Monster Hunter World (MHW)

Arch-Tempered Zorah Magdaros Weakness and Strategy Guide

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Learn how to beat Arch-Tempered Zorah Magdaros in the game Monster Hunter World (MHW)! This guide explains everything about Arch-Tempered Zorah Magdaros's weakness, carves, rewards, and a complete strategy guide for beating and capturing it. Find out what parts are breakable and severable, and what drops and Monster materials are available.

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Arch-Tempered Zorah Magdaros Weakness, Body Parts, and Resistances

Arch-Tempered Zorah Magdaros Characteristics

Monster Hunter World Zorah Magdaros
Roar Wind Tremor Blight Status
Big None Small Fire None
Breakable Parts
Head, Torso, Chest, Left Foreleg, Right Foreleg, Left Hindleg, Right Hindleg, Tail, Shell, Exhaust Organ (Large, Small), Weak Shell

Locations and Areas Visited

No locations are currently known for this Monster. We will update this section as soon as they are determined!

Weakness, Body Parts, Extracts

No body part information is currently known for this Monster. Check back for more details as we continue to investigate!

Vulnerability to Status Effects and Items

Poison Flash
Paral Shock
Sleep Pitfall
Stun Ivy
Blast Dung
Exhaust Meat
Mount Screamer

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Best Loadout Against Zorah Magdaros

While Zorah Magdaros doesn't really require any specific loadout or skills to beat him. Below are all the things that will come in handy when attempting the Zorah Magdaros siege.

Best Items

Max/Ancient Potion Instant full heal. Highly recommended so you can last through the magma that the cores spew out.
Cool Drink Reduces heat damage.

Best Weapons

Your Highest Damaging Weapon The Magma cores are pretty durable, bring your highest damaging weapon to quickly break the cores.
Water Elemental Weapon The cores are also weak to water, you can bring water elemental weapons to destroy the cores much easier.
Dragon Elemental Weapon With the changes to the quest mechanics, it is now necessary to fight Nergigante. Bringing a dragon weapon will surely hasten the time for you to repel him.

Best Armor Skills

Heavy Artillery Required for Zorah Magdaros' 2nd phase.
Tool Specialist Reduces the cooldown of your tools. Allows you to don the Fireproof Mantle/ lay a health booster more often.

Best Palico Skills, Weapons, and Felyne Skills

Mewolotov Cocktail More damage and damage is what you need to break the Magma Cores.
Water elemental weapon A water elemental weapon is also great for your palico. Together with Meolotov Cocktail, this allows your Palico to deal a lot of damage.

How to Beat Arch-Tempered Zorah Magdaros

Things to Know in Advance

· Cool Drink is required to prevent extreme heat
· Clearing is easier with the skill Heavy Artillery

  • Use all the Necessary Buffs to increase your damage.

STEP 1: Destroying the Magma Cores

The Zora Magdoros fight is divided into two phases, destroying the Magma Cores and finish off using the turrets. In the first phase, you will fly into Arch-Tempered Zorah Magdaros' back and search for the magma cores scattered around his back.

Unlike the other Zorah Magdaros quest, there are 4 magma cores you need to destroy. They are pretty easy to locate on the map so just head there and start hammering.

Fighting Nergigante

How to Beat - Zorah Magdaros 4.png
Unlike the normal Zorah Magdaros quests, it is required to repel Nergigante. When he appears, immediately head to its location and fight it until it leaves.

STEP 2: Barricade Siege

Attack From the Center

After moving to the barricade, immediately move to the cannon at the center of the map and fill it with shells while waiting for Arch-Tempered Zorah Magdaros to get a little closer for guaranteed shots.

Note: Be sure that you adjust the direction of the cannon before firing the shells.

Using the Second Cannon

Next, you will have to move east and then use the second cannon after NPC hunters finished loading the shells. After firing the cannon, make sure that you drop down the ledge and take the shortcut leading to the west side of the barricade.

Before Jumping Off

Once you reach the western end of the barricade, use the nearby cannon before jumping on to the ship below you. Make sure that you do an aerial attack to avoid losing time from tripping after the jump.

Ship Cannons

Inside the ship, there will be two cannons that are ready to fire because of the NPCs, be sure to adjust their direction and use them immediately.

From here, help the NPCs load up the cannon and continue your attacks against Arch-Tempered Zorah Magdaros until the Dragonator is ready.

Using the Dragonator

The Dragonator is a powerful weapon that is attached at the rear end of the ship, you can use this as soon as it is ready but it can completely miss if Arch-Tempered Zorah Magdaros is not close enough. Make sure that Arch-Tempered Zorah Magdaros is within its range before using it to deal massive damage.

You can use the Dragonator by activating the bow at the center of the ship deck.

Flying Back to the Barricade

After exhausting all of the shells at the ship, it will not be efficient if you stay here longer. Immediately move back to the barricade using the Hitching Post on the ship deck.

Fire the Remaining Cannons

As soon as you get back to the barricade, fire all of the remaining cannons until you repel Arch-Tempered Zorah Magdaros.

Arch-Tempered Zorah Magdaros Tips

Glowing Magmacore

If the magma core is starting to glow bright red, this only means that the magma core will soon explode. Take note of this and keep an eye on the magma core to easily avoid any damage from the lava.

Using Cool Drink

When moving around Arch-Tempered Zorah Magdaros' back, you will constantly be affected by extreme heat. It is best that you use a Cool Drink to prevent taking any damage from this and focus on attacking the magma core instead of healing.

Abusing Heavy Artillery

You can make the run a lot easier by using the skill Heavy Artillery to maximize your damage output even when using the cannons at the barricade where you fend off Arch-Tempered Zorah Magdaros.

Arch-Tempered Zorah Magdaros Attack Patterns

Attack Attack Power Guardable Exhaustion
Front Slam 80 100
Eruption 60 0
Eruption (Standing) 120 X 100
Lava Eruption 90 30
Lava Breath 80 30
Falling Lava 70 30
Lava Projectile 50 30
Large Lava Projectile 150 100

Arch-Tempered Zorah Magdaros Carves and Rewards

Rewards for Each Body Part

Obtain Rate (%)
HR Zorah Magdaros Magma / Head 67
Zorah Magdaros Pleura / Chestplate 100

Shiny Drops

Obtain Rate (%)
Zorah Magdaros Heat Scale / 27
Zorah Magdaros Magma / 15
Zorah Magdaros Carapace / 15
Zorah Magdaros Heat Scale / 27
Zorah Magdaros Magma / 15
Zorah Magdaros Carapace / 15

Quest Clear & Investigation Rewards

Obtain Rate (%)
Zorah Magdaros Gem / 8
Zorah Magdaros Ridge / 23
Zorah Magdaros Heat Scale / 20
Zorah Magdaros Pleura / 18
Zorah Magdaros Magma / 16
Zorah Magdaros Carapace / 15

Plunderblade Rewards


Obtain Rate (%)
HR Dragonite Ore / 55
Zorah Magdaros Carapace / 30
Zorah Magdaros Heat Scale / 15

Quests Where Arch-Tempered Zorah Magdaros Appears

Type Quest Name
Event ★9 - Undying Alpenglow

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