Manor Lords

Marketplace Range and How to Use

Manor Lords - How to Use and Range

The Marketplace is one of the Residential buildings available in Manor Lords. Learn the marketplace range, how to build and upgrade the Marketplace, how to change the size of the Marketplace, and how to use the Marketplace here!

What is the Marketplace Range?

Marketplace Range is Virtually Infinite Within a Region

The Marketplace in Manor Lords will function regardless of range as long as the burgage plot and the marketplace are connected using roads and they are in the same region.

Unlike Marketplaces in other games, the Marketplace in Manor Lords does not have a circular range indicator that dictates which "houses" can access the marketplace.

Travel Time is Longer at Longer Range

The only caveat with staying long range away from the marketplace is the longer travel time when citizens need to trade resources for their houses. The travel time and distance significantly slow down production time as citizens need to get raw resources from marketplaces and storages.

Resources Are Sometimes Not Obtained

When staying far away from the marketplace, resident will have to travel long distances just to get their basic needs. As per our testing, we found that sometimes the resident won't be able to get anything and return empty handed because the residents of the nearer burgage plots will be the first ones to get access.

How to Use the Marketplace

Size Dictates the Number of Stalls

The Marketplace is created using a Flexible Plot so you can dictate the area at which the Marketplace is gonna be constructed. The number of stalls that the citizens can erect is dependent on the area of your Marketplace, and your citizens will gradually fill in the area with stalls. Each stall have 50 storage spaces for the goods.

Place the Marketplace At the Center

For the most efficient Marketplace layout, we suggest placing the marketplace as close to the center of the region as possible. This makes sure you have the optimal position in case you need to expand outward in the future.

Burgage Plots Around the Marketplace

We also suggest placing all Burgage plots around the marketplace to facilitate efficient distribution of goods. Ensure that they are connected by roads as well!

Provides the 3 Basic Needs

Manor Lords - Marketplace Provides Basic Needs

The Marketplace is where production houses for the three basic needs (Food, Fuel, and Clothing) would sell their goods. The percentage shown in the Marketplace menu shows the availability of goods.

Ideally, we'd want to have all three at 100% but as long as it's not zero then you are good to go. Just make sure you can maintain the number so it to not crash to zero.

Different Variety For Each Need is Sold

All Basic Need Types
All Food Resources All Fuel Resources All Clothing Resources

Multiple variety of goods under the bigger Food, Fuel, and Clothing resource category is sold in the Marketplace using different stalls. This makes sure that your citizens can have a wide variety of choices when purchasing goods.

Having multiple varieties of resources would increase your settlement's approval rating which directly affects population growth.

How to Increase Approval to 100%

Marketplace Description and Details

Marketplace Icon Marketplace
Type Residential
Can Be Moved? No
Description and Effects
Provides space for assigned families to set up stalls and distribute their produce to the Burgage Plots.
A healthy supply and demand ratio of goods is needed to fulfill Residential Requirements and keep Approval high.
Each stall can store 50 resources.

Marketplace Resource Storage

Resources Quantity
Resources x50 (Each Stall)

All Related Development Nodes

No development nodes related to this Building.

There are no development nodes related to this building in the current build of Manor Lords.

All Developments and Branches

How to Build the Marketplace

Flexible Plot for Stalls

The Marketplace is constructed using a flexible plot where the player can freely set how big the marketplace area is, as long as the area has four sides. The larger the area, the more stalls can be erected so make sure to plan ahead!

How to Upgrade the Marketplace

No Upgrades.

This building has no available upgrades in the current Early Access build of Manor Lords. Look out for any improvements in future updates!

Manor Lords Related Guides

Manor Lords - Buildings Partial

List of All Buildings

All Building Types

List of Buildings
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Residential IconResidential Farming IconFarming Burgage IconBurgage Ext.
Industry IconIndustry Trade IconTrade Administration IconAdministration

All Residential Buildings

Well IconWell Marketplace IconMarketplace Firewood Cart IconFirewood Cart
Food Cart IconFood Cart Tavern IconTavern Wooden Church IconWooden Church
Corpse Pit IconCorpse Pit


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