Manor Lords

All Residential Buildings and How to Use

Residential buildings are used to improve the lives of citizens in Manor Lords. Learn how to use residential buildings, all upgrades, how to use them, and a list of all residential buildings in the game!

List of All Residential Buildings

Building Description
Corpse Pit IconCorpse Pit Not all deserve to be buried on consecrated ground. Use this building to get rid of any raider corpses quickly.
All workers become Gravediggers.
Firewood Cart IconFirewood Cart Spends 1 Regional Wealth to purchase 1 Firewood. Can store 15 Firewood.
Region does not pay the Transport Fee and a Marketplace is required to place the Firewood Cart.
Food Cart IconFood Cart Spends 4 Regional Wealth to purchase 1 Bread. Can store 15 Bread.
Region does not pay the Transport Fee and a Marketplace is required to place the Food Cart.
Marketplace IconMarketplace Provides space for assigned families to set up stalls and distribute their produce to the Burgage Plots.
A healthy supply and demand ratio of goods is needed to fulfill Residential Requirements and keep Approval high.
Tavern IconTavern Fulfills 1 level of Entertainment requirement for the Burgage Plots.
Like many of your citizens, Taverns need Ale to function. It can also store 100 Ale.
Well IconWell Provides Drinking Water to Burgage Plots. Also enables Firefighting.
Can be built anywhere if the game setting is set to unconstrained, else it must be built over Underground Water sources.
Wooden Church IconWooden Church Fulfils 1 level of Faith requirement for Burgage plots.
Provides Hallowed Ground for Burial of the dead villagers and workers become Gravediggers.

The table shown above currently lists all known residential buildings available in Manor Lords.

How to Unlock Residential Buildings

Unlocked at the Start or with Development

Most Residential buildings get unlocked at the start as they are essential in the early game while some buildings get unlocked by researching a specific development. Make sure to know which buildings they are so you can plan your development points.

Developments That Unlock Residential Buildings

Development Description & Effect
Foreign Suppliers IconForeign Suppliers
Unlocks buildings: Firewood Cart & Food Cart.

All Developments and Branches

How to Upgrade Residential Buildings

Upgrade Using Resources

Only the wooden church is upgradeable in the Residential buildings list. It can be upgraded into a Small Stone Church using the following resources:

Building Upgrade Materials
Wooden Church IconWooden Church
Timber x5
Planks x10
Stone x20
Rooftiles x10

How to Build Residential Buildings

Most Residential buildings will require specific materials to be built while some can be built without any resources at hand. Some residential buildings also can't relocate so ensure proper placement in your settlement before building them.

We have listed the required materials for all known Residential buildings in Manor Lords below:

Building Required Materials Can Be Relocated?
Corpse Pit IconCorpse Pit No Cost No
Firewood Cart IconFirewood Cart No Cost
Unlock with Development:
Foreign Suppliers
Food Cart IconFood Cart No Cost
Unlock with Development:
Foreign Suppliers
Marketplace IconMarketplace No Cost No
Tavern IconTavern
Timber x5
Well IconWell
Timber x1
Wooden Church IconWooden Church
Timber x5
Planks x20
Stone x10

Carts Need Marketplaces to Build

Buildings like the Food and Firewood Carts also require a Marketplace before you can build them so take note of that.

How to Use Residential Buildings

Used To Improve Citizen's Spiritual Needs

Residential buildings are responsible for improving the citizenry's overall spiritual needs and happiness. This would most likely increase your overall approval rating in Manor Lords so build them when you can!

Used to Provide Citizen Livelihood

In addition to citizen's spiritual needs, Residential buildings also provide a way for citizens to sell their goods in a marketplace. This gives them the means to be part of the economy through trading the resources that they have produced.

Manor Lords Related Guides

Manor Lords - Buildings

List of All Buildings

List of Building Types

List of Buildings
Gathering IconGathering Mining IconMining Logistics IconLogistics
Residential IconResidential Farming IconFarming Burgage IconBurgage Ext.
Industry IconIndustry Trade IconTrade Administration IconAdministration

All Building Guides


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