Civilization VII

Civ 7 Victory Conditions and Types

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Civ 7 All Victory Conditions and Types

The four Victory Conditions in Civilization VII (Civ 7) are Military, Science, Culture, and Economic. Learn how to achieve each of these Victory Conditions and tips on getting them in this guide!

What are the Victory Conditions?

Wins the Game in the Modern Age

Reaching the final milestone in a Legacy Path during the Modern Age unlocks its corresponding Victory Condition. This adds one final quest that immediately wins the match once completed.

Since the first Leader who completes a Victory Condition quest is to be declared the winner, a more aggressive strategy is advised in the Modern Age to hinder your opponents' progress. You can check how close the other Leaders are to completing a Legacy Path in the Age Progress screen.

Completing Earlier Legacy Paths Helps a Lot

Even though completing the Legacy Paths in the earlier Ages doesn't guarantee a victory in the Modern Age, it will still give you advantage in the next Ages as it gives you access to the Golden Age Legacies and points to use on Attribute Trees.

The choice is yours if you want to progress multiple Legacy Paths but it is recommended to choose one to prioritize to obtain matching boosts for when the Victory Conditions are available in the Modern Age.

All Victory Types

Military Victory

Army battle

A Military Victory requires being the military dominant empire and conquering other settlements. You'll need to expand your own empire by capturing your opponent's cities while also building a massive army on land, sea, and air.

The Military Victory Condition, Operation Ivy, is achieved by building the special Manhattan Project Wonder and completing the Operation Ivy project in the same city.

Antiquity Age
・Study the Discipline Civic
・Train 4 Military Units and assemble a full army
・Train a Siege Unit and capture an enemy Settlement
・Earn 6 Pax Imperatoria Legacy Points
・Earn 9 Pax Imperatoria Legacy Points
Golden Age: Earn 12 Pax Imperatoria Legacy Points
Exploration Age
・Research Cartography and Astronomy
・Create a Settlement in Distant Lands
・Earn 4 Non Sufficit Orbis Points by settling and capturing in Distant Lands
・Earn 8 Non Sufficit Orbis Points by settling and capturing in Distant Lands
Golden Age: Earn 12 Non Sufficit Orbis Points by settling and capturing in Distant Lands
Modern Age
・Study the Political Theory Civic
・Study any Ideology Civic and research Combustion
・Research Flight and capture an Ideological enemy's Settlement
・Score 10 Ideology points
・Score 15 Ideology points
・Score 20 Ideology points
Operation Ivy (Victory Condition): Build the Manhattan Project and complete the Operation Ivy project

Military Victory Guide

Tips on Achieving a Military Victory

  • Build up a powerful military force to invade and conquer your neighbouring Civilizations' territories.
  • Invest in Science and Culture to unlock improvements for your military units.
  • Buildings and Improvements with Gold yields become more important in a Military Victory as you'll need Gold to maintain your army.

Science Victory

Launching a Space Project

A Science Victory requires being ahead in the Technology Tree and completing Projects related to scientific advancement. Achieving these will need an empire focused on Science yields to unlock the necessary Techs and Production to complete the buildings and Projects.

The Science Victory Condition, First Staffed Space Flight, is achieved by completing the project with the same name in a city that has a Launch Pad building.

Antiquity Age
・Research Writing
・Build a Library and research Writing II
・Research Mathematics and build an Academy
・Collect and display 3 Codices
・Collect and display 6 Codices
Golden Age: Collect and display 10 Codices
Exploration Age
・Research Education and place 4 Specialists
・Have a total of 20 yields in a single non-city center tile and assign 2 Specialists on any non-city center tiles
・Achieve 40 yields in a single tile
・Achieve a total of 40 yields in 3 non-city center tiles
Golden Age: Achieve a total of 40 yields in 5 non-city center tiles
Modern Age
・Research Flight
・Build an Aerodome and complete the Trans-Oceanic Flight Project
・Research Aerodynamics and complete the Break the Sound Barrier project
・Research Rocketry, build a Launch Pad, and complete the Launch Sattelite project
First Staffed Space Flight (Victory Condition): Complete the First Staffed Space Flight project

Science Victory Guide

Tips on Achieving a Science Victory

  • Focus on Science and invest as early as you can on Production. You will need both to quickly unlock the Techs required to build Projects later on.
  • Adopt any Government that gives you bonuses to your Science output.
  • Maximize your Specialists for the Science bonus. Planning ahead and placing them on tiles with Science adjacency bonus will give you more advantage in researching Techs.

Culture Victory

World wonder

A Culture Victory is now a mix of art and religion and imposing both on other civilizations. Naturally, you'll need a high Culture and Production output to unlock the essential Civics and build the Wonders and civilian units needed.

The Culture Victory Condition, World's Fair Project, is achieved by building the special Wonder with the same name. This only becomes available after displaying 15 Artifacts in your empire.

Antiquity Age
・Construct a Wonder
・Construct 2 Wonders
・Construct 4 Wonders
Golden Age: Construct 7 Wonders
Exploration Age
・Study the Piety Civic, build a Temple, and establish a Religion
・Train a Missionary and convert a foreign Settlement to your Religion
・Study the Theology Civic and adopt an Enhancer Belief
・Collect and display 6 Relics
・Collect and display 9 Relics
Golden Age: Collect and display 12 Relics
Modern Age
・Study the Natural History Civic and train an Explorer
・Have a University or a Museum and bring an Explorer to Research Artifacts at either of them
・Excavate and display an Artifact
・Study the Hegemony Civic and display 5 Artifacts
・Display 15 Artifacts
World's Fair (Victory Condition): Build the World's Fair Project

Culture Victory Guide

Tips on Achieving a Culture Victory

  • Invest some Production for your Wonders in the Antiquity Age.
  • Adopt any Government that gives you bonuses to your Culture output.
  • Study the Piety Civic as soon as you can in the Exploration Era to create a Religion and spread it for Relics.

Economic Victory

Trade route

An Economic Victory requires having multitudes of Resources in your possession and dominating the trade routes across all civilizations.

The Economic Victory Condition, World Bank, is achieved by sending the special Great Banker civilian unit on every capital and giving their Leader Gold and Influence. The Great Banker will spawn automatically in your capital after earning 500 Railroad Tycoon points.

Antiquity Age
・Study the Code of Laws Civic
・Move a Merchant to foreign land and initiate a Trade Route
・Improve trade relations with a Civilization
・Slot 7 Resources
・Slot 14 Resources
Golden Age: Slot 20 Resources
Exploration Age
・Research Cartography and Astronomy
・Create a Settlement in the Distant Lands and build a Fishing Quay on it
・Improve 5 Treasure Resources, research Shipbuilding, and spawn a Treasure Fleet
・Score 10 TF Points by unloading Treasure Fleets in your Homeland Settlements
・Score 20 TF Points by unloading Treasure Fleets in your Homeland Settlements
Golden Age: Score 30 TF Points by unloading Treasure Fleets in your Homeland Settlements
Modern Age
・Research Industrialization and build a Rail Station
・Research Mass Production and connect 3 Settlements by rail
・Build a Factory, slot 5 Factory Resources, and earn 20 Railroad Tycoon points
・Earn 150 Railroad Tycoon points
・Earn 300 Railroad Tycoon points
・Earn 500 Railroad Tycoon points
World Bank (Victory Condition): Bring the Great Banker, a unique Great Person, to every Civilization's Capital and pay their Leader Gold and Influence

Economic Victory Guide

Tips on Achieving an Economic Victory

  • Settle your towns and cities near Resources and on coastal tiles. Coastal settlements will make it easier to reach the Distant Lands and to start Trade Routes via water.
  • Expand as much as you can as hidden Resources can appear in later Ages.
  • If necessary, use your funds to pump out military units to forcibly take an area with the Resource(s) you need.

Score Victory

Modern Age End
This isn't listed as a Victory-type in the Age Progress screen, and can only be achieved by having the most Legacy Path points once the Modern Age Progress has reached 100% and no one has completed a Victory Condition.

As a note, if you're aiming to complete Challenges to unlock Mementos, avoid finishing with this Victory-type since it won't award you with anything.

Modern Age
Only applicable in the Modern Age
・Have the highest amount of Legacy Path points in total once the Age Progress has reached 100%.
・Any Civilization has not completed any of the 4 other Victory Conditions.

Score Victory Guide

Tips on Achieving a Score Victory

  • Make progress for every Victory Path, since only focusing one can lose you points in the long run.
  • Stop any Civilization that is about to finish a Victory Condition and win the game.
  • Increase Science and Culture high enough to repeatedly finish Future Tech and Civic to advance Age Progress.

Domination Victory

Domination Victory
Similar to a Score Victory, this isn't listed as a Victory-type, and can only be achieved by conquering all other Civilizations' Settlements. If you're going for a Military Victory, be careful not to wipe out all other Leaders so that you don't get this Victory instead.

Again, if you're aiming to complete Challenges to unlock Mementos, avoid finishing with this Victory-type since it won't award you with anything.

Any Age
・Build up a powerful army that's strong enough to conquer all of your opponents' Settlements
・No need to focus on other Victory-types, except for Military since it follows the same path

Domination Victory Guide

Tips on Achieving a Domination Victory

  • Follow the Military Victory path first since you'll be conquering Settlements anyways.
  • Focus on upgrading your Units through Techs and Civics to make them as strong as possible.
  • Take out your opponents one at a time so you don't have to fight on multiple fronts.

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