Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX Switch

Wynaut Learned Moves, Evolution and Locations

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This is a page about the Pokemon Wynaut in the game Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX for Nintendo Switch. Learn Wynaut's Moves, Abilities, Rescue Camp, Evolution Chain, and which Dungeons Wynaut can be found in.

Basic Information


Wynaut Image
Type 1 Type 2
Psychic -


Ability Effect
Shadow Tag Enemies next to the Pokemon can't walk. This Ability has no effect on Ghost-type Pokemon and Pokemon with the Run Away or Shadow Tag Ability.

Is Recruiting Wynaut Worth It?

Check out our list on Best Pokemon for the Story to find out which Pokemon are best to recruit!

Best Pokemon for the Story

Learned Moves

By Level Up

Lv. Move Type Effect
Base Splash NormalNormal You flop wholeheartedly and jump over an enemy or teammate.
Base Charm FairyFairy It sharply lowers the enemy's Attack.
Base Encore NormalNormal It demands an Encore from an enemy.
15 Counter FightingFighting You'll get the Counter status condition, which enables you to counter when you take damage from a physical move.
15 Mirror Coat PsychicPsychic You'll get the Mirror Coat condition, which enables you to counter when you take damage from a special move.
15 Safeguard NormalNormal You and your teammates in the same room get the Safeguard condition, which prevents you from having bad statuses.
15 Destiny Bond GhostGhost It causes the Destiny Bond condition. The enemy will sustain the same amount of damage that you take. But be careful, its chance of failing rises if used repeatedly.


Move Type Effect
Safeguard NormalNormal You and your teammates in the same room get the Safeguard condition, which prevents you from having bad statuses.

By Move Tutor

Tutor Move Type Effect


Evolution Chain

Pokemon How to Evolve
WynautWynaut -
WobbuffetWobbuffet Evolves from Wynaut at Lv. 15

Can Wynaut Mega Evolve?

This Pokemon can not Mega Evolve.

How to Get Wynaut

Dungeons Where Wynaut is Found

This Pokemon is not found in any Dungeons.

Wynaut's Rescue Camp

Rescue Camp Price
Echo Cave 2700

Related Links

Pikachu Banner.png

Starter Pokemon

Cyndaquil ImageCyndaquil Totodile ImageTotodile Pikachu ImagePikachu Mudkip ImageMudkip
Treecko ImageTreecko Psyduck ImagePsyduck Chikorita ImageChikorita Charmander ImageCharmander
Bulbasaur ImageBulbasaur Torchic ImageTorchic Cubone ImageCubone Machop ImageMachop
Eevee ImageEevee Squirtle ImageSquirtle Skitty ImageSkitty Meowth ImageMeowth

Pokemon by Type

Pokemon by Type
Fire.jpegFire Water.jpegWater Grass.jpegGrass
Electric.jpegElectric Ice.jpegIce Fighting.jpegFighting
Poison.jpegPoison Ground.jpegGround Flying.jpegFlying
Psychic.jpegPsychic Bug.jpegBug Rock.jpegRock
Ghost.jpegGhost Dragon.jpegDragon Dark.jpegDark
Fairy.jpegFairy Steel.jpegSteel Normal.jpegNormal

Legendary Pokemon

List of Legendary Pokemon


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