Civilization VII

Civ 7 Best Military Civs

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Civ VII - Best Civs for a Military Victroy
Maurya and Rome are the Best Civs for a Military Victory in the Antiquity Age with either the French Empire or Meiji finishing it off in the Modern Age of Civilization VII (Civ 7)! Here's a list of the best Military Victory Civs and their advantages over other Civilizations.

Civ 7 Military Guides
Military Victory Guide Best Military Mementos
Best Military Leaders Best Military Civs
For Notice IconNotice Note that some civs can be stronger than others depending on the Leader used and Mementos equipped.

Best Military Civs for the Antiquity Age



Maurya Military Advantages
・Has multiple ways to increase Happiness, which will help counteract the drops from waging war
・Choosing an additional Pantheon allows you to play flexibly around your start and game state
・Pairs well with Charlamegne, who will give a ton of bonuses to the Mauryan's Purabhettarah

Maurya has a strong presence in the Antiquity Age, being able to run down fortified enemies with their Unique Cavalry, the Purabhettarah, that also gets buffed from their Unique Civics.

They can also easily counteract unhappiness during war compared to other civilizations since a lot of their Unique Buildings and Civics grant happiness bonuses.

Aside from that, their Unique Ability is generically strong and can be used flexibly depending on what you need. For example, you can use a combo of God of War and any bonus Production Pantheon to quickly produce units.

Maurya Civilization Guide



Rome Military Advantages
・Traditions give buffs to your Legions and are easily unlocked thanks to Rome's Culture gains
・Once the Colosseum is built, you can hold a battle event to further increase your Legions' damage
・Pairs well with Lafayette since he gets extra Policy Slots and more Combat Strength buffs per Tradition

Rome is a very strong Civilization thanks to their ability to buff the Combat Strength of their Legions per Tradition in your Government. You'll be able to unlock them quickly thanks to the multiple Culture bonuses that Rome gets.

Another nice thing is that since you're focusing on unlocking your Tradition Civics, you'll also unlock the Colosseum quickly. Once you've built it, you can hold a staged battle to further increase your Legions' Combat Strength.

As for Leaders, anyone Militaristic, Expansionist, or Cultural make a good pair, but the standout is Lafayette since he also gets Combat Strength per Tradition, as well as extra Culture in settlements and Policy Slots.

Rome Civilization Guide

Best Military Civs for the Exploration Age



Mongolia Military Advantages
・Unique Ability allows you to conquer settlements in the homeland rather than focusing on expanding to distant lands
・Has multiple ways to increase the strength of cavalry units, making their army swift and dangerous
・Great choice after playing as the Mauryans since they're also focused on their unique cavalry unit

Mongolia is the stand-out civilization for military in the Exploration Age since their playstyle is unique and doesn't clash with what other civs want to do. Instead of exploring the new world, Mongolia will want to stay at home and conquer their own continent instead.

They're also generally very quick and strong since their combat strategy heavily revolves around Cavalry Units, including their Unique Unit, the Keshig.

Mongolia Civilization Guide



CIV Military Advantages
・Tercios are a good counter to the many strong Cavalry units from other Militaristic Civs
・Armada Civic is great for transporting land troops to different areas accessible by boat
・Doesn't need to focus heavily on wars and can focus on rapid expansion in distant lands instead

Somewhat of the opposite of Mongolia, Spain flourishes in exploring distant lands and wants to have as many settlements over there as possible. They're also really strong at naval warfare, making them a threat to any enemies on the coast or at sea.

Aside from that, they're generally very good at utilizing Treasure Fleets, which will also help you towards reaching your Economic goals besides funding your military.

Spain Civilization Guide

Best Military Civs for the Modern Age

French Empire

French Empire

French Empire Military Advantages
・Grande Armée and Garde Impériale combo create a strong death ball of invading forces
・Unique Ability lets you flexibly pick your Celebration effects depending on what you need
・Has multiple ways to gain Happiness and counteract any drops from waging Wars

The French Empire is a strong Modern Age Military civilization that also gains a good amount of Culture at the same time. If you combine their Unique Unit, the Garde Impériale, with the Grande Armée Civic, you can create a powerful army that bulldozes enemy forces.

Their Unique Ability is also very flexible in that you can pick any Modern Age Celebration effect, allowing you to tailor the boost that you get with whatever you need at the time.

French Empire Civilization Guide

Meiji Japan

Meiji Japan

Meiji Japan Military Advantages
・Their Mikasa and Zero Unique Units create a powerful combo with the Kōkūtai Tradition
・The bonus Science they get allows you to unlock stronger units before your rivals can
・Difficult to defeat in naval combat since their Mikasas respawn after dying once

Meiji Japan is similar to the French Empire, except their more focused on naval and airborne combat, as well as Science instead of Culture. Thanks to their increased Production and Science bonuses, they can quickly build units while also staying ahead in military tech.

Another thing to note is that their Unique Naval Unit, the Mikasa, will respawn the first time it dies. This makes it difficult to take down Japan's navy if they're constantly in production.

Meiji Japan Civilization Guide

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