Manor Lords

Well - How to Build and Use

Manor Lords - Well Banner
The Well is one of the Residential buildings available in Manor Lords. Learn what the Well does, how to build and upgrade the Well, and tips on how to use the Well effectively here!

Why is the Well Not Working?

Might Not be Connected via Road

Manor Lords - Connect Buildings with Roads
For a Well to properly work and satisfy the needs of your citizens, it will need to be connected to your roads. If ever your Well isn't working, check first if it is properly connected to your town, or if the building that isn't getting water is connected via a road.

How to Make Roads

Well Description and Details

Well Icon Well
Type Residential
Can Be Moved? No
Description and Effects
Provides Drinking Water to Burgage Plots. Also enables Firefighting.
Can be built anywhere if the game setting is set to unconstrained, else it must be built over Underground Water sources.

All Related Development Nodes

No development nodes related to this Building.

There are no development nodes related to this building in the current build of Manor Lords.

All Developments and Branches

Do You Need Multiple Wells?

You only need one well per region to supply water and fulfill the needs of your Burgage Plots. However, it's not useless to have multiple Wells in case a fire breaks out in an area of your settlement that isn't close to one.

If a fire isn't put out immediately, the building will get destroyed. Normally, you'd be able to restore a building by selecting to rebuild the rubble, but if a fire isn't put out quickly enough, the entire building will burn down and disappear.

How to Put Out Fires

How to Build the Well

Material(s) Quantity
Timber x1

The resources and materials listed above are needed to construct the Well. Make sure you have enough of them when building.

Well Location Depends on Game Settings

Well Placement Settings

Underground Water


During Game Setup, there's an option called Well Placement that changes where you're able to build Wells once you're in-game.

By default, the Well placement setting is set to Underground Water which only allows you to build Wells on areas that are Blue, but you can change it to Unconstrained so that you can place down Wells anywhere with no restrictions.

How to Check Map and Overlays

How to Upgrade the Well

No Upgrades.

This building has no available upgrades in the current Early Access build of Manor Lords. Look out for any improvements in future updates!

Manor Lords Related Guides

Manor Lords - Buildings Partial

List of All Buildings

All Building Types

List of Buildings
Gathering IconGathering Mining IconMining Logistics IconLogistics
Residential IconResidential Farming IconFarming Burgage IconBurgage Ext.
Industry IconIndustry Trade IconTrade Administration IconAdministration

All Residential Buildings

Well IconWell Marketplace IconMarketplace Firewood Cart IconFirewood Cart
Food Cart IconFood Cart Tavern IconTavern Wooden Church IconWooden Church
Corpse Pit IconCorpse Pit


2 Anonymous7 months

Multiple wells spread around is good for firefighting and minimizing distance families travel to get water. In my opinion it’s small enough to squeeze into every sector of your town

1 Anonymous9 months

The well is useless. As long as you have 1 in a region, that is it. No need for any more.


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