Manor Lords

Farmhouse - How to Build and Use

Manor Lords - How to Use Farmhouse
The Farmhouse is one of the Farming buildings available in Manor Lords. Learn what the Farmhouse does, how to build and upgrade the Farmhouse, and tips on how to use the Farmhouse effectively here!

How to Use Farmhouse

Build Next to a Field

Manor Lords - Build Farmhouse Next to Field
Once you have plotted down your Field, make sure to place your Farmhouse on an area directly accessible to it. This will ensure that your farmers can efficiently sow the fields and plant crops as quick as possible in order to prerpare for its harvest around Autumn.

Build Together With a Windmill and Communal Oven

Manor Lords - Build Farmhouse Windmill and Communal Oven Together
It is best to place a Windmill and a Communal Oven near the Farmhouse in order to systematically maximize the production of Bread for your settlement.

Make sure to connect these buildings to the Main Road and ensure that your Communal Oven is close as possible to the Marketplace in order to provide Bread quicker to your settlers.

Attach a Plowing Station

Manor Lords - Attach a Plowing Station to Farmhouse
You may upgrade your farmhouse to have a plowing station after gaining the Heavy Plow Development from the Development Tree.

Having this will allow your farmers to employ an Ox to sow the fields and transport goods from the Farmhouse faster.

Set Threshing Priority After Harvest

Manor Lords - Threshing Priority
Your Farmhouse's Threshing Priority dictates how fast your farmers will process harvested Wheat or Rye into grain before it is transported to the Windmill.

Setting it to High will cause your farmers to process all harvested Wheat or Rye into grain before they begin sowing the fields again in preparation for the next harvest if you have set any crops for that year, while setting it to Low will have the opposite effect.

What to Do If Farmers Do Not Produce Grain

Manor Lords - What to Do If Your Farmers Do Not Produce Grain
A quick fix for this issue would be to set your Farmhouse's work area to limited, and assigning its threshold to the farm.

Doing this should enable your farmers to start producing grain, but do not forget to set the work area back to unlimited by clicking the clear work area button once grain has been produced.

Crop Rotation Guide

Farmhouse Description and Details

Farmhouse Icon Farmhouse
Type Farming
Can Be Moved? No
Worker Slots 8
Description and Effects
Used to employ families on the Field.
Farm workers plow the fields as soon as the Winter passes, but no later than November then they sow them with the chosen crop.
Harvest happens around September then the crops are transported to the Farmhouse where Wheat is threshed into Grain. Can store up to 1200 resources.
With the Heavy Plow development branch it can be upgraded with a plowing station for 1 Timber, which allows oxen to help in the fields.

Farmhouse Resource Production

Raw Material Product/s

Farmhouse Resource Storage

Resources Quantity
Crops x1200

All Related Development Nodes

Development Description & Effect
Heavy Plow IconHeavy Plow
Adds a plowing station to Farmhouses.

All Developments and Branches

How to Build the Farmhouse

Material(s) Quantity
Timber x3

The resources and materials listed above are needed to construct the Farmhouse. Make sure you have enough of them when building.

How to Upgrade the Farmhouse

Material(s) Quantity
Timber x1

The resources and materials listed above are needed to upgrade the Farmhouse. The upgrade would be the addition of an Ox to help with plowing after unlocking the Heavy Plow development.

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Sheep Farm IconSheep Farm Windmill IconWindmill Communal Oven IconCommunal Oven


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