Civilization VII

Civ 7 Best Economic Leaders and Civs

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Civ 7 Best Economic Leaders and Civs

Amina and Confucius are the Best Leaders for Economic Victory, while America and Qing are the Best Economic Civs in Civilization VII (Civ 7)! Here's a list of the best Economic Victory Leaders and Civs and their advantages over others.

Civ 7 Economic Guides
Economic Victory Guide Best Economic Mementos
Best Economic Leaders and Civs
For Notice IconNotice Note that some leaders can be stronger than others depending on the Civilization and Mementos they use, as well as their starting location.

Best Economic Leaders



Amina Economic Advantages
・Passive +1 Resource Capacity to all Cities which is crucial for accomplishing Economic Legacy Paths.
・A lot of gold income from the additional +1 Gold per Age for each Resource assigned to Cities.
・Military combat bonuses are always useful for protecting trade routes and cities from enemy Civs.

Amina is one of the best leaders when going for an Economic Victory just by the +1 Resource Capacity for all your Cities. Resource Capacity is a bottleneck for the Legacy Path in the Antiquity Age and helps a lot to speed up the one in the Modern Age.

The Combat Strength bonus will also be handy to protect all your precious Trade Routes and settlements from enemy Civs. Playing as Amina will also unlock Songhai for the Exploration Age, a strong Civ for this victory path.

Amina Leader Guide



Confucius Economic Advantages
・Easily expand your borders and grab Resources with the +25% Growth Rate in Cities.
・Additional +2 Science from Specialists to supplement your empire's Technology needs.
・Unlocks Ming and Qing, economic powerhouses, in the Exploration and Modern Age, respectively.

Confucius, while not categorized as an Economic leader, is great at going for an Economic Victory. As you will come to learn, Science is important to research key Technologies you will need to achieve your goals like Shipbuilding during the Exploration Age to speed up settling in the Distant Lands.

The +25% Growth Rate for all Cities lets you quickly expand settlements to grab the Resources you need. Playing as Confucius will unlock both the Ming and Qing Civs for the Exploration and Modern Age, two of the best Civs for an Economic Victory.

Confucius Leader Guide

Best Antiquity Age Economic Civs


Antiquity - Aksum

Aksum Economic Advantages
・Extra +2 Gold on Resources which is what you'll mainly be looking for in this age.
・Unique Trade Ships with +10 Trade Route range to easily import Resources from other Civs.
・Unique Naval Unit that can create Trade Routes while having extra Combat Strength on coastal tiles.

Aksum gets the best advantage for the Economic Legacy Path in the Antiquity Age with their Unique Units, the Dhow and Tankwa. The extra +2 Gold on Resources is also great since you'll want to go for a lot of them for the legacy path.

The unique Naval Unit, Dhow, can be used to create Trade Routes with other settlements by moving them into a settlement in range and expending a charge. Each Dhow can make one Trade Route and will not disappear after use. You can start creating Trade Routes as soon as you research Sailing when you unlock the Dhow, even before you unlock Merchants.

The effectiveness of Aksum's unique units, however, is dependent on the number of coastal settlements that you can find from other Civs. Make full use of the extra range from the unique Trade Ship, Tankwa, and explore as much as you can along the coast with your units. These ships cannot be pillaged so you can just leave them be after creating them.

With the Aksum Unique Civic, Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, you get increased Resource Capacity for settlements next to the Coast or Navigable Rivers so be sure to settle near those tiles. You need 20 Resource Capacity total to fill up the Economic Legacy Path.

Aksum Civilization Guide


Antiquity - Mississippian

Mississippian Economic Advantages
・Buildings receive a +1 Food Adjacency from Resources which will help a lot with growth.
・Unique Merchant that gets you extra 25 Gold per Resource acquired when creating Trade Routes.
・+30% Production towards Monks Mound wonder which gives increased Resource Capacity.

Mississippian can also be great for faster growing settlements and extra Gold when creating Trade Routes. With this Civ, settle far and wide to get as much Resources as you can within each settlement, you'll have no problem growing them since you get a lot of food from Food Adjacencies for buildings.

The +30% increased production towards the Monks Mound wonder is super helpful. This wonder gives +4 Resource Capacity to the settlement you build it in which helps a lot. Resource Capacity is a big bottleneck when trying to complete the Economic Legacy Path.

The Mississipian Unique Civic, Cah-nah-ha, also helps with Resource Capacity in the Capital to get closer towards the 20 Resources you need for the Legacy Path.

Mississippian Civilization Guide

Best Exploration Age Economic Civs


Exploration - Chola

Chola Economic Advantages
・Additional +1 Trade Route from Improving Trade Relations for a total of two trade routes each time.
・Unique Naval Units and Commander for an easier time controlling the seas towards the Distant Lands.
・Unique Quarters that give extra +5 Land and +15 Naval Trade Route range for more resources.

Chola can be a good Civ for the Economic Legacy Path in the Exploration Age by their strong naval presence and far-reaching trade routes. With the unique Naval Unit and Commander, you'll be able to secure safe passage to the Distant Lands and for your Treasure Fleets.

Make good use of the Kalam and the Ottru to get Settlers safely to the Distant Lands. You could also bully other Civs and even take their settlements in the Distant Lands to secure more Treasure Fleets for the Legacy Path.

If you find other Civs trying to get Treasure Fleets in the Distant Lands, you can also steal their Treasure Fleets using your strong Naval force to procure the points for yourself. You'll be in for a war though so be prepared for that.

Chola Civilization Guide


Exploration - Songhai

Songhai Economic Advantages
・Increased Resource Capacity for Cities on Navigable Rivers for an economic boost.
・Unique Civic that lets Homeland Cities on Navigable Rivers generate Treasure Fleet points.

The main advantage for Songhai in the Exploration Age is the abilty to generate Treasure Fleet points in your homeland by the Unique Civic, Kanta. This civic allows you to generate Treasure Fleets worth 1 point each in Cities on Navigable Rivers.

If you can settle a lot of cities on Navigable Rivers in your homeland, you can get a bunch of Treasure Fleet points passively by rushing this Civic. However, you should still try to go for Treasure Fleets from the Distant Lands to make sure you get enough points.

Songhai Civilization Guide


Exploration - Ming

Ming Economic Advantages
・Huge +50% bonus to Science in the Capital to help research Shipbuilding much faster.
・Unique Merchant that can earn Gold (and Science from Unique Civic) when creating roads.

Ming's main advantage is their strong Science throughput which help you fast track your Technology research to reach Shipbuilding much earlier. Shipbuilding is essential to make it easier for your units to reach the Distant Lands faster and start generating Treasure Fleets.

Ming Civilization Guide

Best Modern Age Economic Civs


Modern - America

America Economic Advantages
・Unique Civilan Unit that can claim Land Resources outside your settlement range.
・Unique Buildings with a strong production output to build Factories much faster.
・Unique Quarter to help Factory Cities grow faster from the bonus food per resource assigned.

America is great for an Economic Victory push in the Modern Age. The most important thing to have in this age is enough Factory Resources to generate 500 Railroad Tycoon Points as fast as you can. Make use of the Unique Civilian Unit, Prospector, to claim Factory Resources outside your settlement to fuel your Factories.

The Unique Buildings, Steel Mill and Railyard, both give Production to help you produce buildings and units faster. The Unique Quarter, Industrial Park, gives the City +2 Food per assigned resource which is really important for Factory Cities to continue growing.

America Civilization Guide


Modern - Qing

Qing Economic Advantages
・Bonus Gold, Culture, and most importantly Influence from imported Resources.
・Unique Merchant that gives bonus gold per resource when creating naval Trade Routes.
・Unique Quarters that give the settlement +25% more Influence.

When playing the Qing, you'll want to create as many Trade Routes as you can using the Unique Merchant, Hangshang, to obtain your Factory Resources as well as Gold. Imported Resources will be your main generator for Gold which you can use to build Factories and Rail Stations in your settlements.

Influence is important when going for an Economic Victory since you'll need it plus Gold to Establish World Bank Offices in other Civs. With the Unique Quarters, Huiguan, you can generate much more influence in your cities which you'll need later on once you get the Great Banker.

Qing China Civilization Guide

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