Manor Lords

Manor Lords Future Updates and Roadmap

Manor Lords - Future Updates and Roadmap

Manor Lords has upcoming planned updates and fixes for the game that are part of upcoming patches. See what the upcoming updates are, Slavic Magic's future plans for the game, and if there is a roadmap.

Manor Lords Future Updates

Slavic Magic has announced several tweaks and changes to address pain points in Manor Lord's features in a recent tweet April 28, 2024.

Although no confirmed date has been given, we can expect fixes and improvements related to the following:

List of Manor Lords' Future Updates
Check Mark Homeless settlers not moving to Burgage Plots

Check Mark Tuning damage of Archer Militia, and Light, and Heavy Mercenaries

Check Mark Tuning down trading oversupply mechanics

Check Mark Slow down the rate of enemy AI in claiming regions

Check Mark Sawpit storage and efficiency improvements

Planned Features for Manor Lords

All Planned Features

List of Manor Lords' Planned Features
Check Mark Walls and Fortifications

Check Mark Naval Battles

Check Mark Cavalry

Check Mark Different Cultures and Factions

Check Mark Guns

Different Cultures and Factions are not guaranteed to be added in a future update, but it has been taken into consideration.

According to Manor Lord's Discord FAQ, Manor Lords has a couple of planned features that will be released after fixing problems that players face in the base game. However, guns and different cultures and factions are not guaranteed to be added.

All Current and Planned Features

Does Manor Lords Have a Roadmap?

No Roadmap Yet

In a Steam Announcement in April 17, 2024, Slavic Magic stated that there are no plans to release a roadmap yet, and intends to adopt a “listen, verify, and implement” approach for development.

Alongside Hooded Horse, Slavic Magic plans to collect feedback during the first month of early access, and plan out future updates based on what they receive.

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