The First Descendant Walkthrough Comments


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    4 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    oh, my ... just after i posted about the outpost and VFR in Agna "The Storage" ... got the AMO# on the outpost and then the 6% Polymer Syncytium on the reactor x) well ... not much levelfarming done then ... :') (also everything is perfectly farmable in solo, granted Valby and Bunny are perfect for that )

    3 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    well ... not really usefull guide since it doesn't say anything more than what's immediately available in the game via tracking ... still wondering if the Polymer Syncytium really drop from the VFR in Storage Agna Desert ... got all the rest since quite a while (2-3 weeks ago iirc), the BP was the easiest ... got 2 of them in 20 runs while leveling my Ult Bunny and Valby ... (well farming for the syncytium is not a waste of time since it get me levelfarming for my Ult Valby now)

    2 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    this guide tells you nothing, I have been to the mission in the dessert that you get the bp from and attempted 78 times and it hasn't dropped. I'm convinced that it is not in game. They will tell us in season one that they forgot and that it will be fixed in season 3 or something! I want my 14 hours back!

    1 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    This is not possible I've now done 68 attempts in the desert at the mission for the blueprint and I have never seen it drop once Plus you can't solo it because they incorrectly spawned way too many enemies so you have to wait for someone else to show up to help

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