Civilization VII

Civ 7 Best Science Leaders

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Civ 7 Best Science Leaders

Benjamin Franklin and Confucius are the Best Leaders for a Science Victory, with Himiko, Queen of Wa, or Catherine the Great being other viable options in Civilization VII (Civ 7)! Here's a list of the best Science Civs and their advantages over other Leaders.

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Best Science Leaders Best Science Civs

Best Leaders for Science Victory

Best Science Leaders in Civ 7
Benjamin Franklin Confucius
Himiko, Queen of Wa Catherine the Great

Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin

Ability: The First American
・Increased Science per Age on Production Buildings in Cities
・Increased Production towards constructing Production Buildings
・Increased Science per Age from active Endeavors you started or supported
・Can have multiple Endeavors of the same type active at a time

Benjamin Franklin's advantage on the Science Legacy Path lies mostly on starting and supporting Endeavors with other Leaders as it gives a permanent increase in Science, making Influence an invaluable resource in every Age.

Spam Research Collaboration on every Leader you meet for the Science boost and Local Festival to activate your Government's Celebration effects!

Benjamin Franklin Leader Guide



Ability: Keju
・Increased Growth Rate in Cities
・Increased Science from Specialists

Confucius is another great choice for a Science Leader, especially for those who prefer a Tall playstyle. Having an increased growth rate means Specialists with their additional Science can be produced faster.

This Leader's abilities can dominate the Antiquity Age by developing Settlements fast, especially with Han China's free Growth Events, and the Exploration Age by fulfilling the yield milestones of the Science Legacy Path.

Confucius Leader Guide

Himiko, Queen of Wa

Himiko, Queen of Wa

Ability: Friend of Wei
・Gain a Unique Endeavor called 'Friend of Wei' that can be performed in an Alliance to grant you and your ally increased Science
・Can support Endeavors for free
・Adds Science per Age for every leader you're Friendly or Helpful with

Similar to Benjamin Franklin, the Queen of Wa persona of Himiko gains Scientific advantage through Endeavors. Himiko can start the Friend of Wei Endeavor with an allied Leader for a Science boost.

You will also be rewarded with more Science by having a positive relationship with other Leaders, but this can prove difficult to maintain as you expand and add Settlements near theirs or accidentally interfere with their Agendas.

Himiko (Queen of Wa) Leader Guide

Catherine the Great

Catherine the Great

Ability: Star of the North
・Increased Culture per Age on displayed Great Works
・Buildings with Great Work slots gain an additional slot
・Cities settled in Tundra gain Science equal to a percentage of their Culture per turn

Catherine's Science advantage is conditional, but can raise a powerful empire with a bit of luck in the abundance of Tundra tiles, especially once the game progresses to the Modern Age where she gains access to Russia.

With her ability, she can get even more Science per turn by displaying Great Works in Tundra Cities, making it easy to get the required nodes on both the Tech and Civic Trees.

Catherine the Great Leader Guide

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