Civilization VII

Civ 7 List of All Resources

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Civilization VII - Resources
A list of all Resources in Civilization VII (Civ 7). See all available Resource Types, their effects for each Age, and an explanation on how Resources work in this guide.

List of Resources

All Resources and Effects

Resource Effects Per Age
CamelsCamels Antiquity: Increases number of Resources that can be assigned to a City by 2
Exploration: Increases number of Resources that can be assigned to a City by 2
Modern: Resource is not available in this Age
CitrusCitrus Antiquity: Resource is not available in this Age
Exploration: +5 Production towards training Naval Units
Modern: Factory Resource. +5% Production towards training Naval Units.
ClovesCloves Antiquity: Resource is not available in this Age
Exploration: +6 Food, +10% Gold (Not Tradeable)
Modern: Resource is not available in this Age
CoalCoal Antiquity: Resource is not available in this Age
Exploration: Resource is not available in this Age
Modern: Light Naval Units gain +1 Combat Strength. +100% Production towards constructing Rail Stations.
CocoaCocoa Antiquity: Resource is not available in this Age
Exploration: Creates Treasure Fleets when connected to a coastal Settlement
Modern: Factory Resource. '+3% Happiness.
CoffeeCoffee Antiquity: Resource is not available in this Age
Exploration: Resource is not available in this Age
Modern: Factory Resource. +5% Production towards constructing Buildings and Wonders.
CottonCotton Antiquity: +2 Food, +2 Production
Exploration: +3 Food, +3 Production
Modern: Factory Resource. +5% Production towards training Land Units.
DatesDates Antiquity: +2 Food, +2 Happiness
Exploration: +3 Food, +3 Happiness
Modern: Resource is not available in this Age
DyesDyes Antiquity: +3 Happiness
Exploration: +5 Happiness
Modern: Resource is not available in this Age
FishFish Antiquity: +3 Food
Exploration: +5 Food
Modern: Factory Resource. +5% Settlement Growth Rate.
FursFurs Antiquity: Resource is not available in this Age
Exploration: +3 Happiness in the Capital and +10% Gold when in Celebration
Modern: +6 Happiness in a City with a Rail Station. +3 Happiness to any other City.
GoldGold Antiquity: +20% Gold towards purchasing Buildings
Exploration: +20% Gold towards purchasing Buildings
Modern: +20% Gold towards purchasing Buildings.
GypsumGypsum Antiquity: +2 Production to Capital, +4 Production to any other City
Exploration: +3 Production to Homeland Cities, +6 Production to Distant Land Cities
Modern: Resource is not available in this Age
HidesHides Antiquity: +3 Production
Exploration: Resource is not available in this Age
Modern: Resource is not available in this Age
HorsesHorses Antiquity: Cavalry Units gain +1 Combat Strength and an additional +1 against Infantry Units.
Exploration: Cavalry Units gain +1 Combat Strength and an additional +1 against Infantry and Ranged Units
Modern: +6 Happiness
IncenseIncense Antiquity: +10% Science
Exploration: +100% Production towards Missionaries and Temples
Modern: Resource is not available in this Age
IronIron Antiquity: Infantry Units gain +1 Combat Strength.
Exploration: Infantry and Ranged Units gain +1 Combat Strength.
Modern: Resource is not available in this Age
IvoryIvory Antiquity: +10 Production towards Wonders placed in Tropical, Plains, and Dessert Terrain
Exploration: +3 Happiness, +3 Production
Modern: +Happiness, +4 Production
JadeJade Antiquity: +15% Gold
Exploration: +15% Gold
Modern: Resource is not available in this Age
KaolinKaolin Antiquity: +2 Food to Capital, +4 Food to any other City
Exploration: +3 Food to Capital, +6 Food to any other City
Modern: Factory Resource. +3% Culture.
Lapis LazuliLapis Lazuli Antiquity: +4 Production, +5% Gold
Exploration: Resource is not available in this Age
Modern: Resource is not available in this Age
MarbleMarble Antiquity: +10% Production towards Wonders placed in Grassland, Tundra, and Marine Terrain
Exploration: +10% Production towards constructing Wonders
Modern: +10% Production towards constructing Wonders.
NickelNickel Antiquity: Resource is not available in this Age
Exploration: Resource is not available in this Age
Modern: +10% Gold, +10% Science (Not Tradeable)
NiterNiter Antiquity: Resource is not available in this Age
Exploration: Siege and Naval Units gain +1 Combat Strength
Modern: Ranged and Siege Units gain +1 Combat Strength, and an additional +1 against Cavalry Units
OilOil Antiquity: Resource is not available in this Age
Exploration: Resource is not available in this Age
Modern: Heavy Naval and Cavalry Units gain +1 Combat Strength, and an additional +1 against Infantry Units.
PearlsPearls Antiquity: +2 Happiness to Capital, +4 Happiness to any other City
Exploration: +3 Happiness to Homeland Capital, +6 Happiness to Distant Land Cities
Modern: +6 Happiness in Capital. +3 Happiness to any other City.
QuinineQuinine Antiquity: Resource is not available in this Age
Exploration: Resource is not available in this Age
Modern: Factory Resource. Units heal +1 HP.
RubberRubber Antiquity: Resource is not available in this Age
Exploration: Resource is not available in this Age
Modern: Infantry and Air Units gain +1 Combat Strength
SaltSalt Antiquity: +20% Production towards training Units
Exploration: Resource is not available in this Age
Modern: Resource is not available in this Age
SilkSilk Antiquity: +10% Culture
Exploration: +10% Culture
Modern: +6 Culture in Capital. +3 Culture to any other City.
SilverSilver Antiquity: +20% Gold towards purchasing Units
Exploration: +20% Gold towards purchasing Units
Modern: +20% Gold towards purchasing Units.
SpicesSpices Antiquity: Resource is not available in this Age
Exploration: Creates Treasure Fleets when connected to a coastal Settlement
Modern: +4 Food, +4 Happiness
SugarSugar Antiquity: Resource is not available in this Age
Exploration: Creates Treasure Fleets when connected to a coastal Settlement
Modern: +6 Food
TeaTea Antiquity: Resource is not available in this Age
Exploration: Creates Treasure Fleets when connected to a coastal Settlement
Modern: Factory Resource. +3% Science.
TobaccoTobacco Antiquity: Resource is not available in this Age
Exploration: Resource is not available in this Age
Modern: +6 Production in a City with a Rail Station. +3 Production to any other City.
TrufflesTruffles Antiquity: Resource is not available in this Age
Exploration: +20% Production towards training Units
Modern: +6 Food in a City with a Rail Station. +3 Food to any other City.
WhalesWhales Antiquity: Resource is not available in this Age
Exploration: +5 Production
Modern: +6 Production
WineWine Antiquity: +2 Happiness in the Capital and +10% Culture when in a Celebration
Exploration: +3 Happiness in the Capital and +10% Culture when in a Celebration
Modern: +4 Food, +4 Production
WoolWool Antiquity: +2 Production, +2 Happiness
Exploration: +3 Production to Homeland Cities, +6 Production to Distant Land Cities
Modern: Resource is not available in this Age

Note: Lapis Lazuli, Cloves, and Nickel are City-State exclusive resources. They can only be obtained by becoming the Suzerain of an Economic City-State and picking it as your bonus.

Some Resources Have a Specific Type

Resource Type Use
Treasure Resources Used during the Exploration Age to progress Economic Legacy Path
Factory Resource Used during the Modern Age to progress Economic Legacy Path

Depending on the Age, some resources will have a resource type attached to it, similar to City and Bonus Resources. The Exploration Age has Treasure Resources that generate Treasure Fleets, while the Modern Age has Factory Resources that generate Railroad Tycoon Points.

Both of these types are used to gain progress in the Economic Legacy Path so make sure to take note of what resources you'll need if you're going for that type of Victory.

Economic Victory Guide

What Are Resources?

Commodities That Can Help Maintain and Expand Civilizations

Civilization VII - Resources Map Tile
Resources are commodities or materials that can be found throughout the map tiles you see when accumulating territory. Resources can be used to develop culture, train combat units, increase production, and provide food for your expanding civilization in the game.

How to Get and Use Treasure Resources

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1 Anonymous27 days

info outdated maby. Found chocolate in exp. age yesterday


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