The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Walkthrough Comments

All Outfits and Clothing LocationsComment

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    5 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    The Disguise has the effect of changing dialogue for many NPCs so that Zelda isn't recognized. It has its own unique dialogue that other sets don't have. For example, this can be seen with the NPCs inside the Hyrule Castle Town shop to quickly test this.

    4 Cpt Obvious6 monthsReport

    Black Cat Clothes aren't just Ganon amiibo. It's any Zelda series amiibo that isn't Link or Zelda, meaning the Champions, Guardian, and Bokoblin also work.

    3 Indimoon6 monthsReport

    If you Talk to the Yeti he will comment your Outfit

    2 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    there is the pijama costume obtained after the gerudo general quest giving to ability to recover hp faster in bed

    1 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    there is the cat costume obtaine durung a quest in Kakariko from an old man missing his cat give the ability to talk to cats

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