Paper Mario: The Origami King (Switch)

Boss Battle Guide: How to Beat Fire Vellumental

Fire Vellumental Top.png

This is a walkthrough for beating Fire Vellumental, one of the bosses in Paper Mario: The Origami King for the Nintendo Switch. This guide will cover boss strategy, the best weapons to use, as well as other tips and tricks for beating Fire Vellumental.

Fire Vellumental Walkthrough

Phase 1

Fire Vellumental.png

The main goal of this battle is to move toward an Action Panel so that you can damage the Fire Vellumental with Jump Attacks (via the Iron Boots). Along the way, you'll want to avoid Fire Vellumental's Molten Feathers, as they can deal a lot of damage. When possible, be sure and walk over one of the treasure chests, as they will add Water Vellumental panels to the board (which will come in handy later in the battle).

In order to rack up the most damage, try and make use of the various bonus panels that show up such as x2 Damage and the extra action panel. Note that you won't be able to use the 1000-Fold Arms while the Fire Vellumental is still ablaze, so avoid Magic Circles for now, and primarily focus on getting the boss down to around 25% HP (or a little bit less). You'll need to jump on it with the iron boots 5~6 times.

Its attacks plus the molten feathers can tack on a ton of damage quickly, so keep an eye on Mario's health, and try to pick up a heart if needed.

Phase 2

Summon Water Vellumental.png

Once the Fire Vellumental's HP gets to be a little under 25%, you should try and land on one of the Water Vellumental panels. If one is not around, find a treasure chest to get some on the board. Once the Fire Vellumental falls down, line up your next move so that you can hit the ON Panel and the Magic Circle, and then use your 1000-Fold Arms to repeatedly beat the Fire Vellumental. If timed correctly, you should be able to deal the final blow here.

Fire Vellumental Tips and Strategy

Use Water Vellumental Immediately

For your first move, arrange the panels so that you can open a Treasure Chest and land on an Action Panel in one go. This way, you get to attack and get to use the Water Vellumental Panel, that was inside the chest, for the next move. For your next move, make sure you pass the ON Panel and land on the Water Vellumental Panel. This will extinguish the Fire Vellumental and its Molten Feathers for one turn, making it easy to damage it with Jump Attacks, without damaging yourself.

Molten Feathers

Fire Vellumental Feathers.png
The “gimmick” of this battle is essentially the molten feathers the Fire Vellumental casts all over the board at the beginning of each turn (from turn #2). Like the bumper bands that Rubber Bands used, Fire Vellumental will lose some HP when it spreads these out. When Mario steps onto a space with one of these laid on it, he will take 8~9 damage.

As the battle progresses, Fire Vellumental will spread more and more of these, and some spaces may even have multiple feathers on them, which can deal a ton of damage if stepped on. As much as possible, you should try and avoid these, but if you have enough HP to spare, it is okay to walk over a couple in order to reach your goal.

Using the Water Vellumental space will extinguish Fire Vellumental's flame and all of the feathers, but it will regenerate all of its HP after you attack with the 1000-Fold Arms, so you should not do this too early. Make sure to only go for this attack when you are sure it will be enough to finish it off.

1000-Fold Arms Timing

For the first part of the battle, you should focus on landing on Action Panels so that you can widdle the boss's damage down by using Jump Attacks with Iron Boots (its HP also drops as it sends out feathers). Once it has gotten to about half HP, you need to get the the Water Vellumental space, which will extinguish Fire Vellumental's flames, as well as the feathers on the board. With less than half of its HP remaining, you should be safe to use a Magic Circle and attack with your 1000-Fold Arms.

If done successfully, its HP will drop down to the very last bit, where it can be finished off with a single punch from the arms. However, if it had too much HP when you started the attack with your arms, it will retract all of its feathers and regain full HP, so do not go in for the 1000-Fold Arms attack until Fire Vellumental has lost significant HP (a little over 75%).

Spending Coins

You can spend coins for numerous effects. By pressing +, you can add more time to the clock, giving a little bit more leeway when figuring out the correct path for the ring puzzle.

Pressing Y to have Toads cheer also has a very useful effect in this battle. If you spend enough coins, you will be able to recover some health, and in addition, Mario's path along the ring becomes visible. This will make it much easier to solve the puzzle and end up in the correct spot. Note however that this will only last during the current turn.

Fire Vellumental Video Walkthrough

Best Weapons Against Fire Vellumental

Phase 1

Shiny Iron Boots IconShiny Iron Boots

The only way to damage the Fire Vellumental when it is enflamed is to use the Iron Boots. Since your main goal will be do widdle down it's health past the halfway mark, we recommend using Shiny Iron Boots for the damage boost if you have them.

Phase 2

As mentioned above, you should use the 1000-Fold Arms when the Fire Vellumental's HP gets below 25%. To do this, you will first need to activate one of the Water Vellumental panels, then on your next move, hit an ON Panel and land on a Magic Circle to inflict massive damage.

Paper Mario Origami King Boss Guides

Boss Fight Guide & List of All Bosses

Red Streamer Zone Bosses

Earth Vellumental.jpgEarth Vellumental The Missile Maestro - Colored Pencils.pngColored Pencils

Blue Streamer Zone Bosses

Water Vellumental.pngWater Vellumental Rubber Bands.pngRubber Band

Yellow Streamer Zone Bosses

Blooper.pngGooper Blooper Pokey.pngGiant Pokey
Fire Vellumetntal.pngFire Vellumental Hole Punch.pngHole Punch

Purple Streamer Zone Bosses

Ice Vellumental.pngIce Vellumental Tape.pngTape

Green Streamer Zone Bosses

Sumo Bro Banner.jpgSumo Bros Handaconda.pngHandaconda
Buzzy Beetle.pngBuzzy Beetle Scissors Intro.pngScissors


Stapler Banner.pngStapler Olly - The Origami King.pngKing Olly


1 iulianOnofreiabout 4 years

"With less than half of its HP remaining, you should be safe to <...> attack with your 1000-Fold Arms" and "do not go in for the 1000-Fold Arms attack until Fire Vellumental has lost <...> a little over 75%" directly contradict themselves!


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