Far Cry 6

Com.Pew.Ter Location: Weapon Stats and Info

This is a page for the weapon Com.Pew.Ter from Far Cry 6. Learn about this Shotgun's stats, other useful info, as well as how to get Com.Pew.Ter!

Com.Pew.Ter Stats

Basic Information

Far Cry 6 - Com.Pew.Ter
Rank 3

Weapon Stats

Damage Damage Stat Bar
Velocity Velocity Stat Bar
Accuracy Accuracy Stat Bar
Stealth Stealth Stat Bar
Handling Handling Stat Bar
Rate of Fire 120 Magazine 12

How to Get Com.Pew.Ter

Com.Pew.Ter Location

Map Location Contraband Location

Region: Valle De Oro
Located in Taino Peak Relay Station at Bandido Escarpment, Noventarmas.

The weapon can be located on top of an observation tower in the base.

All Unique Weapon Locations (Yaran Contraband)

Com.Pew.Ter Mods

Attachment Mods

Ammo Mods

Mods Description
Shotgun Shells High-Caliber single-shot rounds

Muzzle Mods

No mods of this type are available for this weapon.

Optical Mods

Mods Description
Micro Reflex Sight Short-range sight

Pointer Mods

Mods Description
Laser Pointer Improves bullet spread with firing from the hip

Canted Sights Mods

No mods of this type are available for this weapon.

Shotgun Mods

Mods Description
Preloader Improves the speed of replacing a partially used mag

Far Cry 6 Related Links

Far Cry 6 Weapons Banner.jpg

List of Weapons

List of Shotguns

Far Cry 6 - “Libertad Custom” SPAS-12“Libertad Custom” SPAS-12 Currently Unavailable1887 Far Cry 6 - 1887 Sawed-Off1887 Sawed-Off
Far Cry 6 - Big TopBig Top Currently UnavailableCartomancer Far Cry 6 - Ciervo MachoCiervo Macho
Far Cry 6 - Com.Pew.TerCom.Pew.Ter Far Cry 6 - El RubiEl Rubi Far Cry 6 - Excavation ExecutionExcavation Execution
Currently UnavailableHeavy Metal Far Cry 6 - HumidoraHumidora Currently UnavailableJade Dragon
Currently UnavailableJungle Expedition Special Far Cry 6 - KSGKSG Far Cry 6 - M133M133
Far Cry 6 - RMS-18RMS-18 Far Cry 6 - SBSSBS Far Cry 6 - SPAS-12SPAS-12
Far Cry 6 - SuperchargerSupercharger Far Cry 6 - The True LoyalistThe True Loyalist

All Weapon Types

All Weapon Types
Rifles Shotguns SMGs
LMGs Sniper Rifles Resolver Weapons
Bows Launchers Pistols
Unique Weapons


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