Manor Lords

Chicken Coop - How to Build and Use

Manor Lords - How to Use Chicken Coop

The Chicken Coop is one of the Burgage buildings available in Manor Lords. Learn what the Chicken Coop does, how to build and upgrade the Chicken Coop, and tips on how to use the Chicken Coop effectively here!

How to Use Chicken Coop

Create Burgage Plot With Backyard Extension

Manor Lords - Backyard Extensions

To create Chicken Coops, you must first create Burgage Plots with Backyard Extensions. Simply extend the length of the plot points, which should allow Backyard Extensions once you construct the Burgage Plot.

You can choose the Chicken Coop from the Backyard Extensions, which is unlocked for Level 1 Burgage plots, and costs 25 Regional Wealth to create.

List of Backyard Extensions

Size Does Not Affect Egg Production

Manor Lords - Chicken Coop

Unlike Orchards and Vegetable Gardens, Larger Chicken Coops do not produce more eggs. Your Chicken Coop will always produce 1 Egg per month, regardless of how large you make it.

As such, we recommend making Chicken Coops for your Smallest Level 1 Burgage Plots with Backyard Extensions, so you can use the larger Backyards for other purposes.

Passively Produces Eggs

Manor Lords - Egg Production

Chicken Coops passively produce Eggs once they are constructed. Unlike Vegetable Gardens, Chicken Coops are less labor-intensive, and will still produce eggs regularly even if the family is assigned to labor-intensive buildings like Logging Camps and Trading Posts.

Since Chicken Coops regularly produce Eggs, it is a great early game food source to expand food variety, and can be a somewhat reliable secondary food source later on.

How to Get Eggs and How to Use

Eggs Are Consumed Quickly

If you are noticing that your Eggs are not accumulating, this is because eggs are consumed rather quickly. Check if your other Food Supplies are strangely higher, since you might just be running out of eggs, but your other supplies are untouched.

If you have found other problems or fixes regarding Chicken Coops, let us know in the comments!

Chicken Coop Description and Details

Chicken Coop Icon Chicken Coop
Type Burgage
Can Be Moved? No
Burgage Level 1
Description and Effects
A backyard extension that allows a passive yield of Eggs.

Chicken Coop Resource Production

Raw Material Product
No raw material required Eggs

All Related Development Nodes

No development nodes related to this Building.

There are no development nodes related to this building in the current build of Manor Lords.

All Developments and Branches

How to Build the Chicken Coop

Set as a Burgage Plot Extension

The Chicken Coop is classified as a burgage plot extension and can only be built inside a burgage plot of the appropriate level.

How to Upgrade Burgage Plot Levels

Chicken Coop Extension Cost

Material(s) Quantity
Regional Wealth x25

The resources and materials listed above are needed to construct the Chicken Coop. Make sure you have enough of them when building.

How to Upgrade the Chicken Coop

No Upgrades.

This building has no available upgrades in the current Early Access build of Manor Lords. Look out for any improvements in future updates!

Manor Lords Related Guides

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All Building Types

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All Burgage Buildings

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