The First Descendant

Energy Activator Blueprint: How to Get and Use

Please note that the First Descendant Team has stopped covering the game as of October 2024. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

Energy Activator Blueprint is a Core Material in The First Descendant (TFD). Learn how to get Energy Activator Blueprint, as well as how to use it in this guide.

How to Get Energy Activator Blueprint

Item How to Get
Energy Activator Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Grave Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 002 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Grave Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 005 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Stunning Beauty) Amorphous Material Pattern: 012 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Stunning Beauty) Amorphous Material Pattern: 010 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 019 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 016 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 025 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 022 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 022 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 030 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 039 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 036 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 046 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 044 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Hanged Man) Amorphous Material Pattern: 053 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Hanged Man) Amorphous Material Pattern: 050 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 059 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 057 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 069 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 067 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 079 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 077 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 087 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 085 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 095 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 097 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Obstructer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 107 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Obstructer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 105 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Frost Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 117 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Frost Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 115 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Molten Fortress) Amorphous Material Pattern: 127 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Molten Fortress) Amorphous Material Pattern: 125 required
・ Vespers (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Lost Supply Depot
・ Vespers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Ruins
・ Vespers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Lost Supply Depot
・ Vespers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Moonlight Lake
・ Kingston (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Kingston Grand Square
・ Agna Desert (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Vermilion Waste
・ Agna Desert (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Miragestone Deposit
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Vermilion Waste
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert The Storage
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Miragestone Deposit
・ Echo Swamp (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Echo Swamp Muskeg Swamp
・ Echo Swamp (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Echo Swamp Muskeg Swamp
・ Echo Swamp (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Echo Swamp Derelict Covert
・ Fortress (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Fallen Ark
・ Fortress (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Frozen Valley
・ Fortress (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Fallen Ark
・ Fortress (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Defense Line
・ Sterile Land (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Rockfall Zone
・ Sterile Land (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Restricted Zone
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Rockfall Zone
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Repository
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Restricted Zone
・ Hagios (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Dune Base
・ Hagios (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Fractured Monolith
・ Hagios (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Dune Base
・ Hagios (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Corrupted Zone
・ Hagios (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Hagios Fractured Monolith
・ White-night Gulch (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Observatory
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Mountaintops
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Observatory
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Hatchery

How to Use Energy Activator Blueprint

Used to Craft Energy Activator

Item How to Get
Energy Activator ・Research
Research Materials Needed:
Low-Carbon Activator x55
Conductive Metallic Foil x25
Heat Plasma Battery x55
Polyatomic Ion Particle x72
Energy Activator Blueprint x1

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