Pikmin 3 Deluxe Walkthrough & Guides Wiki

Pikmin 3 Deluxe Walkthrough Wiki.png

Welcome to Game8's guide wiki for Pikimin 3 on the Nintendo Switch. For mission walkthroughs, boss battles, fruit and treasure locations, enemy strategy guides, Pikmin types, as well as new features to Pikmin 3 Deluxe, we've got you covered!

Pikmin 3 Deluxe Story Mode Walkthrough

Story Walkthrough Banner.png

Complete Story Walkthrough

Exploration Day 1Exploration Day 1 -
Garden of Hope
WhereWhere's Brittany? The CaptainThe Captain's Signal?
Defeat the Armored MawdadDefeat the Armored Mawdad! -
Distant Tundra
Reunite with Brittany!Reunite With Brittany! WhereWhere's the Captain?
Defeat the Vehemoth Phosbat!Defeat the Vehemoth Phosbat! -
Tropical Wilds
Find the Cosmic-Drive Key!Find the Cosmic-Drive Key! -
Twilight River
To Twilight River!To Twilight River! Save Olimar!Save Olimar!
Defeat the Scornet Maestro!Defeat the Scornet Maestro! -
Garden of Hope (Revisited)
Follow Olimar!Follow Olimar! Find the Hocotatian!Find the Hocotatian!
Save the Hocotatian!Save the Hocotatian! -
Formidable Oak
Head to the Formidable OakHead to the Formidable Oak Find Captain Olimar!Find Captain Olimar!
Save Captain Olimar!Save Captain Olimar! -

Pikmin 3 Deluxe Fruit

Fruits Banner.png

How to Get All Fruit

All Fruit Locations
Fire-Breathing Feast.pngFire-Breathing Feast Velvety Dreamdrop.pngVelvety Dreamdrop Astringent Clump.pngAstringent Clump
Tremendous Sniffer.pngTremendous Sniffer Wayward Moon.pngWayward Moon Zest Bomb.pngZest Bomb
Slapstick Crescent.pngSlapstick Crescent Juicy Gaggle.pngJuicy Gaggle Lesser Mock Bottom.pngLesser Mock Bottom
Crunchy Deluge.pngCrunchy Deluge Mock Bottom.pngMock Bottom Searing Acidshock.pngSearing Acidshock
Seed Hive.pngSeed Hive Stellar Extrusion.pngStellar Extrusion Citrus Lump.jpgCitrus Lump
Pocked Airhead.pngPocked Airhead Face Wrinkler.pngFace Wrinkler Insect Condo.pngInsect Condo
HeroineHeroine's Tear Sunseed Berry.pngSunseed Berry Crimson Banquet.pngCrimson Banquet
Disguised Delicacy.pngDisguised Delicacy Blonde Impostor.pngBlonde Impostor Dawn Pustules.pngDawn Pustules
Delectable Bouquet.pngDelectable Bouquet Dusk Pustules.pngDusk Pustules CupidCupid's Grenade
Dapper Blob.pngDapper Blob Portable Sunset.pngPortable Sunset Scaly Custard.pngScaly Custard

Pikmin 3 Deluxe Side Stories

Side Stories

How to Unlock Side Stories

Olimar's Assignment
Flower Garden.pngFlower Garden Inside Forest.pngInside Forest
The River.pngThe River Tundra.pngTundra
Olimar's Comeback
Pikmin Reunion.pngPikmin Reunion Creature Hunting.pngCreature Hunting
Land Sea and Sky.pngLand, Sea, and Sky First Part Found.pngFirst Part Found
Team Monster Hunt.pngTeam Monster Hunt Channel Gone Dry.pngChannel Gone Dry
Looking for Louie.pngLooking for Louie Big Fruit Carnival.pngBig Fruit Carnival
Another Part Found.pngAnother Part Found The Ship Restored.pngThe Ship Restored

Pikmin 3 Deluxe Mission Walkthrough

Mission Mode Banner.png

Mission Mode Guide and List of Missions

Mission Mode
Collect Treasure!.pngCollect Treasure! Battle Enemies!.pngBattle Enemies!
Defeat Bosses!.pngDefeat Bosses! -

Pikmin 3 Deluxe Enemies

Boss Banner.png

Piklopedia: List of All Enemies

All Boss Battle Guides
Armored Mawdad.pngArmored Mawdad Vehemoth Phosbat.pngVehemoth Phosbat Sandbelching Meerslug.pngSandbelching Meerslug
Scornet Maestro.pngScornet Maestro Quaggled Mireclops.pngQuaggled Mireclops Plasm Wraith.pngPlasm Wraith

Boss Guide: How to Beat All Bosses

Pikmin 3 Deluxe Maps

List of Maps.png

Maps and Areas

All Pikmin 3 Maps
Tropical WildsTropical Wilds Garden of HopeGarden of Hope Distant TundraDistant Tundra
Twilight RiverTwilight River Formidable OakFormidable Oak -

Pikmin 3 Deluxe Bingo Battle

Bingo Battle

How to Win in Bingo Battle

Bingo Battle Stages
Shaded Terrace Stagnant Sea Twisted Cavern
Arid Metropolis Rusted Labryinth Jigsaw Fortress
Blooming Terrace Parched Brook Buried Pond
Sandbox Kingdom Corroded Maze Jigsaw Colloseum

Pikmin 3 Deluxe Tips and Tricks


Beginner's Guide: List of Tips and Tricks

Gameplay and Controls
Pikmin 3 Deluxe Controls How to Use Ultra-Spicy Spray
How to Use Bomb Rocks How to Switch Characters
How to Use Photo Mode How to Call Pikmin
How to Save How to Reset Gyro Controls
Tips and Tricks
How to Unlock Badges Space Suit Upgrades
Elevator Platform Puzzle Solution Seesaw Puzzle Solution
Locations For All Hidden Murals Where to Find All Data Files
Bare-Knuckled Badge Guide Ultra-Spicy Difficulty Guide
Endings Guide -
Deluxe Release Date Game Length
Pikmin 3 Day Limit Deluxe New Features
How to Play Multiplayer Difficulty Modes Explained
What Happens When You Get A Game Over? How Long is One Day?
Online Features -

Pikmin 3 Deluxe Pikmin Types

Types of Pikmin

Types of Pikmin | How to Get More Pikmin

Types of Pikmin
Red PikminRed Pikmin Rock PikminRock Pikmin Yellow PikminYellow Pikmin Winged PikminWinged Pikmin
Blue PikminBlue Pikmin White PikminWhite Pikmin Purple PikminPurple Pikmin -

Pikmin 3 Deluxe Characters


Character List: All Playable Characters

S.S. Drake Crew Members
Alph.pngAlph Brittany.pngBrittany Charlie.pngCharlie
S.S. Dolphin Crew Members
Olimar.jpgCaptain Olimar Louie.pngLouie -

Pikmin 3 Deluxe News

Demo Available Now!

When Will Pikmin 3 Deluxe Come Out?

New Content and Differences From Original

Captain Olimar.png

Pikmin 3 Deluxe for the Nintendo Switch offers a number of improvements from the original Wii U version, as well as some additional content. Revamped controls and difficulty settings will make the game enjoyable for any player who wants to pick this game up.

New Features and Changes to Switch Vs Wii U

Introduction to Pikmin 3 Deluxe

Discover the world of Pikmin!

Meeting Pikmin.png
Pikmin 3 Deluxe has your crew embarking to a distant world, in hopes of recovering nourishment for the famine occuring on their home planet. On their voyage, the three leaders have an accident and are separated, and have to work together with Pikmin, a friendly native species living on this mysterious world.

Pikmin 1 largely revoled around recovering ship parts to repair a spaceship, while Pikmin 2 had you collecting treasures. Alongside the brand new rock pikmin and winged pikmin, you'll set off on a new adventure to recover fruit, alongside reuniting your crew and recovering the lost parts required to make it back home!

Pikmin Behavior

Pikmin Behavior

The Pikmin are a species with many things unknown about them. When a Pikmin is plucked from the ground, they will stick around with that leader, allowing themselves to be thrown into battle, and used for labor such as carrying objects. Their method of reproduction involves bringing pellets or indigenous life remains back to a flying onion, which then produces seeds that can be plucked to give rise to more Pikmin.

Exploring with Pikmin

Exploring With Pikmin.png

By throwing and commanding Pikmin, you can get them to perform various actions. These include tearing down walls and other obstacles, building bridges, and carrying various objects. Commanding the Pikmin in this way will be essential to your adventure on this mysterious planet!

Battling Alongside Pikmin

Fighting With Pikmin.png

There are several types of pikmin, each with its own unique characteristics and strengths. For example, winged pikmin can fly over water and avoid enemy attacks, while rock pikmin hit hard when thrown, and are also capable of breaking crystal obstacles that cannot be broken by other types of pikmin.

Returning with Pikmin

Returning With Pikmin.png

The main goal of the three leaders on this voyage is to recover nourishments, so you'll need the help of pikmin to help carry the fruit you find back to the S.S. Drake. Both your team's juice provisions and daily time are limited, so working efficiently is vital. Explore all corners of the areas you visit and try to recover all the fruit you can!

About Pikmin 3 Deluxe

Product Information

Pikmin 3 Deluxe.png

Title Pikmin 3 Deluxe
Release Date October 30, 2020
Price $59.99 USD/ $79.99 CAD
Platform Nintendo Switch, Wii U
Genre RTS, Puzzle, Action-Adventure
Developer / Publisher Nintendo EAD / Nintendo
Official Site Pikmin 3 Official Site

Official Promo Trailer

Official Trailer.png
Announcement Trailer

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