Manor Lords

All Administration Buildings and How to Use

Administration buildings are responsible for managing the affairs, taxation, and economy of your settlement in Manor Lords. Learn how to use administration buildings, all upgrades, how to use them, and a list of all administration buildings in the game!

List of All Administration Buildings

Building Description
Manor IconManor Residence of you and your Retinue. Grants 250 Influence, raises the Administration Level by 1, and enables players to tax their people. It requires Fuel to operate. Only one (1) Manor can be constructed per region.
After building your very first Manor, the starting retinue will join you in your palace for free. Manors have an area around them where they can be upgraded with various modules.
Settlers Camp IconSettlers Camp Can only be placed in regions that has been claimed but has no buildings. Grants base starting supplies and 5 starting families.
It needs at least 250 Treasury to be placed and once placed you can choose to pay 250, 500 or 750 Treasury to determine that starting resources in the new region. Once placed it will immediately be converted into a Homeless People's Tents.

The table shown above currently lists all known administration buildings available in Manor Lords.

The Manor Unlocks Taxation

Building a Manor in your settlement unlocks taxation. This improves your overall economy and enables you to trade with other regions.

Settlers Camp is for Uncharted Regions

When expanding to another region, a settlers camp will be the central hub for your new settlement. The money you decided to give the said settlement as a starting sum would determine the starting resource of the new region.

How to Unlock Administration Buildings

Unlocked at the Start

Most administration buildings are unlocked at the start of the game. Players do not need to unlock specific developments to get administration buildings.

How to Upgrade Administration Buildings

Upgrade Your Manor by Adding Modules

The Manor is the only administration building that can be upgraded with various modules. These modules will improve the overall look of the manor as well as provide important military upgrades for your settlement. This is done using the Castle Planner in a Manor.

Module Description
Manor Lords - Walls and Gate IconWalls & Gates Costs 2 Planks per wall segment. If they cross a road, a Gate will be built instead which adds 1 Timber to the cost..
Manor Lords - Outer Tower IconOuter Towers Costs 10 Timber and 5 Stone per tower. Each tower provides 10 Garrison spaces. It also expands the workable area of the Planner enabling you to wrap walls around the settlement.
Manor Lords - Garrison Tower IconGarrison Tower Costs 10 Timber, 15 Planks, and 10 Stones to build. This increases the maximum Retinue size by 12. Only one Garrison Tower can be built.
Manor Lords - Tax Office IconTax Offices Costs 4 Timber to build. Currently a cosmetic building only.

How to Build Administration Buildings

Most Administration buildings will require specific materials to be built with the Settlers Camp requiring zero material as it is automatically created when you expand to another region. All administration buildings also can't relocate so ensure proper placement in your settlement before building them.

We have listed down the required materials for all known Administration buildings in Manor Lords below:

Building Required Materials Can Be Relocated?
Manor IconManor
Timber x5
Planks x20
Stone x25
Settlers Camp IconSettlers Camp No Cost No

How to Use Administration Buildings

Unlocks Taxation for Your Settlement

Building the tax office in your Manor unlocks taxation in your settlement. This will be your main source of regional wealth for trading and expansion to other regions.

Expand to Another Region

The Settlers Camp is also the administration building that will serve as your headquarters when you expand to another region. Considering you need influence to expand, having an administration arm in that region is essential.

Expand Your Troop Size

Various upgrades in your Manor will also improve your overall Military might. Building garrisons and various towers around your Manor will expand the available troop space that you can use to invade or protect settlements.

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Industry IconIndustry Trade IconTrade Administration IconAdministration

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