Civilization VII

Civ 7 What to Do Before and After Age Change

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Civ 7 What to Do Before and After Age Change
Many things change at the end of an age in Civilization VII (Civ 7) that you have to prepare for it before it happens and adjust to it after. Learn what to do before and after an Age Change in this guide.

What to Do Before an Age Change

Complete Legacy Path Milestones

Make sure to complete all the milestones on your chosen Legacy Path before the Age Change. Doing so activates the Golden Age Legacy, which gives bonuses once you reach the next Age.

Legacy Paths Explained

Construct Ageless Buildings

Granary Ageless Building

Ageless Buildings are permanent buildings, so their effects remain active once your civilization progresses to the next age. Standard buildings, however, become obsolete and have their adjacency bonuses removed.

What are Ageless Buildings?

Incorporate City-States


If you have not reached the settlement limit, you can incorporate City-States to add them to your civilization. City-States and independent villages from the previous Age disappear after an Age change, so it is crucial to incorporate them before the Age ends if you want their territory or location.

How to Interact With Independent People

Finalize Invasions and Wars

If you are in the midst of invading an independent village or warring with another civilization, make sure to finalize it as the Age Change causes wars to be canceled. In addition, six of your Military Units will be automatically transported back to your active Settlements to defend them.

Have Commanders to Avoid Losing Military and Scout Units

Civ 7 - Commander Space

Make sure to have enough Commanders for your military units and scouts before an Age Change, as they will be assigned to one. Any other Units that can't be assigned to a commander will be left behind at the start of a new Age.

List of Units

Progress Other Legacy Paths to Earn Legacy Points

Legacy Path

You can use the extra turns before the Age Change to complete objectives from other Legacy Paths to earn Legacy Points. Doing this helps make earning a victory easier once you reach the Modern Age.

Unlock Traditions and Wonders that You Need

Traditions are policies that are unique to the civilization that you are playing as. Make sure to unlock them before the Age Change to use them once you need to change your Social Policies.

In addition, you should also build the Wonders in your that you want before the Age changes. Wonders are considered Ageless buildings, so they retain their effects even after reaching the next Age, but unconstructed ones will no longer be available.

List of Wonders

What to Do After an Age Change

Choose a Golden Age or Dark Age Legacy

Choose a Golden Age or Dark Age Legacy
After an Age Change, you have the option to choose a Golden Age Legacy or a Dark Age Legacy.

Whenever possible, choose the Golden Age Legacy to get the most out of the bonuses that it provides and only choose a Dark Age Legacy if you need to catch up.

What are Dark Age Legacies?

Overbuild Buildings from the Previous Age

Overbuilding is a feature that lets you replace buildings from the previous age with ones from the current age.

It is recommended to overbuild these obsolete buildings with new ones to retain or improve the adjacency bonuses that they had from the previous Age.

Overbuilding Explained

Find New Independent People to Befriend or Disperse

Befriend Independent

You will encounter a new set of independent villages once you reach the next Age. You may choose to befriend or disperse them depending on which Victory or Legacy Path you choose.

How to Interact With Independent People

Prioritize Which New Resources to Take

Civ 7 Utilize Resources

After an Age Change, some resources on the map will disappear and new ones will randomly appear. At the start of an age, check these new resources and try to grab the ones you need as soon as possible to maintain and grow your civilization for the new Age.

You can check the Resources screen to see which resources and bonuses you lost after the Age Change to determine which ones you should prioritize to acquire.

List of All Resources

Maintain Positive Relations with Leaders from the Previous Age

Maintain Positive Relations with Leaders from the Previous Age

An Age Change causes a soft-reset to your relations with Leaders. For example, if you have a Leader who was Helpful in the Exploration Age, the relationship becomes Friendly in the next Age. However, this only applies to positive relationships. Your negative relationships with Leaders do not change.

Where to Spend Influence

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Gameplay Mechanics
Adjacency Bonuses Army Commanders
Ageless Buildings Building Roads
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Overbuilding Persistent Buildings
Quarters Repairing Buildings
Rural and Urban Districts Settlement Cap
Specialists Towns
Trade Range Trade Routes and Merchants
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