Manor Lords

List of All Buildings

Manor Lords - List of All Buildings

Buildings are your main way to build and develop infrastructure in Manor Lords. See all buildings available in Manor Lords, how to craft them, what each building do, how much they cost, and more!

All Gathering Buildings

Gathering Buildings are responsible for gathering essential natural resources around the map. These include buildings like the Logging Camp and Forager Huts.

Building Cost Description
Logging Camp IconLogging Camp
Timber x2
Workers fell nearby trees to produce Timber.
WoodcutterWoodcutter's Lodge
Timber x1
Workers fell nearby trees to produce Firewood.
Sawpit IconSawpit
Timber x2
Workers transform Timber into Planks.
Can set a Construction reserve for Timber - meaning the building will stop providing Timer if the number of stock in the storage is equal to the limit.
ForesterForester's Hut
Timber x2
Workers plant new trees in the specified zones.
Charcoal Kiln IconCharcoal Kiln
Timber x2
Charcoal kilns convert 1 Firewood into 2 Charcoal, making refueling twice as efficient.
Hunting Camp IconHunting Camp No Cost Workers hunt wild animals and produce meat and hides.
Can set a Hunting Limit - meaning the camp will stop working if the population of the prey drops to equal the limit.
Forager Hut IconForager Hut
Timber x1
Workers gather Berries from nearby Berry Deposits.
Can be upgraded to have a Herb Garden for 2 Planks and 25 Regional Wealth, allowing the production of Herbs.
Apiary IconApiary
Planks x2
Workers collect Honey.
Every region can sustain up to 2 apiaries by default, placing more will not increase the yields.

All Gathering Buildings and How to Use

All Mining Buildings

Mining Buildings are buildings that gather minerals and materials from the ground. These materials are essential for building stronger structures and the creation of armor.

Building Cost Description
Stonecutter Camp IconStonecutter Camp
Timber x2
Workers gather Stone from nearby Fieldstone deposits.
Mining Pit IconMining Pit
Timber x1
Used to extract Iron Ore from Iron Deposits, and Clay from Clay Deposits.
Can be upgraded into a Deep Mine using the Deep Mining development.

All Mining Buildings and How to Use

All Logistics Buildings

Logistics Buildings handle everything related to the storage and transport of goods around your estate. Make sure to invest in these buildings so your cash flow is as efficient as possible.

Building Cost Description
Granary IconGranary
Timber x2
Stone x10
Workers collect, store, and distribute goods using the Pantry. Stores up to 500 food resources or Ale.
If needed, they will also automatically set up stalls on the marketplace to distribute the stored goods to Burgage Plots.
Storehouse IconStorehouse
Timber x2
Workers collect, store and distribute goods using Generic Storage. Stores up to 250 non-food resources.
If needed, they will also automatically set up stalls on the marketplace to distribute the stored goods to Burgage Plots.
Pack Station IconPack Station
Timber x1
Sets up a Barter Connection, allowing you to send and receive goods between the current and another owned region.
Employ Mules to transport up to 20 goods per trip.
Hitching Post IconHitching Post
Timber x1
Provides 1 Stable Space and enables ordering of horses or oxen.
Assigned families become permanent Ox Guides, which speeds up travel and logistics.

All Logistics Buildings and How to Use

All Residential Buildings

Residential Buildings are buildings related to managing the lives of all the citizens in your estate. These buildings are responsible for keeping your residents happy and well-fed socially.

Building Cost Description
Well IconWell
Timber x1
Provides Drinking Water to Burgage Plots. Also enables Firefighting.
Can be built anywhere if the game setting is set to unconstrained, else it must be built over Underground Water sources.
Marketplace IconMarketplace No Cost Provides space for assigned families to set up stalls and distribute their produce to the Burgage Plots.
A healthy supply and demand ratio of goods is needed to fulfill Residential Requirements and keep Approval high.
Firewood Cart IconFirewood Cart No Cost Spends 1 Regional Wealth to purchase 1 Firewood. Can store 15 Firewood.
Region does not pay the Transport Fee and a Marketplace is required to place the Firewood Cart.
Food Cart IconFood Cart No Cost Spends 4 Regional Wealth to purchase 1 Bread. Can store 15 Bread.
Region does not pay the Transport Fee and a Marketplace is required to place the Food Cart.
Tavern IconTavern
Timber x5
Fulfills 1 level of Entertainment requirement for the Burgage Plots.
Like many of your citizens, Taverns need Ale to function. It can also store 100 Ale.
Wooden Church IconWooden Church
Timber x5
Planks x20
Stone x10
Fulfils 1 level of Faith requirement for Burgage plots.
Provides Hallowed Ground for Burial of the dead villagers and workers become Gravediggers.
Corpse Pit IconCorpse Pit No Cost Not all deserve to be buried on consecrated ground. Use this building to get rid of any raider corpses quickly.
All workers become Gravediggers.

All Residential Buildings and How to Use

All Backyard Extension Buildings

Backyard Extensions are special buildings that you usually put inside burgage plots. These burgage plots are flexible pieces of land that are connected to houses and are central to producing goods in Manor Lords.

Building Cost Description
Vegetable Garden IconVegetable Garden A backyard extension that allows production of vegetables. Requires plowing and harvesting labor. The yield depends on plot size.
Chicken Coop IconChicken Coop A backyard extension that allows a passive yield of Eggs.
Goat Shed IconGoat Shed A backyard extension that allows a passive yield of Hides.
Apple Orchard IconApple Orchard A backyard extension that allows production of Apples. Harvest is only possible in September and yield is reduced for the first 3 years as the trees grow.
FletcherFletcher's Workshop
Planks x4
A backyard extension that allows production of Warbows from Planks.
Converts all inhabitants into Artisans, locking them from being assigned to other jobs.
JoinerJoiner's Workshop
Planks x4
A backyard extension that allows production of Wooden Parts and Shields from Planks.
Converts all inhabitants into Artisans, locking them from being assigned to other jobs.
Brewery Extension IconBrewery Extension
Planks x5
A backyard extension that allows production of Ale from Malt.
Converts all inhabitants into Artisans, locking them from being assigned to other jobs.
CobblerCobbler's Workshop
Planks x5
A backyard extension that allows production of Shoes from Leather.
Converts all inhabitants into Artisans, locking them from being assigned to other jobs.
TailorTailor's Workshop
Planks x5
A backyard extension that allows production of Clothes, Cloaks, and Gambesons from Linen, Yarns, and/or Dyes.
Converts all inhabitants into Artisans, locking them from being assigned to other jobs.
BlacksmithBlacksmith's Workshop
Planks x5
A backyard extension that allows production of Tools, Sidearms, Spears, and Polearms from Iron Slabs and/or Planks.
Converts all inhabitants into Artisans, locking them from being assigned to other jobs.
Bakery Extension IconBakery Extension
Planks x5
A backyard extension that allows production of Bread from Flour. Twice as efficient than using a Communal Oven.
Converts all inhabitants into Artisans, locking them from being assigned to other jobs.
ArmorerArmorer's Workshop
Planks x4
A backyard extension that allows production of Helmets, Mail Armor, and Plate Armor from Iron Slabs. Needs some additional development research to for Mail and Plate armors.

All Backyard Extensions

All Farming Buildings

Farming Buildings are responsible for all things related to farming crops and raising livestock. These are sustainable ways to generate renewable resources as most of the gathering points in the map are finite.

Building Cost Description
Field IconField No Cost A space to grow crops like Wheat, Flax & Barley.
To employ peasants on the fields, you need to build a Farmhouse. Note that larger fgields would yield more crops but would take longer to plow.
Farmhouse IconFarmhouse
Timber x3
Used to employ families on the Field.
Farm workers plow the fields as soon as the Winter passes, but no later than November then they sow them with the chosen crop.
Pasture IconPasture No Cost Provides pasture space for livestock.
Sheep Farm IconSheep Farm
Timber x1
Workers collect Wool from grazing Sheep.
The Sheep must first be imported via the Livestock Trader. The sheep farm also has 5 Pasture Space.
Windmill IconWindmill
Timber x4
Converts Grain into Flour. Works most efficiently on empty land, unobstructed by buildings or trees.
Communal Oven IconCommunal Oven
Timber x2
Workers use Flour to produce Bread. Not as efficient as using the Bakery Burgage Plot extension, but is pretty useful in the early game.

All Farming Buildings and How to Use

All Industry Buildings

Industry Buildings are the types of buildings that can refine resources into usable items. Some industry items need fuel to operate so take note of that!

Building Cost Description
Bloomery IconBloomery
Timber x2
Workers convert Iron Ore into Iron Slabs. Also needs to be refueled every month.
Smithy IconSmithy
Timber x2
Workers use Iron Slabs to craft Tools. Must be refueled once per month.
Clay Furnace IconClay Furnace
Timber x2
Stone x5
Converts Clay to Roof Tiles. Must be refueled once per month.
Malthouse IconMalthouse
Timber x4
Workers use Barley to produce Malt. The Malthouse needs to refuel to operate.
Tannery IconTannery
Timber x4
Workers use Hides to produce Leather. Does not need refueling every month.
WeaverWeaver's Workshop
Timber x4
Workers use Wool to produce Yarn, and Flax to produce Linen. Does not need to refuel every month.
DyerDyer's Workshop
Timber x2
Workers convert Berries into Dyes. Does not need Fuel to operate.

All Industry Buildings and How to Use

All Trade Buildings

Trade Buildings, as the name suggests, are responsible for importing and exporting goods from other regions in exchange for Regional Wealth. This is extremely important as each region has different specialities in Manor Lords and trading with other regions is the key to success.

Building Cost Description
Trading Post IconTrading Post
Timber x4
A building that is responsible for trading imported goods. Enables trading with visiting merchants, tradepoints, and trading posts in other regions.
When employed, 1 family member travels to the nearest possible destination to conduct trade, while other family members manage the inventory. The family can also automatically set up stalls on the marketplace to sell imported goods.
Livestock Trading Post IconLivestock Trading Post
Timber x2
A building that is responsible for trading livestocks.
Provides 4 Pasture and 2 Stable Spaces for the livestock in its inventory.

All Trade Buildings and How to Use

All Administration Buildings

Administration Buildings are responsible for managing all the policies and political elements of your estate. These buildings would enable you to tweak taxes, expand to a different region, and more!

Building Cost Description
Settlers Camp IconSettlers Camp No Cost Can only be placed in regions that has been claimed but has no buildings. Grants base starting supplies and 5 starting families.
It needs at least 250 Treasury to be placed and once placed you can choose to pay 250, 500 or 750 Treasury to determine that starting resources in the new region. Once placed it will immediately be converted into a Homeless People's Tents.
Manor IconManor
Timber x5
Planks x20
Stone x25
Residence of you and your Retinue. Grants 250 Influence, raises the Administration Level by 1, and enables players to tax their people. It requires Fuel to operate. Only one (1) Manor can be constructed per region.
After building your very first Manor, the starting retinue will join you in your palace for free. Manors have an area around them where they can be upgraded with various modules.

All Administration Buildings and How to Use

What are Buildings?

Infrastructure Development in Manor Lords

Manor Lords is classified as a city-building survival game, so settlements in the game need buildings to thrive. Your settlement's economy and success will rely heavily on properly utilizing the buildings in the game.

Needs Resources to Be Built

Almost all of the buildings in Manor Lords need resources to be built. These resources could be basic commodities like timber or stone, while some need processed resources like Planks. Make sure to have enough of the required resources when plopping a new building!

List of All Resources

Some Buildings Require Developments

Some buildings needed certain development nodes to be unlocked before you can build them. Unlocking developments need development points and they are usually pretty scarce, especially in the early and mid-game. Make sure to plan and save up your development points if you're aiming for a specific building.

All Developments and Branches

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