Civilization VII

Civ 7 Districts Overhaul

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Civ 7 - Districts

Districts have been overhauled and have new mechanics essential to the prosperity of your empire in Civilization VII (Civ 7). Learn all about the new Districts in Civ 7, the types of Districts you can make, and how they work in this guide!

What are Districts in Civ 7?

Tiles with an Improvement or Building


Districts are settlement tiles that have a tile improvement such as a Camp or Pasture and those that have a building such as a Granary or a Brickyard. Tile improvements create Rural Districts while Buildings create Urban Districts.

Civ 7 Buildings and Improvements

New Districts will Expand the Settlement Borders

Creating either a new Rural or Urban District either from growing your settlement to a new tile or finish a building on a unimproved tile will expand your settlement borders to the tiles adjacent the new district if they are not already part of the settlement.

Types of Districts in Civ 7

Rural Districts

Rural District

Rural Districts are created when you grow your settlement and place a tile improvement on the tile you expand to. Rural Districts keep all the natural tile yields plus the additional yields from tile improvements.

Urban Districts

Urban District

Urban Districts are created when you place a building on one of your tiles within a settlement. Converting tiles to Urban Districts will make them lose the natural tile yields and instead only benefit from the building yields and adjacency bonuses.

Rural District Mechanics

Benefit from Warehouse Buildings

Tile improvements in Rural Districts can have increased yields when you build the appropriate Warehouse Building within the settlement. This will affect all the supported tile improvements that you have in the settlement.

Urban District Mechanics

Two Buildings per Urban District

Two Buildings per Urban District

You can place up to two buildings on each Urban District. Both buildings will benefit from their own adjacency bonuses and each will give their own yields for the empire.

Rural Districts Move When Converted to Urban Districts

Convert Rural to Urban

Placing a building and converting an existing Rural District to an Urban one will move the population working on the Rural District to improve another tile within the settlement.

Specialists for Extra Yields


Specialists are created when you choose to allocate new population to an Urban District when growing a settlement. Specialists will provide base Science and Culture yields and improve adjacency bonuses while consuming Food and Happiness.

Unique Quarters for Specific Civs

Unique Quarters

Unique Quarters are formed when you build two Civ-specific Unique Buildings within one Urban District. They give significant bonuses and have a distinct appearance that reflects the Civ they are part of.

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