x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x2000 - -
Stat 2 Honkai: Star Rail - Shattered Blade x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Extinguished Core x4 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x4000 -
Stat 3 Honkai: Star Rail - Lifeless Blade x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Glimmering Core x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x8000 -
Stat 4 Honkai: Star Rail - Lifeless Blade x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Glimmering Core x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x8000 -
Stat 5 Honkai: Star Rail - Lifeless Blade x4 Honkai: Star Rail - Glimmering Core x3 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x16000 -
Stat 6 Honkai: Star Rail - Worldbreaker Blade x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Squirming Core x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x36000 -
Stat 7 Honkai: Star Rail - Worldbreaker Blade x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Squirming Core x2 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x36000 -
Stat 8 Honkai: Star Rail - Worldbreaker Blade x6 Honkai: Star Rail - Squirming Core x6 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x128000 -
Stat 9 Honkai: Star Rail - Worldbreaker Blade x6 Honkai: Star Rail - Squirming Core x6 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x128000 -
Stat 10 Honkai: Star Rail - Worldbreaker Blade x6 Honkai: Star Rail - Squirming Core x6 Honkai: Star Rail - Credit x128000 -

Additional Arlan Information

How to Get Arlan

Pull from Mydei and Huohuo Banners

Honkai Star Rail - Version 3.1 Mydei Banner Phase 2

Arlan is one of the featured 4-star characters in Mydei and Huohuo's warp banners. Both banners run from March 19, 2025 to April 8, 2025 (UTC-5).

Pull From Any Banner

All Limited and Permanent Banners
Honkai Star Rail - Brilliant Fixation
Brilliant Fixation
Honkai Star Rail - Bloom in Gloom
Bloom in Gloom
Honkai Star Rail - Bygone Reminiscence
Bygone Reminiscence
Honkai Star Rail - Fiery Lionheart
Fiery Lionheart
Honkai Star Rail - Stellar Warp
Stellar Warp
Honkai Star Rail - Departure Warp
Departure Warp

You can get Arlan at a standard rate by pulling from any Warp Banner.

All Gacha (Warp) Banners

Background and Voice Actors

Voice Actor EN: Dani Chambers
JP: Ryoko Shiraishi
Faction / Affiliation Herta Space Station

Arlan's In-Game Lore

Faction Herta Space Station
Background The head of Herta Space Station's Security Department. This quiet boy hopes to protect the researchers who value their pursuit of knowledge and to help them complete their work.

Honkai: Star Rail Related Guides

Honkai Star Rail - Characters

▶︎ All Playable Characters

Characters by Rarity

Character Rarity
★★★★ ★★★★★

Characters by Path

Character Paths
Star Rail - The Destruction PathDestruction Star Rail - The Hunt PathThe Hunt Star Rail - The Erudition PathErudition Star Rail - The Harmony PathHarmony
Star Rail - The Nihility PathNihility Star Rail - The Preservation PathPreservation Star Rail - The Abundance PathAbundance Honkai Star Rail - The Remembrance PathRemembrance

Characters by Element

Character Elements
Honkai Star Rail Fire ElementFire Honkai Star Rail Ice ElementIce Honkai Star Rail Lightning ElementLightning Honkai Star Rail Wind ElementWind
Honkai Star Rail Quantum ElementQuantum Honkai Star Rail Imaginary ElementImaginary Honkai Star Rail Physical ElementPhysical

All Lightning Characters

Lightning Characters
Honkai Star Rail TingyunTingyun Honkai Star Rail ServalServal Honkai Star Rail KafkaKafka Honkai Star Rail Jing YuanJing Yuan
Honkai Star Rail BailuBailu Honkai Star Rail ArlanArlan Honkai Star Rail AcheronAcheron Honkai Star Rail MozeMoze
Honkai Star Rail - AglaeaAglaea


24 Anonymous6 months

Well, on the bright side, he can be very fun in divergent universe with destruction blessings and equations. I'm really glad the devs made it so that unbuilt characters could be used in this mode. Otherwise, they'd just be benched and unused forever 😭

23 Lupical7 months

lol I meant 19, not u XD


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