Manor Lords

Taxes Guide: How to Increase Treasury

Taxation is the process of earning Treasury from your Village's Regional Wealth in Manor Lords. Read on to learn How to Earn Tax, How to Increase your Treasury, and more in this guide!

How to Earn Tax

Steps to Earn Taxes
  1. Reach Small Village Status
  2. Build a Manor
  3. Set an Income Tax
  4. Use Treasury for Upgrades

Reach Small Village Status

Manor Lords - Small Village Requirements
To be able to build a Manor and collect Taxes from your citizens, you'll need to first reach the Small Village status. To become a Small Village, you must have 5 Burgage Plots and have all of your homeless citizens move into them.

Build a Manor

Manor Lords - Build a Manor
Once your settlement has grown into a Small Village, you will be able to construct a Manor in that region. Build one as soon as you can so that you can start taxing your citizens and increase your Treasury.

As a note, you don't need to build a Tax Office since it's not fully implemented and it will only be a cosmetic addition.

Set an Income Tax

Manor Lords - Set a Land Tax
After you've built a Manor, you can click on it and go to the Taxes tab to set a Land Tax and start generating Treasury. Remember that this will take a portion of your Regional Wealth, so make sure to balance your taxes accordingly.

Setting a Tax will also lower your Approval, so make sure that your citizens needs are being met and your Approval is above 50%.

Export Goods to Earn Regional Wealth

Manor Lords - Export Goods at a Trading Post
Export goods via the Trading Post to generate Regional Wealth for your village. You can only gain Treasury using Taxes if you have Regional Wealth to convert, and will not generate any if you are not earning Regional Wealth regularly.

Use Treasury for Upgrades

Manor Lords - Hire Mercenaries with Treasury
Your Treasury can then be used to hire Retinue or Mercenaries, or to settle a new Region. Make sure that you have a steady supply of Treasury for your upgrades, but not at the expense of being unable to develop your village with Regional Wealth.

How to Fix Treasury Funds Insufficient?

You will not be able to recruit more Retinue or Mercenaries without sufficient Treasury. The notice Treasury Funds Insufficient will appear instead.

To avoid this, continue to increase your Treasury through taxes and do not let it run out, especially if you are hiring Mercenaries that have a monthly Treasury expense.

How to Increase Treasury

Convert Regional Wealth with Taxes

Manor Lords - Treasury
Once you have a steady supply of Regional Wealth through your Trading Post, you can start taxing your villagers via the Manor.

As long as you have a surplus of Regional Wealth, and your Tax value does not hinder the growth of your village, you can steadily earn Treasury that you can then use to expand and strengthen your army or settle a new region.

Clear Bandit Camps

Manor Lords - Clear Bandit Camps
You can also gain Treasury by clearing bandit camps. Once you've taken down one of their camps, you'll be taken to the Spoils of War screen where you can then choose to either increase your Regional Wealth or Treasury.

Manor Lords Related Guides

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Types of Resources

List of Resources
Currency Food Construction
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Raw Resource Commodity Military

All Types of Currency

Treasury Influence Regional Wealth


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