Manor Lords

How to Get Fuel and All Fuel Types

Fuel keeps your settlers warm and alive during the winter and keeps the fire burning in production buildings that need constant refueling in Manor Lords. See a list of how you can get more Fuel, as well as all the ways Fuel is used efficiently in our guide below!

How to Get Fuel

It is important to acquire Fuel as soon as you begin building your settlement because your village can be wiped out by the harsh cold of winter. There are two ways you can get Fuel:

  1. Build a Woodcutter's Lodge
  2. Build a Charcoal Kiln

Building a Woodcutters' Lodges

Material(s) Quantity
Timber x1

Building a Woodcutter's Lodge is cheap. It only costs 1 Timber, and you can already place up to 3 families to constantly chop down trees and turn them into Firewood. Be sure to set a wide but limited work area for your woodcutter's lodge to easily monitor the tree population in your region.

Building a Charcoal Kiln

Building a Charcoal Kiln requires some additional steps, but yields in a fuel source that is twice as effective as firewood, Charcoal.

  1. Acquire Charcoal Burning
  2. Build a Charcoal Kiln

Acquire Charcoal Burning

You have to reach the level of a Small Village at least, to have 1 Development point. With this 1 Point, you can purchase the Charcoal Burning development node that unlocks the Charcoal Kiln as a building.

Build a Charcoal Kiln

Material(s) Quantity
Timber x2

Once you have the Charcoal Kiln unlocked, only thing left to do is to build it. A Charcoal Kiln only costs 2 Timber and is recommended near your Woodcutter's Lodge for maximum efficiency.

What to Do When Lodges No Longer Produce Fuel?

When the game prompts you that you have no more resources available to your woodcutters' lodge, you have two courses of action to choose from, but it would be better to do both:

  1. Set a Different Work Area
  2. Construct More Forester's Huts

Setting a different work area will give you access to new resources, but this is only a temporary fix. The optimal route is to also construct new foresters' huts and have them repopulate the area that is deforested.

How to Limit Work Area

How to Conserve Fuel

Halt Production of Buildings That Require Refueling

If you are not actively stocking up on Iron Ores, Iron Slabs, Malt, and Rooftiles, then you ought to pause the production and work-related tasks in those buildings. Regardless if they produce new items or not, as long as you keep it operational, they will still consume fuel. Putting these buildings to a pause will lessen the overall fuel consumption of your entire colony.

All Affected Buildings
Bloomery IconBloomery Smithy IconSmithy Clay Furnace IconClay Furnace
Malthouse IconMalthouse

List of Fuel

All Fuel Types

Firewood Charcoal

There are only two types of fuel in Manor Lords so far: Firewood and Charcoal. Fuel is necessary to keep your settlement alive through the harsh winter. Each family consumes 1 unit of fuel out side of winter, and 2 units during winter.

How to Survive Winter

How to Use Fuel

Enables a Fuel Stall Supply

Set up a Marketplace in your settlement and your settlers will build a Firewood Stall there to evenly distribute the fuel reserves. Having a larger settlement will require more firewood stalls because your villagers can easily die from the cold if they do not have a more accessible means of acquiring fuel. Having a steady fuel stall supply network is necessary to upgrade to Burgage Plot Levels 2 and 3.

How to Upgrade Your Burgage Plot and Levels

Keeps Production Buildings Operational

All Affected Buildings
Bloomery IconBloomery Smithy IconSmithy Clay Furnace IconClay Furnace
Malthouse IconMalthouse Manor IconManor

The following buildings must be refueled every month to keep their production going. They will not be able to produce any new items unless they are refueled. Consider putting their productions to a pause when you are not actively trying to produce new items.

Manor Lords Related Guides

Manor Lords - Resources

List of All Resources

Types of Resources

List of Resources
Currency Food Construction
Crops Fuel Crafting
Raw Resource Commodity Military


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