Manor Lords

All Industry Buildings and How to Use

Industry buildings process and refine various raw materials in Manor Lords. Learn how to use industry buildings, all upgrades, how to use them, and a list of all industry buildings in the game!

List of All Industry Buildings

Building Worker Fuel? Description
Bloomery IconBloomery 2 Yes Workers convert Iron Ore into Iron Slabs. Also needs to be refueled every month.
Clay Furnace IconClay Furnace 5 Yes Converts Clay to Roof Tiles. Must be refueled once per month.
DyerDyer's Workshop 4 No Workers convert Berries into Dyes. Does not need Fuel to operate.
Malthouse IconMalthouse 2 Yes Workers use Barley to produce Malt. The Malthouse needs to refuel to operate.
Smithy IconSmithy 2 Yes Workers use Iron Slabs to craft Tools. Must be refueled once per month.
Tannery IconTannery 3 No Workers use Hides to produce Leather. Does not need refueling every month.
WeaverWeaver's Workshop 3 No Workers use Wool to produce Yarn, and Flax to produce Linen. Does not need to refuel every month.

The table shown above currently lists all known industry buildings available in Manor Lords.

All Industry Buildings Have Storage

All industry buildings have inherent 50 storage slots for the products they produce with an exception for the Clay Furnace which can store up to 250 Roof Tiles.

How to Unlock Industry Buildings

Unlocked at the Start

Most industry buildings are unlocked at the start of the game. Players do not need to unlock specific developments to get Industry buildings.

How to Build Industry Buildings

Most Industry buildings will require specific materials to be built. All industry buildings also can't relocate so ensure proper placement in your settlement before building them.

We have listed down the required materials for all known Industry buildings in Manor Lords below:

Building Required Materials Can Be Relocated?
Bloomery IconBloomery
Timber x2
Clay Furnace IconClay Furnace
Timber x2
Stone x5
DyerDyer's Workshop
Timber x2
Malthouse IconMalthouse
Timber x4
Smithy IconSmithy
Timber x2
Tannery IconTannery
Timber x4
WeaverWeaver's Workshop
Timber x4

How to Use Industry Buildings

Used to Refine Raw Materials

The main purpose of industry buildings is to refine specific raw materials into useable industrial products in the settlement. The buildings process products from Iron Ore to Flax which results in the creation of Iron Slabs and Linen respectively.

Some Needs Fuel to Operate

Some industry buildings, especially those that need heat to operate, require fuel to operate. Make sure to know which of these are and ensure that you have enough fuel resources in your settlement's storage.

Workers Are Needed to Operate

To process goods, industry buildings need workers to operate. Take note of the worker slots for the specific building and make sure they are operating at maximum efficiency by filling all those slots with workers.

Manor Lords Related Guides

Manor Lords - Buildings

List of All Buildings

List of Building Types

List of Buildings
Gathering IconGathering Mining IconMining Logistics IconLogistics
Residential IconResidential Farming IconFarming Burgage IconBurgage Ext.
Industry IconIndustry Trade IconTrade Administration IconAdministration

All Building Guides


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