Civilization VII

Civ 7 Best Culture Civs

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Civ7 - Best Cultural Civs
Egypt and Rome are the Best Civs for a Culture Victory in the Antiquity Age with either the French Empire or Russia finishing it off in the Modern Age of Civilization VII (Civ 7)! Here's a list of the best Culture Victory Civs and their advantages over other Civilizations.

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Best Culture Leaders Best Culture Civs

Best Culture Civs for the Antiquity Age


Civ 7 - Egypt

Egypt Cultural Advantages
・Unique Ability boosts production on Navigable Rivers, accelerating building and Wonder construction
・Multiple ways to enhance Culture and economic growth through river synergies and specialized infrastructure
・Ideal for achieving a Culture Victory by leveraging Wonders and flexible cultural bonuses

Egypt’s unique ability boosts production on Navigable Rivers, jumpstarting Culture and speeding up Wonder construction. The Gift of Osiris takes it up a notch, making Wonders come together even faster—perfect for a Culture Victory. Add the Pyramids and extra Culture, and Egypt is ready to snowball to cultural supremacy.

The God's Wife of Amun amplifies production on rivers while adding Culture for imported Resources. Synergies from Riches of Duat and Kemet traditions enhance both Wonder production and Culture in river-adjacent cities.

The unique Mastaba infrastructure adds a solid Culture base with Gold Adjacency on Desert tiles. Pair it with a leader like Hatshepsut, Egypt is primed for a Culture Victory!

Egypt Civilization Guide


Civ 7 - Rome

Rome Cultural Advantages
・Unique Ability increases Culture in the Capital and key cities, strengthening core territories
・Has multiple ways to boost Culture through military expansion and district specialization
・Strong synergy between unique infrastructure, wonders, and civics, making Culture generation steady and impactful

Rome thrives on a capital-centric strategy, where the Twelve Tables unique ability boosts Culture in both the Capital and Towns, reinforcing cultural growth through strategic upgrades and adjacency bonuses.

The civilization leverages the power of expansion via its strong military, converting each new City Center into a hub of Culture. Civic traditions like Cursus Honorum and Latinitas further enhance Culture output by rewarding military production and specialized Towns.

Additionally, Rome's unique infrastructure - comprising the Forum, Temple of Jupiter, and Basilica - works in tandem to generate extra Culture, Gold, and Influence.

The Colosseum Wonder then amplifies these advantages by boosting Culture and Happiness on Quarters, making Rome a formidable contender for cultural dominance while simultaneously expanding its empire.

Rome Civilization Guide

Best Culture Civs for the Exploration Age


Civ 7 - Hawai

Hawai'i Cultural Advantages
・Unique Ability that grants Culture when Settlements expand to Marine tiles, along with increased Happiness on certain resources
・Civic synergies from various sources that boost Culture and production through Environmental Events, unique unit victories, and Marine tile traditions
・Unique Infrastructure and Associated Wonder that transform Marine tile developments and adjacent farms into powerful Cultural assets

Hawai'i leverages its marine environment to boost Culture and production. Its unique ability, Moananuiākea, grants Culture when expanding to Marine tiles and increases Happiness on Fishing Boats, fueling a Culture Victory strategy. Civic synergies from the Mana, Ohana, and Heʻe nalu trees further enhance Culture through Environmental Events, unit victories, and Marine tile traditions.

Complementing these bonuses, the Lo'i Kalo improvement boosts Food, Production, and adjacent Farm Culture, while the wonder Hale o Keawe adds Culture on building completions on Marine tiles and offers Great Works slots.

Together, these elements make Hawai'i a formidable contender for a Culture Victory. Make sure to pair this Exploration Age Civ with Dr. Jose Rizal!

Hawai'i Civilization Guide


Civ 7 - Majapahit

Majapahit Cultural Advantages
・Panji boosts Culture on Specialists outside the Capital, Pedanda adds Culture when converting a Settlement, and Subak increases Culture and Production on Marine tiles
・Exploration Age Culture Buildings gain bonus Culture adjacency with Coast tiles, while Gamelan increases Culture on tiles with multiple Age buildings and expands Settlement Limits
・Candi Bentar provides Culture adjacency from Coast and Navigable River tiles, and the Pedanda unit grants extra Culture on Conversion

Majapahit thrives on cultural synergy, gaining Culture through Specialists, conversions, and Marine tiles. Panji enhances Specialists, Pedanda rewards religious expansion, and Subak boosts Marine-based Culture.

Coastal strengths are further reinforced by adjacency bonuses from Exploration Age Culture Buildings and the Candi Bentar infrastructure. The Gamelan tree amplifies Culture on Age-developed tiles, making Majapahit a strong Cultural powerhouse.

Majapahit Civilization Guide

Best Cultural Civs for the Modern Age


Civ 7 - Russia

Russia Cultural Advantages
・Unique Ability Prosveshchenie Increases Culture on Urban Districts, with bonus Science on Tundra tiles
・Civics Table of Ranks and Samoderzhaviye boost Culture and Settlement Limits, especially on Tundra tiles
・Unique Infrastructure and Wonder Obshchina and Hermitage enhance Culture through Food/Farm adjacency and Great Work bonuses on Tundra tiles

Russia's unique ability, Prosveshchenie, supercharges Culture in Urban Districts and adds Science when those districts are on Tundra tiles, creating a solid cultural foundation. Pair this with the Table of Ranks and Samoderzhaviye civics, which ramp up Culture and Settlement Limits, especially in Tundra cities.

The Obshchina improvement dishes out extra Food and Culture from Farms, while the Hermitage Wonder amplifies Culture from Great Works. With all these boosts and a leader like Catherine the Great, Russia is primed for a Culture Victory in the Modern Age!

Russia Civilization Guide

French Empire

Civ 7 - French Empire

French Empire Cultural Advantages
・Unique Ability allows you to select the Celebration effects of any Government in the Modern Age, providing flexibility for Culture boosts and strategic choices
・Belle Époque tradition grants Culture from constructing Buildings and increases Culture on Happiness Buildings and Wonders in Tier 2, while Voie Triomphale gives you Culture for defeating enemy Units
・The unique Jardin à la Française and Salon buildings add Culture and Happiness bonuses, and the Eiffel Tower Wonder boosts Culture and Happiness for Districts in the city

The French Empire’s unique ability, Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité, lets you pick Celebration effects from any Modern Age Government, giving your Culture a serious boost.

With Belle Époque, building construction grants Culture based on Production, and Tier 2 ups the ante with more Culture from Happiness Buildings and Wonders.

Voie Triomphale rewards you with Culture for every enemy Unit defeated, while Code Civil des Français adds even more Culture for Policies, unlocking the iconic Eiffel Tower Wonder along the way.

The Jardin à la Française and Salon buildings boost your Culture and Happiness, and with the Eiffel Tower, French cities are all set for a glorious Culture Victory.

French Empire Civilization Guide

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