Manor Lords

Best Starting Resources

Manor Lords - Best Starting Resources
Having the best starting resources is crucial for a strong early game in Manor Lords. Check out what the best resources are, and the best kind of starting region.

Best Starting Resources

S Berries
Wild Animals
A Clay
B Flax
C Stone

These rankings are made with Rich Deposits and Green Fertility in mind.

S Tier - The Best Resources


Manor Lords - Berries
A Rich Berry Deposit is an amazing source of food that stays relevant into the late game. This is because, when combined with the Forest Management Development, you'll have up to 256 Berries that can be harvested at a time!

Eventually, you can transition from Berry Farming to Dye production, which is used to make Clothes and Cloaks that sell for 8 Regional Wealth each. Try to get a Rich Berry Deposit if you can, since it's a flexible resource that is relevant at all stages of the game.

Wild Animals

Manor Lords - Wild Animals
A Rich Wild Animal Deposit is one of, if not, the best resource you can get in the early game. It helps fulfill both the food and clothing requirements to upgrade Burgage Plots to Level 2 and the Leather gained from Hides can be used to make Shoes which sell for 8 Regional Wealth!

The main downside when compared to Berries, however, is that you'll need to invest 2-3 Development Points in the Trapping line of the Gathering tree to reach its maximum potential. However, this still doesn't take away from how ridiculously good this resource is.


Manor Lords - Iron
Iron is the most important mining resource in the game. It's used to make Weapons and Armor for your army, and it can be used to make extra Polearms that can be exported for 8 Regional Wealth.

Don't worry if you don't get a Rich Iron Deposit. As long as you have a strong trading economy, you can always buy the Weapons and Armor you need.

A Tier - Great But Not Necessary


Manor Lords - Clay
On paper, Clay is only useful for making Rooftiles to get a Small Stone Church or to upgrade Burgage Plots to Level 3. However, Rooftiles are also an amazing resource to export since they sell for 8 Regional Wealth!

Once you're done upgrading your buildings, you can dedicate a Rich Clay Deposit with Deep Mining for Rooftile exports.

Wheat and Rye

Manor Lords - Wheat
Wheat and Rye are an amazing source of food. If you manage to get Green Emmer or Rye Fertility in your region, alongside a Rich Berry or Wild Animal Deposit, you won't have to worry about getting other sources of food until you hit the late game.

The only downside however is that it takes a lot of steps to bake Bread, and you need to unlock Rye Cultivation to plant Rye. Even then, it's still amazing if you can get Fertile land for Wheat and Rye.


Manor Lords - Barley
Barley isn't useful in the early to mid-game, but it becomes a very important resource once you start upgrading Burgage Plots to Level 3. Barley is used to make Ale, which is necessary to keep Level 3 Burgage Plots satisfied. Also, any extra Ale you make can be sold for 8 Regional Wealth!

Similar to Iron, you don't have to worry about not having fertile land to grow Barley, since a strong trading economy will allow you to purchase Barley for yourself.

B Tier - Useful if You Need It


Manor Lords - Flax
While Flax is useful for making Linen, which in turn is used to make Clothes, it's outclassed by Wool and Hide farming.

Wool is great because they need Sheep, which are amazing for exporting to earn Regional Wealth, and Hide is used in making Shoes, which are easier to craft and sell for more when compared to Clothes and Gambesons respectively.

Flax should only be farmed if you need to do Crop Rotations, but even then it's still better to incorporate Barley instead.

C Tier - Rather Get Something Else


Manor Lords - Stone
Stone is only useful for building certain buildings. Outside of that, it isn't used for anything else and it only sells for 1 Regional Wealth at a Trading Post.

Don't bother looking for a Rich Stone Deposit since a regular one is enough for your needs. If ever you need more, you can always import some since they're super cheap.

What's the Best Starting Region?

Region Has 2 Rich Deposits

Manor Lords - 2 Rich Deposits vs 1
Ideally, you want to have a region that has 2 Rich Deposits. This guarantees you to have a strong early game and you'll survive the first few years growing your empire.

Also, look for a region that has Green Fertility. This isn't necessary, but a region that can support crop farming will solve the majority of your food issues until the late game.

Get at Least 1 S-Tier and 1 A-Tier Resource

Try to get Rich Deposits of resources that are at least S-Tier and A-Tier. A Rich Stone Deposit basically has the same value as a regular one, so you'd effectively be playing down a Rich Deposit.

Resources Aren't Too Far Apart

Manor Lords - Resources - Close vs Far
You also want to have your resources relatively close together. If, for example, a Berry and Wild Animal deposit are on opposite ends of the map, you'll be wasting time and efficiency since your workers have to walk long distances to get to both of them.

Look for a region that has its resources close together so that they can be easily and quickly accessed by your workers.

Start a New Game to Reroll Starting Region

If you don't like your starting location or it has really bad fertility and resources, you can always reroll your starting region.

Starting a new game will always spawn you in a new region with a different set of resources, so you can always exit to the main menu and start a new game if you want a different spawn.

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