Civilization VII

Civ 7 Should You Rush Age Change?

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Civ7 - Should You Rush Age Change

Rush Age Change in Civilization VII (Civ 7) if you've completed Legacy Paths and established a strong civilization. See why you should rush Age Change and the reasons why you might not want to.

Should You Rush Age Change?

Rush Age Change if...

Completed a Legacy Path

Golden Age

If you've completed a Legacy Path in the mid-to-late game of your civilization, it's best to rush Age Change to move on to the next one. This allows you to take on new challenges and claim your Golden Age rewards in the next age.

Legacy Paths Explained

Established a Good Civilization

Modern Age

If you feel like your civilization is ready to move on to the next age, feel free to rush to it, especially if there's nothing more to do in your current run.

Civ 7 List of All Civs (Civilizations)

Close to Defeat


If you're on the verge of defeat, rushing the current age can give you a fresh start in the next one. This is a good way to resolve any crisis, especially those causing settlements to become unhappy. Advancing to the next age will restore their happiness and automatically repair buildings that were damaged due to revolts.

Crisis Explained

Researched All Available Technology and Civics

Research Technologies in the Tech Tree
If you’ve already researched all Technologies and Civics in your current age, you can rush to complete it. Like the Legacy Path, Technologies and Civics change with each age, so if there’s nothing left to research, feel free to rush to the next age.

Ensured a Victory

Civ 7 - Victory Paths

If you’ve set a clear path toward a specific victory in the Modern Age, you can go ahead and rush it. This also prevents other leaders from earning Legacy Points, helping you maintain your position among the top leaders in your playthrough.

Victory Conditions and Types

End Wars


If you're at war, especially in the late game, you can rush to the next age before any peace offerings happen. These often require giving up a settlement, so if you want to keep all your territories, advancing quickly is the best move.

Don't Rush Age Change if...

Have Not Completed a Legacy Path

Choose a Golden Age or Dark Age Legacy

If you haven't completed a Legacy path in your current civ, you can use the remaining time to finish one. Failing to complete milestones in each path will trigger a Dark Age, so aim for at least one Golden Age in any Legacy path whenever possible.

What are Dark Age Legacies?

In a War Mid-Game

Forced War

Rushing to the next age while at war may result in some of your settlements being captured by other leaders. To prevent this, try to fight back, offer peace, or improve your relationship with them to reduce the chances of triggering another war in the next age.

Leaders List and All Abilities

Spread Religion

Found a Religion

If you want to spread a religion you founded, you can extend your current phase to give yourself more time to spread it around.

Spreading Religion is one of the objectives in the Culture Legacy Path, so if you're aiming for this victory, use your turns to do it rather than rushing.

Culture Victory Guide and How to Win

Leveling Up Leaders to Farm Mementos

Leveling up leaders also requires turns to gain experience. If you're aiming to collect mementos from leaders, don't rush an age to gain more experience.

List of Mementos

Have Enough Turns for Other Legacy Paths

Economic Legacy Path

If you have enough time to complete other legacy paths, use the remaining points to do so. This allows you to earn more Legacy Points, which you can use in the next age to unlock more legacies.

What to Do Before and After Age Change

Build Ageless Buildings

Ageless Building

If you have enough time or turns, you can use them to grow your settlements by constructing more establishments, especially Ageless Buildings, since these will carry over to the next age.

Civ 7 Quarters and Unique Quarters

Wipe Out Rival Civilizations

Capture Opposing Settlements

Wiping out other civilizations is also beneficial before transitioning to the next age. This may take time, so if you still have several turns to do this, don't rush to the next age. Otherwise, if you don’t eliminate the other leaders, they will refresh in the next age as if no damage was done to their settlements.

Civ 7 List of All Civs (Civilizations)

What Happens During Age Change?

Ends the Current Age

New Age

Age Change or Age Transition is the point of the game where your civilization enters a new era. This new feature serves as chapters, allowing you to witness growth and modernization as you play.

New Ages Explained

Provides New Legacy Paths

Modern Age Legacy Path Economic

Each Age Change also refreshes the objectives of the Legacy Path to align with the new era. For example, the Economic path requires setting up trade routes in the Antiquity Age. This then changes to Treasure Fleets in the Exploration Age, and transitions to Factory Resources in the Modern Age later on.

Best Economic Leaders and Civs

Unlocks New Buildings


Age Change also upgrades certain buildings. For example, Altars can only be built in the Antiquity Age but can be improved into Temples in the Exploration Age.

Ageless Buildings, however, remain unchanged and cannot be upgraded or replaced with new buildings.

Overbuilding Explained

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Gameplay Mechanics
Adjacency Bonuses Army Commanders
Ageless Buildings Building Roads
Celebrations Codex (Codices)
Crisis Dark Age Legacies
Districts Factory Resources
Healing Units Independent People
Legacy Paths Migrants
Overbuilding Persistent Buildings
Quarters Repairing Buildings
Rural and Urban Districts Settlement Cap
Specialists Towns
Trade Range Trade Routes and Merchants
Treasure Fleets Treasure Resources
Upgrading Units Warehouse Buildings and Bonuses
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Other Tips and Tricks
Where to Settle Where to Spend Gold
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