Manor Lords

List of All Raw Resources

Raw materials are resources that naturally occurring around your settlement in Manor Lords. See a list of Raw Resources, including how to get and how to use Raw Resources!

List of Raw Resources

All Raw Resources

Wild Animal Iron Deposits Berry Deposits
Stone Deposits Clay Deposits Trees

Raw Resource are usually found in the overworld. They are the primary sources of food and construction materials for your settlement.

How to Get Raw Resources

Set Up The Right Buildings

Raw Resource Obtained Resource Production Building
Wild Animal Meat
Hunting Camp
Iron Deposits Iron Ore
Mining Pit
Berry Deposits Berries
Forager Hut
Stone Deposits Stone
Stonecutter Camp
Clay Deposits Clay
Mining Pit
Trees Timber
Logging Camp

Setting up the right buildings can make the most of whatever raw resources will be near your starting location. Alternatively, Firewood will also produced from Trees but from a different building, a Woodcutter's Lodge.

How to Use Raw Resource

Used As Food

The most basic use of raw resources is to hunt and forage them then convert them as a food supply for your settlement. This can be done with Forager Huts and Hunting Camps.

Used As Construction Material and Fuel

Logging Camps will be your building block, or in this case, building log, as you can only construct buildings using Timber. However you also use the Trees as a source of Firewood with the Woodcutter's Lodge. Be sure to also have a Forester's Hut to repopulated deforested areas.

Used As Crafting Material

Mining pits will produce either Iron Ores or Clay, both are vital sources of crafting materials to improve your settlement further.

Manor Lords Related Guides

Manor Lords - Resources

List of All Resources

Types of Resources

List of Resources
Currency Food Construction
Crops Fuel Crafting
Raw Resource Commodity Military


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