Manor Lords

Helmets: How to Get and How to Use

Helmets is a type of Military Resource in Manor Lords. See how to get Helmets and how to use it as you expand your territory!

How to Get Helmets

Helmets are one of the few resources that could be crafted through the Armorer's Workshop Backyard Extension and unlocked via the Basic Armormaking upgrade from the Development Skill Tree. It could also be used to help increase the overall defense of your militia.

  1. Build a Mining Pit
  2. Build a Bloomery
  3. Acquire Basic Armormaking
  4. Build a Level 2 Burgage Plot
  5. Construct an Armorer's Workshop

Build a Mining Pit

Material(s) Quantity
Timber x1

You will first need to construct a Mining Pit on your settlement. It is recommended that you build the Mining Pit near a Rich Deposit of Iron in the area.

Build a Bloomery

Material(s) Quantity
Timber x2

After you've built the Mining Pit, you will need to construct a Bloomery to convert the Iron Ores you've mined into Iron Slabs.

Try building your Bloomery near your established Mining Pit to streamline the process of converting Iron Ores into Iron Slabs.

Acquire Basic Armormaking

Manor Lords - Armormaking Upgrades Development Skill Tree

You will need to level up your Settlement Level and earn a Development Point in order to unlock the Basic Armormaking upgrade in the Industry section of the Development skill tree.

Basic Armormaking Development

Build a Level 2 Burgage Plot

A Backyard Extension will be needed that requires a Level 2 Burgage Plot.

Reach Level 2 for your Burgage Plots by reaching the required Settlement Level, collecting the needed construction materials, and acquiring the necessary Market Supplies in your settlement.

How to Upgrade Your Burgage Plots

Construct an Armorer's Workshop

Material(s) Quantity
Planks x4
Regional Wealth x10

After you've acquired the Basic Armormaking upgrade and leveled up your Burgage Plot to Level 2, you will now be able to construct an Armorer's Workshop and produce helmets for your militia.

Do note that Settlers working on the workshop will be converted into Artisans.

Helmets Information

Helmet Information
Type Military Resource
Raw Material/s 1 Iron Slab

How to Use Helmets

Increase Defense Stat of Your Militia

Helmets can be used to equip your militia so that their overall defense stat could be increased. A member of each designated unit will equip a Helmet from the available number of supplies in your settlement.

How to Recruit Militia

Export Helmets Resource Through Trading Post

Building Cost Description
Trading Post IconTrading Post
Timber x4
A building that is responsible for trading imported goods. Enables trading with visiting merchants, tradepoints, and trading posts in other regions.
When employed, 1 family member travels to the nearest possible destination to conduct trade, while other family members manage the inventory. The family can also automatically set up stalls on the marketplace to sell imported goods.

You need a Horse to transport traded goods.

Helmets can also be exported as a Commodity by using the established Trading Post in your settlement. The prices are not fixed, and may depend on the current economic situation of an area.

Trading Guide: How to Trade and Best Goods

Manor Lords Related Guides

Manor Lords - Resources

List of All Resources

Types of Resources

List of Resources
Currency Food Construction
Crops Fuel Crafting
Raw Resource Commodity Military

All Military Resource

Sidearms Spears Polearms
Warbows Small Shields Large Shields
Gambesons Helmets Mail Armor
Plate Armor


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