Manor Lords

Tips and Tricks to Get Your Settlement Started (Beginner's Guide)

Manor Lords -Beginner

Here are tips and tricks for Manor Lords you need to know to start building your own medieval settlement! From the right scenario to choose to what buildings you need to build, see useful beginner tips for starting out Manor Lords in this guide!

Manor Lords Beginner's Guide

  1. Select the Right Scenario for Your Gameplay
  2. Construct Gathering and Storage Buildings First
  3. Build Burgage Plots for Families
  4. Keep At Least One Family Unassigned
  5. Get a Second Ox As Soon As You Can
  6. Be Aware of the Seasons
  7. Manage Your Food and Fuel Well
  8. Build Trading Posts to Make Money Fast
  9. Get the Charcoal Burning Development Point
  10. Kill Bandits For Influence and Treasury

Select the Right Scenario for Your Gameplay

Manor Lords - Select the Right Scenario for Your Gameplay

When starting Manor Lords, there are 3 scenarios that will determine the gameplay you will have: Rise to Prosperity, Restoring the Peace, and On the Edge.

You can customize the settings for these scenarios. For players who want to fully build a settlement while conquering different regions, play the “Restoring the Peace” scenario. For beginners or players who just want to relax, we recommend selecting the “Rise to Prosperity” template so you can mainly focus on city building and management.

Different Types of Scenario

Scenario Details
Rise to prosperity Premise: Fulfill the requirements of your citizens, plan and rule your medieval town as you see fit, without worrying about combat.
Victory Conditions: Reach "Large town" settlement level. After that, you may choose to continue in the endless mode.
Restoring the Peace Premise: Two territories in the north are claimed by the illegitimate Baron whose castle is located off the map. Bandit camps reside in the other, unclaimed regions. Build and expand at your own pace. When ready, challenge the Baron for the northern territories.
Victory Conditions: Conquer every region.
On the edge Premise: Grow your city and raise forces as quickly as you can. The lands are pestered by raiders and undefended settlements will quickly perish.
Victory Conditions:Survive all the attacks and reach the "Large town" settlement level.

Game Setup and Difficulty Options

Construct Gathering and Storage Buildings First

Manor Lords - Construct Gathering and Storage Buildings First
Right away, build Gathering and Storage buildings to start your settlement. This will allow you to start piling up on resources, like Timber and Berries for Food.

Building Cost Description
Logging Camp IconLogging Camp
Timber x2
Workers fell nearby trees to produce Timber.
WoodcutterWoodcutter's Lodge
Timber x1
Workers fell nearby trees to produce Firewood.
ForesterForester's Hut
Timber x2
Workers plant new trees in the specified zones.
Forager Hut IconForager Hut
Timber x1
Workers gather Berries from nearby Berry Deposits.
Can be upgraded to have a Herb Garden for 2 Planks and 25 Regional Wealth, allowing the production of Herbs.
Granary IconGranary
Timber x2
Stone x10
Workers collect, store, and distribute goods using the Pantry. Stores up to 500 food resources or Ale.
If needed, they will also automatically set up stalls on the marketplace to distribute the stored goods to Burgage Plots.
Storehouse IconStorehouse
Timber x2
Workers collect, store and distribute goods using Generic Storage. Stores up to 250 non-food resources.
If needed, they will also automatically set up stalls on the marketplace to distribute the stored goods to Burgage Plots.

Build Order and What to Build First

Connect Buildings with Roads

Manor Lords - Connect Buildings with Roads
Make sure to connect buildings to roads. This will speed up the transfer of resources from one point to the next, therefore speeding up the construction of buildings.

How to Make Roads

Pause the Game With Spacebar Before Building

You can pause the game with Spacebar to give you time to plan out the roads and buildings of your settlement. While paused, you can still lay down roads and place buildings up for construction.

Once the game is resumed, unassigned familiies will begin construction on any placed buildings.

Build Burgage Plots for Families

Manor Lords - Build Burgage Plots for Families
At the beginning of the game, you will have homeless families that will work for you. Building Burgage Plots to house these families so they don't get cold in the Winter and be more productive. These can be found in the Residential Buildings in the construction tab.

How to Build Burgage Plots

Get More Families by Increasing Approval Rating

Having an Approval Rating higher than 50% will ensure that you get more families. You can do this by constructing a Marketplace or a Church in your settlement. Once you keep the rating higher than 50%, build more Burgage Plots to have more families move in.

How to Reach 100% Approval

Keep At Least One Family Unassigned

Manor Lords - Keep At Least One Family Unassigned
At the beginning when expanding your settlement, keep at least one family unassigned. Assigning all of them to a job will prevent them from helping out in constructing new buildings.

How to Assign Workers

Get a Second Ox As Soon As You Can

Manor Lords - Order an Ox in the Hitching Post
The Ox you get from the beginning helps out in the construction of your settlement. Getting another will speed up the process of erecting buildings, so make sure to get a second one as soon as you can!

How to Get Another Ox

Be Aware of the Seasons

Manor Lords - All Seasons
While playing through Manor Lords, keep an eye out for the season you are in, which will be marked on the lower right corner of the screen. It's important to plan around these seasons to determine which crops to plant and harvest and resources to gather.

Seasons Details
Frequent raining. Berry Deposits regrow. Ploughing for quick summer harvest possible.
Crop harvests start in late Summer.
End of harvests. Ploughing and sowing crops recommended for maximum yield next summer. Berries start disappearing.
Berry deposits vanish. Firewood is required for survival. Sheep shearing forbidden. Chance of getting ill.

All Seasons and Weather Effects

Be Prepared When Winter Comes

When Winter comes, surviving becomes much more urgent than usual. Be sure to stock up on resources before this season so you can be prepared to go through it.

How to Survive Winter

Manage Your Food and Fuel Well

Manor Lords - Manage Your Food and Fuel Well
Food and Fuel consumption increases the more Burgage Plots you build. Be sure to keep these supplies stocked, especially when Winter comes, since the consumption for Fuel increases during the season.

Get Food From Berry Deposits or Wild Animal Deposits

To keep your Food supplies high, forage berries by building Forager Huts near Berry Deposits. You can also gather food by hunting animals. Do this by building Hunting Camps near Wild Animal Deposits.

How to Get Food

Get Fuel from Woodcutter's Lodge or Charcoal Kilns

For Fuel, you need Firewood to keep supplies high. You can get these Firewood by building a Woodcutter's Lodge. To make refueling much more efficient, unlock the Charcoal Kiln from the Development Tree, which will convert 1 Firewood to 2 Charcoals.

How to Get Fuel

Build Trading Posts to Make Money Fast

Manor Lords - Build Trading Posts to Make Money Fast
Build Trading Posts as soon as you can early in the game. This will allow you to gain Regional Wealth, which can be used in various things, like ordering an ox or a horse or constructing a backyard expansion for each Burgage Plots.

Building Cost Trades
Trading Post 4 Timber Resources
Livestock Trading Post 2 Timber Animals

How to Trade Guide

Get the Charcoal Burning Development Point First

When you level up, you get development points that helps in upgrading your settlement. These can range from improving farming or providing armor for your militia.

We recommend getting the Charcoal Burning development point first. This turns Firewood into 2 Charcoals, which can make refueling efficient and helps in surviving the Winter season.

Best Development Points to Get

Kill Bandits For Influence and Treasury

Manor Lords - Bandit Camps Have a Tent Icon
Seek out and kill bandits in bandit camps early on in the game. Doing this will earn you Influence and Treasury early on in the game, so be sure to prepare your militia as soon as you can

Killing bandits will not only prevent them from stealing your settlement's resources, but will also prevent the Baron from taking over bandit camps, which can help him conquer the whole map.

How to Stop Bandits

All Tips and Tricks Guides

Manor Lords Tips and Tricks

List of Tips and Tricks
Game Setup and Difficulty Options How to Explore World in Third Person
List of All Achievements How to Change Region Name
Character Creation Guide All Seasons and Weather
How to Change Church Bell Sound How to Make a Custom Coat of Arms
What is the Best Scenario? How to Get Clothing Stalls
Best Settings to Change What is Diplomacy and Mechanics
What is the King's Road? How to Get Artisan Workshops
How to Store Exposed Goods How to Fix of Generic Storage Full Alert
Lack of Entertainment Explained What Does Burn Field Do?
What to Do With Dead Oxen How to Make Money Fast
Best Starting Resources How to Fix the Stuck Ox Bug

City Building Tips and Tricks

List of Tips and Tricks
How to Increase Approval to 100% How to Survive Winter
How to Win a Growth Victory Crop Rotation and Fertility Guide
How to Claim Regions How to Get More Families
Trade Rule Guide (Set to No Trade Fix) How to Pay Royal Tax
How to Relocate Buildings How to Cure Diseases
How to Maintain Public Order How to Put Out Fires
How to Check Map and Overlays How to Delete and Remove Roads
How to Get Rid of Homelessness Build Order and What to Build First
How to Assign Workers How to Move Supplies
How to Make Roads How to Limit Work Area
How to Rotate Buildings How to Use the Castle Planner
Best City Layout -

Combat Tips and Tricks

List of Tips and Tricks
How to Beat Restoring the Peace Scenario How to Win a Conquest Victory
How to Win a Domination Victory Combat Guide: How to Battle
How to Stop Bandits From Stealing How to Make Weapons and Armor
How to Survive Raiders -

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