Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Deadly Scythe Ability Effects and How to Unlock

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Deadly Scythe is a Class Ability in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes (FEW3H). Read on to find out how to unlock Deadly Scythe, as well as the effects of this ability.

Deadly Scythe Overview

Deadly Scythe
Deadly Scythe Icon
Effect Grants combat arts and magic a rare chance to instantly defeat non-commander units.
Ability Type Class Ability

How to Unlock Deadly Scythe

Unlocked by Equipping a Class

Primary Class Abilities are immediately unlocked upon equipping a new Class. These are directly tied to the Class and are removed upon switching to a different one. Below are the Classes that use Deadly Scythe.

Classes to Equip
Death Knight

Classes Guide: All Class Stats and Abilities

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes Related Guides

Class Abilities Partial.png
List of Class Abilities and Effects

List of Class Abilities

Class Level Class Abilities
Charm Icon Charm
Fire Icon Fire
Heal Icon Heal
Steal Icon Steal
Pass Icon Pass
Deadly Scythe Icon Deadly Scythe


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