Manor Lords

Vegetable Garden - How to Build and Use

Manor Lords - How to Use Vegetable Garden

The Vegetable Garden is one of the Burgage Plot Extensions available in Manor Lords. Learn what the Vegetable Garden does, how to build and upgrade the Vegetable Garden, what to do if the Vegetable Garden is not working, and tips on how to use the Vegetable Garden effectively here!

How to Use Vegetable Garden

Make a Burgage Plot With Backyard Extensions

Manor Lords - Backyard Extensions

To start making Vegetable Gardens, you must first make Burgage Plots with Backyard Extensions. Simply extend the length of the plot points, which should allow Backyard Extensions once you construct the Burgage Plot.

Larger Backyard Extensions will yield more Vegetables, but it will also be significantly longer to plow and plant the Vegetables, especially if the residing Family is also assigned to a different building.

List of Backyard Extensions

Consider the Vegetable Garden's Size

Manor Lords - Adjacent Homes

To expedite the plowing and planting process, you can make two homes share a Backyard Extension. To do this, simply place the plot points in a large rectangular shape, then press the minus sign until you see two home icons aligned with only one backyard icon.

This should ensure that the Plowing and Planting will be done before Winter arrives, even if the families are assigned to other buildings.

How to Upgrade Burgage Plots

Reliable Early Food Source

Manor Lords - Vegetable Garden

Vegetable Gardens are great early game food sources, since they take less time to grow than Fields, less materials to make, and can even survive during the winter.

During Winter, Vegetable growth is temporarily paused, and will automatically resume once Spring arrives.

How to Survive Winter

What to Do if Vegetable Garden is Not Working

Build Vegetable Gardens on Bigger Plots

The size of your Vegetable Garden is a key factor in determining its yield. If you happen to have a smaller plot, its crop income will only be enough to feed the residing family within that Burgage Plot, causing a shortage of vegetables on the Marketplace.

With this in mind, we recommend building Vegetable Gardens on plots that are big enough to sustain a large quantity of crop growth.

Assign Families to Simpler Tasks

Manor Lords - Assign Simple Tasks
Oftentimes, families might not have enough time to facilitate the farming process for their Vegetable Gardens as they are prioritizing a different assignment on your settlement.

A solution to this would be to assign the residing Family to a simpler task. Being assigned to a Granary or Windmill for example would result in less labor-intensive tasks, as compared to being assigned to a Woodcutter's Lodge.

How to Assign Workers

Wait for Harvest

Vegetables follow the same growth time and cycle as other crops sowed onto Fields. Simply wait around 6 in-game months in order for your Vegetable Garden to generate its yield.

Vegetable Garden Description and Details

Vegetable Garden Icon Vegetable Garden
Type Burgage
Can Be Moved? No
Burgage Level 1
Description and Effects
A backyard extension that allows production of vegetables. Requires plowing and harvesting labor. The yield depends on plot size.

Vegetable Garden Resource Production

Raw Material Product
No raw material required Vegetables

All Related Development Nodes

No development nodes related to this Building.

There are no development nodes related to this building in the current build of Manor Lords.

All Developments and Branches

How to Build the Vegetable Garden

Set as a Burgage Plot Extension

The Vegetable Garden is classified as a burgage plot extension and can only be built inside a large enough burgage plot.

How to Upgrade Burgage Plot Levels

Vegetable Garden Extension Cost

Material(s) Quantity
Regional Wealth x15

The resources and materials listed above are needed to construct the Vegetable Garden. Make sure you have enough of them when building.

How to Upgrade the Vegetable Garden

No Upgrades.

This building has no available upgrades in the current Early Access build of Manor Lords. Look out for any improvements in future updates!

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