Civilization VII

Civ 7 Best Military Mementos

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Civ VII - Best Military Mementos
The Art of War and Dong Son Drum are the Best Mementos for a Military Victory, with Colada & Tizona and Krone von Friedrich I being other viable options in Civilization VII (Civ 7)! Here's a list of the best Military Victory Mementos to help you win the game!

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For Notice IconNotice Note that some Mementos can be stronger than others depending on the Leader, Civilization, and strategy used.

Best Mementos for Military

List of Best Mementos for a Military Victory
The Art of War
Dong Son Drum
Colada & Tizona
Krone von Friedrich I
Lion Capital

List of Mementos

The Art of War

Memento How to Unlock
The Art of War Level 44 in the Foundation Path
+10% Commander Experience, +50% if in Command Radius of a higher level Commander
The Art of War Explanations
・Grants Commanders extra EXP, allowing you to gain promotions faster
・Commanders are important since they're the core of your armies
・Amazing on Trung Trac since it perfectly synergizes with her Unique Ability

Since Commanders are the most important unit in your military, The Art of War is generally the best Memento thanks to its bonuses and flexibility. If you're not sure what type of Memento you want, this is always a solid choice.

Dong Son Drum

Memento How to Unlock
Dong Son Drum Level up Trung Trac to 9
Declaring War against another Civilization grants a Celebration
Dong Son Drum Explanations
・Can flexibly use Celebration boosts to support your war efforts or empire
・Pairs well with Chanda-Mahasena since you can guarantee a Celebration
・Amazing on Charlemagne since he gets 2 Cavalry Units during a Celebration

Dong Son Drum lets you start a Celebration every time you declare war on someone, which is generically great to have since you can pick whatever bonus you need at the time and you can control when you get a Celebration.

Colada & Tizona

Memento How to Unlock
Colada and Tizona Level 24 in the Foundation Path
+2 Combat Strength for Units adjacent to 2 or more enemy Units
Colada & Tizona Explanations
・Useful on higher difficulties where the AI likes to spam a lot of units
・Great for defending since that's when units are commonly surrounded
・Makes units harder to kill, especially once other bonuses are added

If you want to boost your defenses, you'll want to use Colada & Tizona so that your units become harder to kill when surrounded. Also, it's generally good on higher difficulties since the AI tends to have more units than you.

Krone von Friedrich I

Memento How to Unlock
Krone von Friedrich I Level up Friedrich, Oblique to 9
+2 Combat Strength for All Units when using Coordinated Attack or Focus Fire
Krone von Friedrich I Explanations
・Generally good bonus since you'll want to play around Commanders anyways
・Stacks with the capstone bonuses of the Commanders' Leadership tree
・Useful for Civilizations whose units like to group around their Commanders

Another generically good Memento to pick is Krone von Friedrich I. The best way to gain an advantage during wars is by utilizing Commanders' Coordinated Attack and Focus Fire abilities, and this Memento effectively doubles the bonuses that the abilities give.


Memento How to Unlock
Chanda-Mahasena Level up Ashoka, World Conqueror to 2
+5 Combat Strength against Fortified Districts for all units during a Celebration
Chanda-Mahasena Explanations
・Amazing for taking cities if you have a Celebration active at the time
・Pairs amazingly with Dong Son Drum if you're not using Ashoka, World Conqueror
・Requires the Founders Edition and the Founders DLC to unlock

If you get a Celebration during a war, this Memento becomes amazing at conquering settlements. If you're using Ashoka, World Conqueror or the Dong Son Drum Memento, then you'll be guaranteed to start a Celebration whenever you declare war.

Do note, however, that this Memento requires Ashoka, World Conqueror, who's locked behind the Founders Edition.

Lion Capital

Memento How to Unlock
Lion Capital Level up Ashoka, World Conqueror to 9
Commanders receive +50% XP during a Celebration
Lion Capital Explanations
・Extra experience gains for Commanders are always useful, especially early on
・Pairs well with The Art of War, Dong Son Drum, or Chanda-Mahasena
・Requires the Founders Edition and the Founders DLC to unlock

This Memento is similar to The Art of War, but it's always a 50% EXP boost and only active during Celebrations. However, if you're using Ashoka, World Conqueror or the Dong Son Drum Memento, then you're guaranteed a Celebration whenever you declare war.

Also, just like Chanda-Mahasena, this is locked behind the Founders Edition and you may not be able to use this Memento.


Memento How to Unlock
Sidearm Level up Harriet Tubman to 9
+3 Combat Strength to your Units below 50% health
Sidearm Explanations
・Makes it harder to kill off your Units, especially if the enemy is also low
・Synergizes well with Units who can heal during battle or from defeating enemies
・Can always replace your Units since they don't carry any Promotions

Sidearm is an amazing Memento that increases the Combat Strength of your low HP Units, subsequently making them harder to kill off. This is really good for Civilizations whose Units can easily heal themselves mid-battle, like Persia's Immortals, Mongolia's Keshigs, or Buganda's Abambowas.

What makes this Memento really good is that you don't really care if your Units die, as long as you can replace them. They don't get promotions like Commanders, so it's okay for them to be on low HP.

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