Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX Switch

List of Fighting-type Moves

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This is a list of all Fighting-type Moves appearing in the game Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX on the Nintendo Switch. Read on to find out the Initial PP, Effect, Range and Target of each Move!

Moves by Type
Fire.jpegFire Water.jpegWater Grass.jpegGrass
Electric.jpegElectric Ice.jpegIce Fighting.jpegFighting
Poison.jpegPoison Ground.jpegGround Flying.jpegFlying
Psychic.jpegPsychic Bug.jpegBug Rock.jpegRock
Ghost.jpegGhost Dragon.jpegDragon Dark.jpegDark
Fairy.jpegFairy Steel.jpegSteel Normal.jpegNormal

List of Fighting-type Moves

Move Effect
Arm Thrust It damages an enemy 2 to 5 times in a row.
Aura Sphere It damages an enemy, even one far away. It never misses.
Brick Break It damages an enemy. It also shatters the enemy's Reflect, Light Screen, and Aurora Veil conditions.
Bulk Up It boosts your Attack and Defense. The stats return to normal when you go to the next floor or step on a Wonder Tile.
Circle Throw It damages an enemy and blows the enemy away in a straight line. It causes more damage if the enemy crashes into a wall or a Pokemon.
Close Combat It damages an enemy but also lowers your Defense and Sp. Def. The stats return to normal when you go to the next floor or step on a Wonder Tile.
Counter You'll get the Counter status condition, which enables you to counter when you take damage from a physical move.
Cross Chop It damages an enemy. It has a high critical-hit rate.
Detect You'll Protect yourself from enemies' moves. But its chance of failure rises if you use it after you've already used a move that blocks enemies' attacks.
Double Kick It damages an enemy 2 times in a row.
Drain Punch It damages an enemy. It also restores your HP. The greater the damage caused, the more HP it restores.
Dynamic Punch It damages an enemy. It also makes the enemy Confused.
Final Gambit It lowers your HP to 1 and damages an enemy by an amount equal to your reduced HP.
Focus Blast It damages a Pokemon, even one far away. It could also lower the enemy's Sp. Def.
Focus Punch You'll get the Focus Punch condition, focusing your mind and damaging your enemy during the next turn.
Force Palm It damages an enemy. It could also cause Paralysis.
Hammer Arm It damages an enemy, but it also lowers your Travel Speed. The stat returns to normal after a while.
High Jump Kick It damages an enemy. But if it misses, you'll hurt yourself!
Jump Kick It damages an enemy. But if it misses, you'll get hurt.
Karate Chop It damages an enemy. It has a high critical-hit rate.
Low Kick It damages an enemy. The heavier the enemy, the greater the damage.
Low Sweep It damages an enemy. It also lowers the enemy's Travel Speed.
Mach Punch It damages an enemy. It reaches up to 2 tiles away.
Power-Up Punch It damages an enemy. It also boosts your Attack. The stat returns to normal when you go to the next floor or step on a Wonder Tile.
Quick Guard You and your teammates in the same room will get the Quick Guard condition, which protects you from faraway enemies' moves.
Revenge You'll get the Bide status for a little while, and then you'll damage an enemy. The more damage you take while biding, the greater the damage you can cause.
Reversal It damages an enemy. The lower your HP is, the greater the damage it causes.
Rolling Kick It damages an enemy. It could also make the enemy Flinch.
Seismic Toss You'll throw your teammate or an enemy in front of you at another Pokemon or at a trap.
Sky Uppercut It damages an enemy. It can hit an enemy that's in the air from using Fly and the like.
Storm Throw It damages an enemy. It always results in a critical hit.
Submission It damages an enemy-but you'll receive recoil damage, too.
Superpower It unleashes awesome power, damaging an enemy but also lowering your Attack and Defense due to fatigue. The stats return to normal when you go to the next floor or step on a Wonder Tile.
Triple Kick It damages an enemy 3 times in a row.
Vacuum Wave It damages an enemy. It reaches up to 2 tiles away.
Vital Throw It damages an enemy. It never misses.
Wake-Up Slap It damages an enemy. It causes more damage if the enemy is in the Sleep, Nightmare, or Napping condition, but it will wake the enemy up.

Related Links

Moves Banner.png

List of Moves Best Moves Tier List
Moves by Type
Fire.jpegFire Water.jpegWater Grass.jpegGrass
Electric.jpegElectric Ice.jpegIce Fighting.jpegFighting
Poison.jpegPoison Ground.jpegGround Flying.jpegFlying
Psychic.jpegPsychic Bug.jpegBug Rock.jpegRock
Ghost.jpegGhost Dragon.jpegDragon Dark.jpegDark
Fairy.jpegFairy Steel.jpegSteel Normal.jpegNormal


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