Civilization VII

Civ 7 Best Economic Mementos

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Civ 7 - Best Economic Mementos

Green Colonel's Jacket, Kwalkwali, and Royal Mace are the Best Mementos for an Economic Victory, with a bunch of other viable options in Civilization VII (Civ 7)! Here's a list of the best Economic Victory Mementos to help you win the game!

Civ 7 Economic Guides
Economic Victory Guide Best Economic Mementos
Best Economic Leaders and Civs
For Notice IconNotice Note that some Mementos can be stronger than others depending on the Leader, Civilization, and strategy used.

Best Mementos for Economic

List of Best Mementos for an Economic Victory
Green Colonel's Jacket
Royal Mace
Gold Fluted Phiale
Lotus Blossom
Incense Censer

List of Mementos

Green Colonel's Jacket

Memento How to Unlock
Green Colonel Green Colonel's Jacket Reach Level 5 with Napoleon (Emperor).
+1 Gold per Age per Trade Route, doubled if you have the highest number of Trade Routes.
Green Colonel's Jacket Explanations
・Additional Gold from creating trade routes to boost up your economy.
・Useful across all the Ages since you'll rely on Trade Routes to import more resources.
・Perfect for leaders that grant bonuses to Trade Routes like Xerxes (The Achaemenid).

The Green Colonel's Jacket is a great memento for generating a lot of Gold from Trade Routes across all ages.

When going for an Economic Victory, you'll naturally want to create as much trade routes as you can especially in the Antiquity Age and Modern Age. To maximize the bonus, make sure you improve trade relations with other Civs and create all possible trade routes.


Memento How to Unlock
KwalkwaliKwalkwali Reach Level 5 with Amina.
+1 Gold per Age for each Resource assigned to Cities.
Kwalkwali Explanations
・Additional Gold for each assigned resource which adds up to a lot in the late game.
・Perfect for leaders with extra resource capacity or trade routes like Amina or Xerxes (The Achaemenid).
・Good for the Antiquity and Modern Age since you'll want to have a lot of resources.

Kwalkwali is just a really good scaling memento for an economic strategy since you'll rack up resources throughout the whole game. You can use this memento with just about any leader to support you with a significant gold income the whole playthrough.

Royal Mace

Memento How to Unlock
Royal MaceRoyal Mace Reach Level 2 with Hatshepsut.
+1 Gold per Age for each imported Resource.
Royal Mace Explanations
・Additional Gold for each imported resource giving you a hefty gold income from trade routes.
・Great synergy with either Gold Fluted Phiale or Green Colonel's Jacket which encourage creating trade routes and importing resources.
・Good for the Antiquity and Modern Age since you'll really want to import resources.

Just like Green Colonel's Jacket, Royal Mace gives you a lot of gold from creating trade routes and importing resources which will be relevant throughout the whole game. You can still use this with just about any leader when going for an economic strategy.

Gold Fluted Phiale

Memento How to Unlock
Gold Fluted PhialeGold Fluted Phiale Reach Level 5 with Xerxes (The Achemenid).
+1 Trade Route Limit with all other Leaders.
Gold Fluted Phiale Explanations
・Extra Trade Route Limit will all leaders for a base total of two trade routes per leader.
・Great synergy with the Green Colonel's Jacket memento to guarantee the double bonus.
・Saves Influence from needing to Improve Trade Relations with other Leaders.

Gold Fluted Phiale gives you additional trade routes with all other leaders which means more resources that you can import. This one is useful across all ages since you'll always really want to create trade routes. Pairs really well with Green Colonel's Jacket.

Lotus Blossom

Memento How to Unlock
Lotus BlossomLotus Blossom Reach Level 5 with Xerxes (King of Kings).
+4 of your Gold income as additional Science and Culture.
Lotus Blossom Explanations
・Grants 4% of your Gold income as Science and Culture to help reach key techs or civics.
・Great for leaders that grant bonuses to Gold yields like Amina or Xerxes (both personas).
・Not very useful early game but great for the late game when you've accumulated a lot of gold.

Lotus Blossom supplements your Science and Culture needs as your Gold income increases. This is useful for researching key tech and civics that you need on each Age. This memento does not help much in the early game but scales really well into the late game.

Incense Censer

Memento How to Unlock
Incense CenserIncense Censer Reach Level 2 with Xerxes (The Achaemenid).
+2 Culture per Age for every active Trade Route.
Incense Censer Explanations
・Extra Culture for each active trade route to help obtain Civics much faster.
・Perfect for leaders that grant bonuses to Trade Routes like Xerxes (The Achaemenid).

Incense Censer grants you extra Culture from creating trade routes which might be useful when you need specific civics to make your strategy work.

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