Manor Lords

Logging Camp - How to Build and Use

Manor Lords - How to Use Logging Camps
The Logging Camp is one of the Gathering buildings available in Manor Lords. Learn what the Logging Camp does, how to build and upgrade the Logging Camp, and tips on how to use the Logging Camp effectively here!

What to Do if Logging Camp Storage is Full

Build Another Logging Camp

Manor Lords - Build Another Logging Camp
Timber is categorized under Log Storage so it will not be stored in a Storehouse. Instead, they will continue to be stored in a Logging Camp until they reach the maximum capacity of 28 Logs.

Consider building another Logging Camp within your settlement in order to store a larger amount of Timber for your construction needs.

Produce Planks

Manor Lords - Produce Planks in the Sawpit
Another alternative is to build a Sawpit which would convert your Timber into Planks which are tagged as Generic Goods and can be stored in a Storehouse or traded at a Trading Post for extra Regional Wealth in order to avoid having your Logging Camp's storage full.

How to Fix Logging Camp Not Working

Assign An Ox

Manor Lords - Assign an Ox to A Logging camp
Oxen are needed to deliver logs to Logging Camps after a worker cuts down a tree. Make sure you always have one family unassigned to guide an Ox in delivering logs, or permanently assign an Ox to your Logging Camp.

How to Get a Second Ox

Set Work Area to Unlimited

Manor Lords - Set Logging Camp Work Area to Unlimited
If you have previously limited your Logging Camp's work area to a designated spot, the resources within that area might be depleted, causing your workers to idle.

Setting your work area back to unlimited by clicking the clear work area button will allow your workers to continue felling trees rooted in your region or until your Logging Camp storage is full.

Check for Active Militia Units

Manor Lords - Ensure Militia Units are Disbanded
When Militia Units are rallied, they take all the men in a family to participate in battle, causing the tasks that they were assigned to halt. This affects Logging Camps as well, as the men of the family are employed as woodcutters.

Make sure to disband your rallied troops or reassign a new family to the Logging Camp if the previous worker died in battle.

Logging Camp Description and Details

Logging Camp Icon Logging Camp
Type Gathering
Can Be Moved? Yes
Worker Slots 3
Description and Effects
Workers fell nearby trees to produce Timber.

Logging Camp Resource Production

Raw Material Product/s

Logging Camp Resource Storage

Resources Quantity
Timber x28

All Related Development Nodes

No development nodes related to this Building.

There are no development nodes related to this building in the current build of Manor Lords.

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How to Build the Logging Camp

Material(s) Quantity
Timber x2

The resources and materials listed above are needed to construct the Logging Camp. Make sure you have enough of them when building.

How to Upgrade the Logging Camp

No Upgrades.

This building has no available upgrades in the current Early Access build of Manor Lords. Look out for any improvements in future updates!

Manor Lords Related Guides

Manor Lords - Buildings Partial

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All Building Types

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