Manor Lords

How to Build and Use the Manor Building

Manor Lords - How to Use Manor Buildings
The Manor Building is one of the Administration buildings available in Manor Lords. Learn what the Manor House does, how to build and upgrade the Manor House, and tips on how to use the Manor Building effectively here!

How to Use the Manor Building

The Manor Building is unlocked by establishing a small village with five level 1 Burgage Plots and has a few valuable uses, most of which are focused on managing your settlement like a proper Lord; From collecting taxes to spending money for expansion, the Manor House is the heart of your settlement.

Hire Some Retinue

Manor Lords - Hire Retinue via the Manor

The most important advantage a Manor Building can give players is the ability to hire Retinues. These are retainers that live in your Manor House who are loyal to you and will fight to the death for their Lord.

By default, your Manor House will come with a Retinue size of 5 once built. They are also stronger than Militia Units so use them when against other strong enemies.

How to Recruit Retinue

Generate Treasury Funds from Taxes

Manor Lords - Treasury Description in the Manor

The settlement's treasury also opens up when you build the Manor. This enables you to tax your population to get Treasury funds at the cost of some approval.

Treasury is extremely important in Manor Lords as it enables you to hire mercenaries and retinue, and is needed to build Settlers Camps if you're expanding to other regions.

Taxes Guide: How to Increase Treasury

Get Influence for Expansion

Manor Lords - Claim Region via Influence

The Manor House also enables the generation of Influence via Tithes. You can freely set how much food is given to the Church in exchange for Influence - the higher the percentage, the bigger influence is generated.

Influence is used to claim another region on the map - an extremely important undertaking for expansion.

How to Increase Influence

Demolish the Manor Building to Delete Outer Tower and Garrison Tower

Manor Lords - Demolish Manor Building to Delete Modules

You can only remove Manor Building upgrades like the Outer Tower, Garrison Tower, and the Tax Office by demolishing the Manor House itself. There is no way to delete them one by one.

Thankfully, all resources spent on the upgrades will be refunded and go straight back to your inventory so you can rebuild the Manor Building and the extensions all over again.

▼ See All Manor Modules & Upgrades ▼

Manor Building Description and Details

Manor Icon Manor
Type Administration
Can Be Moved? No
Needs Fuel? Yes
Description and Effects
Residence of you and your Retinue. Grants 250 Influence, raises the Administration Level by 1, and enables players to tax their people. It requires Fuel to operate. Only one (1) Manor can be constructed per region.
After building your very first Manor, the starting retinue will join you in your palace for free. Manors have an area around them where they can be upgraded with various modules.

All Related Development Nodes

No development nodes related to this Building.

There are no development nodes related to this building in the current build of Manor Lords.

All Developments and Branches

How to Build the Manor Building

Material(s) Quantity
Timber x5
Planks x20
Stone x25

The resources and materials listed above are needed to construct the Manor House. Make sure you have enough of them when building.

How to Upgrade the Manor Building

Upgrade Your Manor Building by Adding Modules

The Manor House is the only administration building that can be upgraded with various modules like the Outer Tower and Garrison Tower. These modules will improve the overall look of the Manor House, as well as provide important military upgrades for your settlement.

Module Description
Manor Lords - Walls and Gate IconWalls & Gates Costs 2 Planks per wall segment. If they cross a road, a Gate will be built instead which adds 1 Timber to the cost..
Manor Lords - Outer Tower IconOuter Towers Costs 10 Timber and 5 Stone per tower. Each tower provides 10 Garrison spaces. It also expands the workable area of the Planner enabling you to wrap walls around the settlement.
Manor Lords - Garrison Tower IconGarrison Tower Costs 10 Timber, 15 Planks, and 10 Stones to build. This increases the maximum Retinue size by 12. Only one Garrison Tower can be built.
Manor Lords - Tax Office IconTax Offices Costs 4 Timber to build. Currently a cosmetic building only.

Manor Lords Related Guides

Manor Lords - Buildings Partial

List of All Buildings

All Building Types

List of Buildings
Gathering IconGathering Mining IconMining Logistics IconLogistics
Residential IconResidential Farming IconFarming Burgage IconBurgage Ext.
Industry IconIndustry Trade IconTrade Administration IconAdministration

All Administration Buildings

Settlers Camp IconSettlers Camp Manor IconManor


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