Civilization VII

Civ 7 How to Spawn Treasure Fleets

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Civ 7 How to Spawn Treasure Fleets

Fishing Quays and improved Treasure Resource tiles in Distant Lands are needed to spawn Treasure Fleets in Civilization VII (Civ 7). Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use Treasure Resources and spawn Treasure Fleets!

How to Spawn Treasure Fleets

  1. Begin Exploration Age
  2. Research Cartography
  3. Research Shipbuilding Technology
  4. Send Settlers to the Distant Land
  5. Improve a Treasure Resource Tile
  6. Build a Fishing Quay
  7. Check Resources Tab For Countdown

Begin Exploration Age

Economic Legacy Path

Treasure Resources and Treasure Fleets are only available during the Exploration Age. This includes the Technologies that will be needed to reach the Distant Lands and the Economic Legacy Path that will utilize this mechanic.

New Ages Explained

Research Cartography

Cartography on the Tech Tree

The first step in spawning Treasure Fleets is researching Cartography to gain access to Ocean tiles and allow units to cross the open ocean to the Distant Lands. However, units traversing Ocean tiles will still take damage and suffer movement penalty with only Cartography unlocked.

Research Shipbuilding Technology

Shipbuilding unlocks

It will be difficult to move Treasure Fleets if they can only move one Ocean tile per turn and it's highly likely that they will get destroyed before they reach the Homeland.

The solution to these penalties is to research Shipbuilding to allow all Naval units to cross safely and at normal speed. You can also follow up with the Shipbuilding Mastery to give the same effects to all your embarked Land units.

Technologies and Tech Tree

Send Settlers to the Distant Land

Now that you can cross the ocean safely, you can start sending Settlers to the Distant Lands with Treasure Resources! When you find Treasure Resources, try to settle on a tile next to it that is also adjacent to a Coastal tile.

Settling next to a Treasure Resource tile allows you to improve it immediately into a Rural Tile and take the Resource for your empire while settling next to a Coastal tile lets you build a Fishing Quay right away, as Urban Districts need to be adjacent to another Urban District or a Wonder before they can be placed.

Distant Lands Guide

List of Treasure Resources

Resource Effects Per Age
TeaTea Antiquity: Resource is not available in this Age
Exploration: Creates Treasure Fleets when connected to a coastal Settlement
Modern: Factory Resource. +3% Science.
SugarSugar Antiquity: Resource is not available in this Age
Exploration: Creates Treasure Fleets when connected to a coastal Settlement
Modern: +6 Food
SpicesSpices Antiquity: Resource is not available in this Age
Exploration: Creates Treasure Fleets when connected to a coastal Settlement
Modern: +4 Food, +4 Happiness

Sugar, Spices, and Tea are the only Treasure Resources available in the game. When looking for a tile to settle, make sure to prioritize these resources over standard ones.

How to Get and Use Treasure Resources

Improve a Treasure Resource Tile

Improving a Treasure Resource tile

You will get a Growth Event right after establishing a settlement. Use this to claim a nearby Treasure Resource.

Progressing the Economic Legacy Path requires five Treasure Resource tiles to be improved, so feel free to send more Settlers to this area to build additional towns and reach the five-resource minimum in the Legacy path.

List of All Resources

Build a Fishing Quay

Fishing Quay in the Production tab

If you're rushing the Economic Legacy Path, you'd want to build a Fishing Quay immediately in the new settlement. Take note that the Coastal tile where you build the Fishing Quay should have a path to the open ocean. Placing the Fishing Quay in an enclosed lake will still spawn Treasure Fleets but they won't be able to leave!

Buildings and Improvements

Check Resources Screen for Countdown

Treasure Fleet spawn countdown on the Resources screen

You should now see which towns can export Treasure Resources to the Homeland in the Resource Screen, along with a countdown for when the Treasure Fleet is ready to spawn in the Fishing Quay.

List of All Resources

How to Use Treasure Fleets

Unload Cargo in Homeland Borders

unloading a cargo with a Treasure Fleet

Unlike the Merchant caravans that can send imported Resources directly to your empire, Treasure Fleets must be moved manually to the Homeland before they can unload the Treasure Resources. They can do this within the borders of any of your Homeland settlements.

Unloading the cargo will award Treasure Fleet points based on the number of Treasure Resources the origin settlement has. This process also consumes the Treasure Fleet and you will have to wait a few turns until another Treasure Fleet spawns.

Songhai Unique Civic Spawns Treasure Fleet in Homeland

If you're playing as Songhai in the Exploration Age, you can also spawn Treasure Fleets on Homeland settlements placed on Navigable Rivers by unlocking their Kanta Civic. Since they spawn in the Homeland, you can immediately use their unload cargo ability to gain one TF point.

Songhai Civilization Guide

Protect Them When Needed

Protect Them When Needed

Treasure Fleets are considered Civilian units and will need an escort should an active battle or a hostile Independent Power be present near their route. Ensure their safety with a Naval Commander and other naval units.

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