Civilization VII

Civ 7 Attribute Trees Guide

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Civ7 - Attribute Trees
Attribute Trees provide big buffs and benefits to your Leader and Civilization and helps you achieve your desired Victory in Civilization VII (Civ 7). Learn all the bonuses and benefits in each Attribute Tree and how to take advantage of them here!

Militaristic Attribute Tree

Best Bonuses

Civ 7 - Militaristic Tree

Category Example Node
Bonuses that boost military power +5 Combat Strength against Independent Powers and City States
Commander gains a free level. New Commanders start out with a free level.
Bonuses involving Happiness or Gold Ignores the Happiness penalty from Unrest in captured Settlements
-1 Gold maintainance from all Units
Bonuses involving Setttlment Limits and Influence +1 Settlement Limit
+50% Influence towards Levying Units from City-States

Players aiming for the Military Victory will have to aim to gain points in the Militaristic Attribute Tree. Unlocking the tree will initially give you +5 Combat Strength and a free War Support.

Each node provides buffs from increasing Influence on Levying Units, ignores Settlement unhappiness and gives your Commanders a free level and completely unlocking the entire tree will allow Units to heal faster.

Increase your military might and combine these nodes with a powerful Military leader to lead your army.

Best Military Leaders

Economic Attribute Tree

Best Bonuses

Civ 7 - Economic Tree

Category Example Node
Bonuses that boosts Gold from Trade Routes +25% Gold from Trade and Treasure Fleets
+2 Gold per Age for every active Trade Route
Bonuses that boosts Resource Capacity +1 Resource Capacity in Cities, or +2 if you have 3 or fewer Cities
+1 Resource Capacity in Towns
Bonuses that boosts Gold from Resources +1 Gold for every imported Resource
+1 Gold on Resources in Towns, or +2 in Towns in Distant Lands

Those aiming for a complete takeover on trade and gold would want to aim to build the Economic Attribute Tree. Initially unlocking this tree will grant the player +1 Gold per Age on the Palace and City Halls.

This tree is at its most powerful during the Exploration Age, where players would unlock Treasure Fleets, since a node here will grant players +25% Gold from Trade and Treasure Fleets.

Each node will give players a great boost in Gold and a boost in gaining Gold through Trades so we highly recommend following this tree when aiming for an Economic Victory.

Best Economic Leaders and Civs

Scientific Attribute Tree

Best Bonuses

Civ 7 - Scientific Tree

Category Example Node
Bonuses involving maintaining and constructing Buildings +15% Production towards constructing Buildings
+20% Gold and Happiness towards maintaining Buildings
Bonuses that boosts Science Yield +10% Science for every Alliance you have
+1 Science per Age on the Palace and City Hall

As one of the most flexible Attribute Trees, the Scientific Attribute Trees provide various +1 adjacency bonuses to buildings, making it easy and very useful to develop urban cities, dense with Buildings.

While increasing the amount of Science produced by Buildings, this tree can also be combined into other Trees while also increase the speed of achieving a Scientific Victory with your Leader.

Best Science Leaders

Cultural Attribute Tree

Best Bonuses

Civ 7 - Cultural Tree

Category Example Node
Bonuses involving constructing Wonders and Buildings carrying Great Works +10% Production towards constructing Wonders
+15% Production towards constructing Buildings and Wonders with Great Works slots
Bonuses that boosts Culture Yield +1 Culture per Age for every Great Work on display
+10% Culture for every Alliance you have

Building your Cultural Attribute Tree provides extra production to building Wonders and Buildings that carry Great Works like a Temple or a University. This tree also provide a lot of additional Culture in different aspects of your Civilization.

While collecting Relics and Artificats, make sure to build this tree to secure your Culture Victory.

Best Culture Leaders

Diplomatic Attribute Tree

Best Bonuses

Civ 7 - Diplomatic Tree

Category Example Node
Bonuses that boosts Happiness and Influence +50% Influence towards initiating and progressing the Befriend Independent Action
+25% Influence towards supporting or rejecting Diplomatic Actions
Bonuses that adds extra Yields +3% towards all yields for every Alliance you have. Repeatable.
+2 Culture and Science per Age for each City-State you are Suzerain of.

The Diplomatic Tree provides the player with a great deal of Influence and buffs Relationship building amongst your other Leaders.

Starting this tree will have you gain Happiness or Influence, and completing this tree will provide an increase on all Yield based on your Alliances.

When playing a Diplomatic Leader like Himiko of Wa who already provides good buffs to Alliances, be sure to build this tree to increase your power.

Diplomacy Guide

Expansionist Attribute Tree

Best Bonuses

Civ 7 - Expansionist Tree

Category Example Node
Bonuses that boosts Production and Yields +15% Yields in Towns with Specialization, or 30% in Distant Lands
+25% Production towards training Settlers
Bonuses that boosts Food or Happiness +1 Food per Age in Warehouse Buildings
+15% Food and Happiness towards maintaining Specialists, or 30% in Distant Lands

Those who want the biggest and the most amount of land in the game will benefit from building the Expansionist Attribute Tree. The initial node increases your production of Settlers by 25%, allowing you to send out many Settlers to build their cities quickly, while giving various buffs to Happiness and Food as the city grows.

Those aiming for an Expansionist Victory will greatly benefit from this tree's buffs.

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Gameplay Mechanics
Adjacency Bonuses Army Commanders
Ageless Buildings Building Roads
Celebrations Codex (Codices)
Crisis Dark Age Legacies
Districts Factory Resources
Healing Units Independent People
Legacy Paths Migrants
Overbuilding Persistent Buildings
Quarters Repairing Buildings
Rural and Urban Districts Settlement Cap
Specialists Towns
Trade Range Trade Routes and Merchants
Treasure Fleets Treasure Resources
Upgrading Units Warehouse Buildings and Bonuses
How to Navigate Rivers How to Get More Railroad Tycoon Points
Other Tips and Tricks
Where to Settle Where to Spend Gold
When to Build More Settlements What to Do Before and After Age Change
Best Settings Map Types Explained
Best Build Order Morse Code Event
Should I Accept Alliance? How to Change City Name
Should You Convert a Town Into a City? Can You Capture Settlers?
Where to Spend Influence? When to Incorporate City-States?
Can Scouts Auto Explore? Best Pantheon
Should You Rush Age Change? How to Incite Raid
How to Get Relics How to Get Artifacts
Fresh Water Tiles Why Can't You Build a Factory?
Distant Lands Revolutions
How to Get More Resource Slots Attribute Trees Guide
How to Get Tile Max Yield How to Found Religion and List of Beliefs
What is X Per Age? How to Defend and Conquer Cities
What is War Weariness and War Support? Zone of Control
How to Change the Capital Resource Map
Should You Melt or Construct Relic? Game Speed
Floods Natural Disasters
Best Map Seeds How to Force End Turn
Papyrus Problems Best Tech Research Order


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