Manor Lords

All Trade Buildings and How to Use

Trade buildings are responsible for the export and import of goods and livestock to and from other regions in Manor Lords. Learn how to use trade buildings, all upgrades, how to use them, and a list of all trade buildings in the game!

List of All Trade Buildings

Building Worker Slots Description
Livestock Trading Post IconLivestock Trading Post 3 A building that is responsible for trading livestocks.
Provides 4 Pasture and 2 Stable Spaces for the livestock in its inventory.
Trading Post IconTrading Post 4 A building that is responsible for trading imported goods. Enables trading with visiting merchants, tradepoints, and trading posts in other regions.
When employed, 1 family member travels to the nearest possible destination to conduct trade, while other family members manage the inventory. The family can also automatically set up stalls on the marketplace to sell imported goods.

The table shown above currently lists all known trade buildings available in Manor Lords.

The Trading Post Stores 500 Resources

The Trading Post can store 500 resources. Make sure to have enough space whenever you're trying to export goods from another region.

How to Unlock Trade Buildings

Unlocked at the Start

Most trade buildings are unlocked at the start of the game. Players do not need to unlock specific developments to get trade buildings.

How to Upgrade Trade Buildings

Unlock Upgrades Using Developments

Upgrades for Trade buildings aim to reduce trading costs so your settlement can save regional wealth. These upgrades will mostly come from developments so know how each works to maximize development point usage.

Development Description & Effect
Trade Logistics IconTrade Logistics
Establishing a new Trade Route will always cost a maximum of 25 Regional Wealth.
Better Deals IconBetter Deals Reduces all import costs by 10.
Required Development:
Trade Logistics

All Developments and Branches

How to Build Trade Buildings

Most Trade buildings will require specific materials to be built. All trade buildings also can't relocate so ensure proper placement in your settlement before building them.

We have listed down the required materials for all known Trade buildings in Manor Lords below:

Building Required Materials Can Be Relocated?
Livestock Trading Post IconLivestock Trading Post
Timber x2
Trading Post IconTrading Post
Timber x4

How to Use Trade Buildings

Used to Trade with Other Regions

Trade buildings are mostly going to be there to import and export goods and livestock to and from other regions using Regional Wealth.

Trading Guide: How to Trade and Best Goods

Order Horses from the Trading Post

The Trading Post is also where you can order horses in the game. Make sure you have enough Regional Wealth if you intend to order these really helpful animals.

Imported Items Will Be Sold in Marketplaces

Items imported from other regions are going to be sold in Marketplaces in your settlement for your citizens to use. Make sure you have a Marketplace built for more efficient distribution of traded resources.

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Manor Lords - Buildings

List of All Buildings

List of Building Types

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Residential IconResidential Farming IconFarming Burgage IconBurgage Ext.
Industry IconIndustry Trade IconTrade Administration IconAdministration

All Building Guides


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