Honkai: Star Rail

Gallagher Best Builds and Teams

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Honkai Star Rail - Gallagher Best Builds and Teams

Gallagher is a Fire and Abundance character in Honkai: Star Rail. Check out this guide for Gallagher's best builds, team comps, relics, light cones, materials, and how to play them here!

Gallagher's Character Overview

Gallagher Basic Info and Rating

Gallagher Basic Information
Star Rail - GallagherGallagher Rarity
General Rating Endgame Rating
Star Rail - S+ Overall

Star Rail - S+ Sustain
Star Rail - S+ MoC

Star Rail - S+ PF

Star Rail - S+ AS

General Ratings are based on E0.
Endgame Ratings are based on enemies and buffs for the current patch.

How do you rate Gallagher?

SS 7763
S 948
A 314
B 34
C 85

Character Tier List

Gallagher Stats

Level 1
Level 80
Stat Base Value
Stat Base Value

The stats indicated above are Gallagher's base values. These numbers do not include the character's equipped Light Cone, Relics, or activated Trace nodes.

List of All Character Stats and Rank

Is Gallagher Worth Pulling?

Gallagher is a Break Effect sustain unit that can heal allies by inflicting a Besotted debuff on the enemy. Allies who attack the Besotted enemy will have their HP restored.

If you have units that benefit from enemies inflicted with debuffs or need a sustain unit who scales on the Break Effect stat, go ahead and pull for Gallagher!

Gallagher's Best Builds

Break Effect Healer Build

Base Build
Alternative Cones
Best Light Cone Relics and Ornament
Star Rail - Scent Alone Stays True Light Cone Scent Alone Stays True
Main Stats Sub Stats
Body: Outgoing Healing
Feet: SPD
Sphere: HP% or DEF%
Rope: Energy Regen
Break Effect ★★★
SPD ★★★
HP% ★★
Effect RES ★★

Gallagher would need at least 150% Break Effect in combat to maximize the Outgoing Healing buff from his Bonus Ability.

As for Gallagher's Rope piece, Energy Regeneration is the best for more frequent Ultimates. You can opt to use Break Effect to reach his 150% BE requirement and increase his damage in Super Break teams.

Recommended Stat Values

Stat Recommended Value
Break Effect 150%
SPD Any Speed Breakpoint
145 if using Talia

Gallagher's Best Teams

Gallagher F2P Team (Free to Play)

Healer DPS Support Support
Star Rail - GallagherGallagher Star Rail - March 7th (Imaginary)March 7th (Imaginary) Star Rail - Trailblazer (Imaginary)Trailblazer (Imaginary) Star Rail - AstaAsta

Gallagher can act as your typical healer in this free-to-play team comp. He can heal a party member as long as they attack the enemy affected with Besotted.

March 7th will act as your Main Break DPS here while the Harmony Trailblazer and Asta buff him up with Break Effect and SPD buffs respectively.

Gallagher Break Effect Teams

Healer DPS Support Support
Star Rail - GallagherGallagher Star Rail - FireflyFirefly Star Rail - FugueFugue Star Rail - Ruan MeiRuan Mei

Gallagher can work especially well with Supports that can increase the party's Break Effect. Fugue and Ruan Mei can help increase everyone's Break Effect and deal a lot of DMG on a Weakness Broken enemy.

Alternative Explanation
Star Rail - BoothillBoothill DPS Replacement
Boothill is a great alternative when up against Elite enemies.
Star Rail - RappaRappa DPS Replacement
Rappa is a great alternative when up against more than three enemies.
Star Rail - XueyiXueyi DPS Replacement
Xueyi is a free-to-play option whose DMG scales on the Break Effect stat.
Star Rail - Trailblazer (Imaginary)Trailblazer (Imaginary) Support Replacement
The Harmony Trailblazer can enable Super Break DMG with their Ultimate.
Star Rail - BronyaBronya Support Replacement
Bronya can provide extra turns and DMG buffs for the DPS to use.
Star Rail - AventurineAventurine Healer Replacement
Aventurine can provide shields and easily break Imaginary Weaknesses with his follow-up attack.
Star Rail - HuohuoHuohuo Healer Replacement
Huohuo can provide AoE healing and restore the energy of the entire party.

Gallagher Generalist Teams

Healer DPS Support Support
Star Rail - GallagherGallagher Star Rail - AcheronAcheron Star Rail - JiaoqiuJiaoqiu Star Rail - PelaPela
Star Rail - GallagherGallagher Star Rail - Dr. RatioDr. Ratio Star Rail - TopazTopaz Star Rail - RobinRobin

Gallagher can be a great sustain option for DPS characters who perform better against debuffed enemies.

Gallagher's debuffs can increase Acheron's Slashed Dream stacks and can provide Dr. Ratio more chances to unleash his follow-up attack.

Alternative Explanation
Star Rail - TingyunTingyun Support Replacement
Tingyun can increase the ATK of the DPS and provide Energy restoration.
Star Rail - WeltWelt Support Replacement
Welt can Slow enemies down with his Skill and delay the enemy's turns with his Ultimate.
Star Rail - GuinaifenGuinaifen Support Replacement
Guinaifen can provide Burn DoTs and increase the DMG taken by the enemy.

Gallagher Fire-Quantum Team

Healer DPS Support Support
Star Rail - GallagherGallagher Star Rail - HimekoHimeko Star Rail - TopazTopaz Star Rail - Silver WolfSilver Wolf

This team comp is viable in certain content where the enemy is weak to Quantum but not to Fire. Silver Wolf is a must-have for this team as she can implant the missing Fire Weakness on an enemy.

Alternative Explanation
Star Rail - HookHook DPS Replacement
Hook is a Fire DPS who specializes in strong single-target DMG.
Star Rail - GuinaifenGuinaifen Support Replacement
Guinaifen is a Burn DoT unit that can increase the DMG taken by enemies.
Star Rail - AstaAsta Support Replacement
Free-to-play option with SPD and ATK buffs. Asta is also great for Weakness Break against enemies weak to Fire.

Gallagher's Best Relics and Ornaments

All Recommended Relics and Ornaments

Relics Rating & Merits
Passerby of Wandering Cloud Passerby of Wandering Cloud x2
Messenger Traversing Hackerspace Messenger Traversing Hackerspace x2
★★★★★ - Best
Gallagher simply needs Outgoing Healing, Speed, and Break Effect to be effective. So a combination of a 2pc. Passerby and a 2pc. Hackerspace set, while relying on BE substats his best relic build.
Thief of Shooting Meteor Thief of Shooting Meteor x2
Watchmaker, Master of Dream Machinations Watchmaker, Master of Dream Machinations x2
★★★★☆ - 2nd Best
A mix of Thief of Shooting Meteor and Watchmaker, Master of Dream Machinations is a great alternative since both two-piece sets provide him 16% Break Effect.
Thief of Shooting Meteor Thief of Shooting Meteor x4 ★★★☆☆ - 3rd Best
A full 4 piece set of the Thief of Shooting Meteor relic set can be good for certain situations where you know Gallagher is the one who will do majority of the weakness breaking.
Ornaments Merits
Forge of the Kalpagni Lantern Forge of the Kalpagni Lantern ★★★★★ - Best
Forge of the Kalpagni Lantern provides Gallagher with SPD and Break Effect buffs, with the latter being applicable as long as he attacks an enemy with a Fire Weakness.
Talia: Kingdom of Banditry Talia: Kingdom of Banditry ★★★★☆ - 2nd Best
Talia: Kingdom of Banditry can provide Gallagher with a lot of Break Effect which will increase his healing output. This requires Gallagher to have at least 145 SPD.
Giant Tree of Rapt Brooding Giant Tree of Rapt Brooding ★★★☆☆ - 3rd Best
Giant Tree of Rapt Brooding is Gallagher's best Ornament if she isn't being used in Break teams. This increases his Outgoing Healing and SPD.

Relic List & Guide

Gallagher's Best Light Cones

All Recommended Light Cones

Light Cone Why We Recommend It
Star Rail - Scent Alone Stays True Light Cone Scent Alone Stays True ★★★★★ - Best
Scent Alone Stays True is Gallagher's best Light Cone since it provides a huge amount of Break Effect and can increase the damage taken by enemies.
Star Rail - Night of Fright Light Cone Night of Fright ★★★★★ - Best
Night of Fright increases Gallagher's Energy Regeneration and can help heal the ally with the lowest HP. This Light Cone can also increase the healed ally's ATK.
Star Rail - Quid Pro Quo Light Cone Quid Pro Quo ★★★★☆ - Great
Quid Pro Quo is Gallagher's best free-to-play Light Cone since it provides energy to a random party member with below 50% energy.
Star Rail - Multiplication Light Cone Multiplication ★★★★☆ - Great
Advances Gallagher forward whenever he does a Basic ATK. Great for Basic Attack spamming to chip away at Fire-Weak Toughness bars. However, this is at the expense of his survivability.
Star Rail - Post-Op Conversation Light Cone Post-Op Conversation ★★★★☆ - Great
Post-Op Conversation is great since it increases Gallagher's Energy Regeneration and improves his Outgoing Healing after using his Ultimate.
Star Rail - Dream Dream's Montage ★★★★☆ - Great
Dream's Montage provides Gallagher some SPD and helps her regenerate energy by attacking Weakness Broken enemies.
Star Rail - What Is Real Light Cone What Is Real ★★★★☆ - Great
What is Real? is a free-to-play Light Cone for healing output. This increases his Break Effect and can allow him to heal himself when he uses a Basic ATK.
Star Rail - Perfect Timing Light Cone Perfect Timing ★★★★☆ - Great
Perfect Timing can increase Gallagher's healing depending on the amount of Effect RES he has. This is great since Gallagher can get Effect RES stats from his Traces.
Star Rail - Time Waits for No One Light Cone Time Waits for No One ★★★★☆ - Great
Time Waits for No One increases Gallagher's Outgoing Healing and can help deal additional DMG when an ally attacks an enemy.

Light Cone List & Guide

Gallagher Ascension and Trace Materials

Total Ascension Materials

Ascension Material Total

Lvl. Character Ascension Materials
20 ➔ 30
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x3,200
30 ➔ 40
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x6,400
40 ➔ 50
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x12,800
50 ➔ 60
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x32,000
60 ➔ 70
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x64,000
70 ➔ 80
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x128,000

Total Trace Materials

All Trace Node Materials Total

Lvl Basic ATK Ascension Materials
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x4,000
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x8,000
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x16,000
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x36,000
Star Rail - Credit Item Credit x128,000
Lvl Skill, Talent, & Ult Ascension Materials
Nodes Bonus Stat and Abilities Materials
Ability 1
Ability 2
Ability 3
Stat 1
Stat 2
Stat 3
Stat 4
Stat 5
Stat 6
Stat 7
Stat 8
Stat 9
Stat 10

Gallagher's Gameplay Guide

Skill Heals a Target Ally

Gallagher can use his Skill, Special Brew, to heal one ally at a set amount of HP.

Ultimate Inflicts a Debuff and Enhances Basic ATK

Gallagher's Ultimate, Champagne Etiquette deals Fire DMG to all enemies putting all of them in a Besotted state. After casting his Ultimate, it will enhance his next Basic ATK.

Allies' HP Recovers When Attacking Debuffed Enemies

Gallagher's Talent allows allies to receive healing whenever they attack an enemy affected with Besotted. Enemies in the Besotted state will also take an increased amount of Break DMG.

Enhanced Basic ATK Reduces an Enemy's ATK

After Gallagher's Ultimate enhances his next Basic ATK, it will now deal powerful DMG to an enemy and also reduce the target's ATK.

Technique Inflicts the Same Debuff

When Gallagher attacks an enemy with his Technique, Artisan Elixir, all enemies will be inflicted with the same special debuff that his Ultimate also inflicts!

Gallagher's Trace Priority

Combat Traces

Trace Priority & Explanation
Basic Attack ★★☆☆☆ - Low Priority
You can save Gallagher's Basic ATK for last as he's not meant to be a DPS.
Skill ★★★★☆ - High Priority
Gallagher's Skill increases his manual healing.
Ultimate ★★☆☆☆ - Low Priority
Upgrading Gallagher's Ultimate simply increases the DMG, which won't be a lot to begin with.
Talent ★★★★★ - Highest Priority
Gallagher's Talent is the most important Trace as this increases the Break DMG taken by enemies and increases the healing when an ally attacks a Besotted enemy.

Bonus Abilities

Trace Priority & Explanation
Novel Concoction ★★★★★ - Highest Priority
Gallagher's Outgoing Healing can be increased depending on the amount of Break Effect he has.
Organic Yeast ★★★★★ - Highest Priority
Gallagher's Ultimate can put him in front of the turn order.
Bottoms Up ★★★★☆ - High Priority
Gallagher can heal other allies with his Enhanced Basic ATK.

Gallagher's Traces (Skills and Kit)

Active Abilities

Level 1
Level 6
Level 8
Level 10
Trace Scaling and Explanation
Skill Special Brew: Immediately heals a target ally for 200 HP.
Talent Tipsy Tussle: The Besotted state makes targets receive 6.0% more Break DMG. Every time a Besotted target is attacked by an ally, the attacking ally's HP is restored by 80.
Ultimate Champagne Etiquette: Inflicts Besotted on all enemies, lasting for 2 turn(s). At the same time, deals Fire DMG equal to 75% of Gallagher's ATK to all enemies, and enhances his next Basic ATK to Nectar Blitz.
Basic ATK Corkage Fee: Deals Fire DMG equal to 50% of Gallagher's ATK to a single target enemy.

Nectar Blitz: Deals Fire DMG equal to 125% of Gallagher's ATK to a single target enemy. Reduces the target's ATK by 10.0%, lasting for 2 turn(s).
Trace Scaling and Explanation
Skill Special Brew: Immediately heals a target ally for 984 HP.
Talent Tipsy Tussle: The Besotted state makes targets receive 9.0% more Break DMG. Every time a Besotted target gets attacked by an ally, the attacking ally's HP is restored by 394.
Ultimate Champagne Etiquette: Inflicts Besotted on all enemies, lasting for 2 turn(s). At the same time, deals Fire DMG equal to 112.5% of Gallagher's ATK to all enemies, and enhances his next Basic ATK to Nectar Blitz.
Basic ATK Corkage Fee: Deals Fire DMG equal to 100% of Gallagher's ATK to a single enemy.

Nectar Blitz: Deals Fire DMG equal to 250% of Gallagher's ATK to a single target enemy. Reduces the target's ATK by 15%, lasting for 2 turn(s).
Trace Scaling and Explanation
Skill Special Brew: Immediately heals a target ally for 1292 HP.
Talent Tipsy Tussle: The Besotted state makes targets receive 10.5% more Break DMG. Every time a Besotted target gets attacked by an ally, the attacking ally's HP is restored by 517.
Ultimate Champagne Etiquette: Inflicts Besotted on all enemies, lasting for 2 turn(s). At the same time, deals Fire DMG equal to 131.25% of Gallagher's ATK to all enemies, and enhances his next Basic ATK to Nectar Blitz.
Trace Scaling and Explanation
Skill Special Brew: Immediately heals a target ally for 1600 HP.
Talent Tipsy Tussle: The Besotted state makes targets receive 12% more Break DMG. Every time a Besotted target gets attacked by an ally, the attacking ally's HP is restored by 640.
Ultimate Champagne Etiquette: Inflicts Besotted on all enemies, lasting for 2 turn(s). At the same time, deals Fire DMG equal to 150% of Gallagher's ATK to all enemies, and enhances his next Basic ATK to Nectar Blitz.

Basic ATK is maxed out at Level 6.

Technique and Bonus Abilities

Trace Scaling and Explanation
Technique Artisan Elixir: Immediately attacks the enemy. Upon entering battle, inflicts Besotted on all enemies lasting for 2 turn(s) and deals Fire DMG equal to 50% of Gallagher's ATK to all enemies.
Stat Bonus:
1. Effect RES +4.0%
2. Max HP +8.0%
Bonus Ability Bottoms Up: When Gallagher uses Nectar Blitz to attack Besotted enemies, the HP Restore effect of his Talent will also apply to other allies for this time.
Stat Bonus:
1. Effect RES +8.0%
2. Max HP +6.0%
Bonus Ability Organic Yeast: After using the Ultimate, immediately Advances Forward this unit's Action by 100%.
Stat Bonus:
1. Effect RES +6.0%
2. Break Effect +8.0%
3. Effect RES +6.0%
Bonus Ability Novel Concoction: Increases this unit's Outgoing Healing by an amount equal to 50% of Break Effect, up to a maximum Outgoing Healing increase of 75%.
Stat Bonus:
1. Break Effect +5.3%
2. Effect RES +4.0%
3. Max HP +4.0%

Gallagher's Eidolons

Recommended Eidolons

Why We Recommend It
E1 ★★★★☆ - Great
Gallagher restores energy and has a permanent 50% Effect RES boost at the start of the battle. You can build Gallagher with less Effect RES stats.
E2 ★★★★★ - Amazing
Gallagher's Skill can now cleanse allies and provide an Effect RES buff.
E4 ★★★★★ - Amazing
The Besotted debuff uptime gets increased, giving you more chances to heal your party members.
E6 ★★★☆☆ - Good
Provides Gallagher a decent Break Effect boost and increases his own Break Efficiency.

All Eidolon Resonance Effects

E1 Salty Dog
When entering the battle, Gallagher regenerates 20 Energy and increases Effect RES by 50%.
E2 Lion's Tail
When using the Skill, removes 1 debuff(s) from the target ally. At the same time, increases their Effect RES by 30%, lasting for 2 turn(s).
E3 Corpse Reviver
Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.
E4 Last Word
Extends the duration of the Besotted state inflicted by Gallagher's Ultimate by 1 turn(s).
E5 Death in the Afternoon
Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
E6 Blood and Sand
Increases Gallagher's Break Effect by 20% and Weakness Break Efficiency by 20%.

Additional Gallagher Information

How to Get Gallagher

Pull from Castorice and Indelible Coterie Banners

Honkai Star Rail - 3.2 Phase 1 Character Banners

Gallagher is one of the featured 4-star characters in the upcoming Castorice and Indelible Coterie warp banners. Both banners will run from April 8, 2025 to April 30, 2025 (UTC-5).

Pull From Any Banner

Limited Banners
Honkai Star Rail - Fiery Lionheart
Fiery Lionheart
Honkai Star Rail - Bloom in Gloom
Bloom in Gloom

You can get Gallagher at a standard rate by pulling from any Warp Banner.

All Gacha (Warp) Banners

Background and Voice Actors

Voice Actor EN: Erik Braa
JP: Satoshi Mikami
Faction / Affiliation Bloodhound Family

Gallagher's In-Game Lore

Faction Penacony
Background A security officer of the Bloodhound Family at Penacony. He is always courteous toward visiting guests but keeps his vigilance about him. He seems to carry a weight of a complicated past, yet he never voluntarily divulges any details.

Honkai: Star Rail Related Guides

Honkai Star Rail - Characters

▶︎ All Playable Characters

Characters by Rarity

Character Rarity
★★★★ ★★★★★

Characters by Path

Character Paths
Star Rail - The Destruction PathDestruction Star Rail - The Hunt PathThe Hunt Star Rail - The Erudition PathErudition Star Rail - The Harmony PathHarmony
Star Rail - The Nihility PathNihility Star Rail - The Preservation PathPreservation Star Rail - The Abundance PathAbundance Honkai Star Rail - The Remembrance PathRemembrance

Characters by Element

Character Elements
Honkai Star Rail Fire ElementFire Honkai Star Rail Ice ElementIce Honkai Star Rail Lightning ElementLightning Honkai Star Rail Wind ElementWind
Honkai Star Rail Quantum ElementQuantum Honkai Star Rail Imaginary ElementImaginary Honkai Star Rail Physical ElementPhysical

All Fire Characters

Fire Characters
Honkai Star Rail Fire TrailblazerTrailblazer (Fire) Honkai Star Rail HookHook Honkai Star Rail HimekoHimeko Honkai Star Rail AstaAsta
Honkai Star Rail - TopazTopaz Honkai Star Rail - GuinaifenGuinaifen Honkai Star Rail - GallagherGallagher Honkai Star Rail - FireflyFirefly
Honkai Star Rail - Jiaoqiu Jiaoqiu Honkai Star Rail - Lingsha Lingsha Honkai Star Rail - FugueFugue


51 Anonymousabout 2 months

There's a typo for the description in the lightcone section for Dream's Montage, saying "her" not "his."

50 Anonymous5 months

I think QPQ is another good option for Gallagher because give 16 energy at S5 to one of the members when Gallagher takes action and with a good speed he can sustain easily, specially when you are using the ultimate.


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