Manor Lords

Fertility Guide: How to Utilize Crop Rotations

Manor Lords - Fertility Guide
Maximize the fertility of a region's land by rotating crops and letting it fallow in Manor Lords. Check out how to view a region's crop fertility, what Emmer Fertility is used for, and how to use crop rotations to regenerate and maximize fertility.

What is Emmer?

An Old Type of Wheat

Emmer is a type of Wheat that was used in farming during older time periods. Whenever the game is talking about Emmer Fertility, it's basically talking about Wheat Fertility.

How to Check Crop Fertility

Check Overlays in Construction Tab

Manor Lords - Check Fertility

Not all lands are equal in Manor Lords, and each region has different levels of fertility for crops. To check crop fertility, open the Construction Tab to check crop fertility overlays.

Sections of the region will be colored green, yellow, and red. Green-colored sections are the most fertile for a crop, and we recommend farming there. Note that you cannot restore fertility beyond the maximum for a given area, so farm in green regions as much as possible.

How to Check Map and Overlays

Each Overlay Corresponds to a Different Crop

Overlay Crop
Emmer Wheat
Flax Flax
Barley Barley
Rye Rye

Each overlay option shows you a different crop's fertility level. Most of them are self-explanatory, except for Emmer which shows you the fertility level of Wheat.

How to Do Crop Rotations

Tick the Crop Rotation Option

Manor Lords - Crop Rotation

As a field grows a particular crop, the corresponding crop fertility will diminish. You can circumvent this at the beginning by doing yearly crop rotations in your fields.

To make a field do crop rotations, tick the checkbox for crop rotation for a particular field.

Select the Crops to Rotate Yearly

Manor Lords - Select Crop
To assign crops, select the crops you want for the second and third years after ticking the crop rotation checkbox.

Crop rotations allow you to assign crops for up to three years before repeating. Assigned workers will automatically plough lands, sow seeds, and grow and harvest crops according to your yearly selection.

You can Plant Wheat, Barley, Flax or Rye

Crop Resource
Wheat Processed into Flour to make Bread.
Rye Processed into Flour to make Bread.
Barley Processed into Malt to make Ale.
Flax Processed to make Linen.

You can farm Wheat, Barley, and Flax at the get-go. However, you unlock the ability to farm Rye from the Farming Development Tree through Rye Cultivation.

Wheat, Rye, and Barley are invaluable early on to provide food and drink for your townspeople. Farming these will increase your Approval and allow you to expand Burgage Plots even further.

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How to Regenerate Fertility

Select Fallow in Crop Rotation

Manor Lords - Make a Field Fallow
Remember to include Fallow in a field's crop rotation to restore fertility for all types of crops. A field's crop fertility will eventually drop to 0% if it's not allowed rest.

Also, don't plant the same crop two years in a row. This will cause the fertility to drop even faster, and setting a year to Fallow won't be able to compensate for this.

Unlock the Fertilization Development

Manor Lords - Fertilization
Once you can invest more points in the Farming Development tree, we recommend picking up Fertilization to restore a field's crop fertility even faster.

Fertilization unlocks fences for fields and allows a field to be converted into a Pasture while fallowed. Animals such as sheep will graze and fertilize the Pastures they are in.

How to Maximize Fertility

Utilize a Three-Field Farming System

Sample Three-Field Farming Setup
Field 1 Field 2 Field 3
Year 1 Crop Fallow Fallow
Year 2 Fallow Crop Fallow
Year 3 Fallow Fallow Crop

As you begin your settlement, we recommend implementing a three-field farming system. This farming system allows you to have a consistent source of crops while regenerating crop fertility for other fields through Fallowing.

This system works by rotating crop growth between three fields, and then letting a field rest for 2 years.

Three-Field System with Fertilization

Sample Three-Field Farming Setup
Field 1 Field 2 Field 3
Year 1 Crop 1 Fallow Crop 2
Year 2 Crop 2 Crop 1 Fallow
Year 3 Fallow Crop 2 Crop 1

With Fertilization unlocked from the Farming Development Tree, you can consider adopting the above modification to the three-field farming system.

Faithful to the three-field farming system from medieval times, a field will have a crop rotation of 1 different crop each year. By the third year, the field is allowed rest and fallowed.

Unlock the Heavy Plow Development

Manor Lords - Heavy Plow
The Heavy Plow Farming Development allows your farm workers to plow one field while an ox plows the other. This will make the three-field farming system much more efficient since you don't have to wait for your workers to finish one field before moving to the other one.

Make sure that you have an ox permanently assigned to the Farmhouse so that you'll always have an ox ploughing the fields. You can set this option under the Advanced options when you click on the Farmhouse.

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