Monster Hunter World (MHW)

Great Jagras Weakness and Strategy Guide

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Learn how to beat Great Jagras in the game Monster Hunter World (MHW)! This guide explains everything about Great Jagras's weakness, carves, rewards, and a complete strategy guide for beating and capturing it. Find out what parts are breakable and severable, and what drops and Monster materials are available.

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1 | | β | ⍺+ | β+

Great Jagras Weakness, Body Parts, and Resistances

Great Jagras Characteristics

Monster Hunter World Great Jagras
Roar Wind Tremor Blight Status
None None None None None
Breakable Parts
Head, Stomach [Inflated], Hindlegs

Locations and Areas Visited

Map Starting Area Visited Areas Rest Spot
Ancient Forest ImageAncient Forest 2 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 2

*The starting location may change depending on the Quest.

Weakness, Body Parts, Extracts


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
65 70 60 30 Red
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
0 20 15 10


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
50 55 45 20 Red
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
0 10 5 5


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
50 45 40 20 Orange
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
0 10 5 0

Stomach [Inflated]

Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
70 75 65 30 Orange
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
0 20 15 10


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
45 40 35 15 Orange
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
0 5 5 0


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
50 45 45 25 White
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
0 15 10 5


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
45 40 35 15 White
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
0 5 0 0


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
45 45 40 15 Green
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
0 5 0 0

Higher values indicate higher damage.

Vulnerability to Status Effects and Items

Poison ★★★ Flash ★★
Paral ★★★ Shock ★★
Sleep ★★★ Pitfall ★★
Stun ★★★ Ivy ★★
Blast ★★★ Dung ★★
Exhaust ★★ Meat ★★
Mount ★★★ Screamer

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Countermeasures against Great Jagras

Recommended Weapon Element and Armor Skills

Recommended Weapon Element
Fire Weapon Great Jagras is weakest against fire.
Any Ailment Weapon Great Jagras also has low resistance to any type of ailment, so feel free to bring a weapon with that inflicts an ailment if it is stronger than your fire weapon.
Recommended Armor Skills
Fire Attack Great Jagras does not really have any special attacks or blights that you have to look out for, so you can concentrate on attacking him. The Fire Attack skill in particular can enhance your fire weapon's damage.
Attack Boost The Attack Boost skill can give you a flat buff to your overall damage, especially in higher levels.
Evade Window When he is full, Great Jagras can charge towards you or vomit on you and deal more damage than usual. Having more invincibility frames for your evade can be useful.

How to Beat Great Jagras

Safe Place to Attack

When fighting the Great Jagras, it is good to launch your attacks from the sides since most of Great Jargas' attacks will often hit on the front. However, you will still have to be careful of his slow side rolls which can be easily avoided by slightly moving away.

Riding Great Jagras

In the Ancient Forest, there are multiple cliffs and slopes that you can abuse to help you ride the Great Jagras. Try to ride him often to dish out as much damage as you can without endangering yourself from his attacks.

Eating Aptonoth

Normal Full Stomach

The Greatest Jargas has the ability to eat a specific monster in the Ancient Forest called the Aptonoths. This can change his appearance and give him a strong new discharge attack which can be deadly if you have a low health. You can prevent him from using this attack by hitting his stomach enough times, forcing him to hurl out the carcass.

Great Jagras Attack Patterns

Attack Attack Power Guardable Exhaustion
Bite 30 15
Continuous Bite 40 30
Charge Bite 50 30
Scratch 20 20
Scratch (Full Stomach) 30 0
Charge (Full Stomach) 60 30
Rush 20 0
Tail Attack 20 0
Tail Attack (Full Stomach) 30 0
Discharge 40 45
Discharge Projectile 70 55

Great Jagras Carves and Rewards

Carvings and Hunt Rewards

Obtain Rate (%)
LR Great Jagras Scale / Body 36
Great Jagras Hide / Body 28
Great Jagras Claw / Body 21
Great Jagras Mane / Body 15
HR Great Jagras Scale+ / Body 36
Great Jagras Hide+ / Body 28
Great Jagras Claw+ / Body 21
Great Jagras Mane / Body 15
MR Great Jagras Shard / Body 36
Great Jagras Thickhide / Body 28
Great Jagras Hardclaw / Body 21
Great Jagras Mane+ / Body 15

Rewards for Each Body Part

Obtain Rate (%)
LR Great Jagras Hide / Torso 100
Great Jagras Mane / Head 100
Great Jagras Claw / Both Hindlegs 100
HR Great Jagras Hide+ / Torso 100
Great Jagras Claw+ / Hindlegs 100
Great Jagras Mane / Head 63
MR Great Jagras Thickhide / Torso 100
Great Jagras Hardclaw / Hindlegs 100
Great Jagras Mane+ / Head 100

Breakable Body Parts

Defense Value How to Break
Head 400 Set durability to 0, twice.
Neck 400 -
Torso 800 -
Chest 150 -
Wings 300 Set durability to 0, twice.
Left Frong Leg 300 Set durability to 0, twice.
Right Front Leg 300 Set durability to 0, twice.
Left Hindleg 240 -
Right Hindleg 150 -

Shiny Drops

Obtain Rate (%)
Great Jagras Scale / 50
Great Jagras Claw / 28
Wyvern Tear / 22
Great Jagras Scale+ / 50
Great Jagras Claw+ / 28
Wyvern Tear / 22
Great Jagras Shard / 50
Great Jagras Hardclaw / 28
Large Wyvern Tear / 22

How to Get Drops

How to Get # Times
When a Turf War Happens
When it vomits its food
When eating meat
When attacked by another monster.

Quest Clear & Investigation Rewards

Obtain Rate (%)
Great Jagras Claw / 9
Great Jagras Hide / 32
Great Jagras Scale / 23
Great Jagras Mane / 16
Monster Bone S / 10
Iron Ore / 10
Great Jagras Mane / 30
Great Jagras Hide / 25
Great Jagras Claw / 25
Great Jagras Scale / 20
Great Jagras Mane / 40
Great Jagras Claw / 30
Great Jagras Hide / 16
Great Jagras Scale / 14
Great Jagras Claw+ / 9
Jagras Hide+ / 32
Great Jagras Scale+ / 23
Monster Bone+ / 20
Great Jagras Mane / 16
Great Jagras Claw+ / 40
Great Jagras Hide+ / 25
Great Jagras Scale+ / 20
Great Jagras Mane / 15
Great Jagras Claw+ / 64
Great Jagras Hide+ / 14
Great Jagras Mane / 12
Great Jagras Scale+ / 10
Great Jagras Hardclaw / 9
Great Jagras Thickhide / 32
Great Jagras Shard / 23
Monster Toughbone / 20
Great Jagras Mane+ / 16
Great Jagras Mane+ / 30
Great Jagras Thickhide / 25
Great Jagras Hardclaw / 25
Great Jagras Shard / 20
Great Jagras Mane+ / 40
Great Jagras Hardclaw / 30
Great Jagras Thickhide / 16
Great Jagras Shard / 14

Plunderblade Rewards


Obtain Rate (%)
LR Great Jagras Scale / 43
Great Jagras Hide / 35
Great Jagras Mane / 22
HR Great Jagras Scale+ / 43
Great Jagras Hide+ / 35
Great Jagras Mane / 22
MR Great Jagras Shard / 43
Great Jagras Thickhide / 35
Great Jagras Mane+ / 22


Obtain Rate (%)
MR Great Jagras Shard / 50
Great Jagras Hardclaw / 28
Large Wyvern Tear / 22

Quests Where Great Jagras Appears

Type Quest Name
Assigned ★2 - The Great Jagras Hunt
Assigned ★3 - Urgent: Pukei Pukei Hunt
Assigned ★3 - Flying Sparks: Tobi Kadachi
Assigned ★4 - The Encroaching Anjanath
Optional ★2 - The Great Glutton
Optional ★3 - Scatternut Shortage
Optional ★3 - Flying Sparks: Tobi-Kadachi
Optional ★4 - One Helluva Sinus Infection
Optional ★6 - Hard To Swallow
Optional ★6 - Google-eyed Green Monster
Optional ★6 - It Can't See You If You Don't Move
Event ★6 - Triple Threat Throwdown
Event ★2 - Chew the Fat
Event ★4 - Greeting the Gluttons
Event ★7 - Deep Green Blues
Event ★3 - USJ: Gold Star Treatment
Challenge ★7 - What Lurks in the Forest
Event ★9 - The Greatest Jagras
Optional ★1 - Learning the Clutch
Optional M★1 - The Great Jagras Returns!
Optional M★1 - New World Problems
Optional M★1 - Beating Around the Bush
Optional M★1 - Trapping the Tree Trasher
Optional M★2 - Anjanath Antics
Optional M★2 - Nighty Night Nightshade
Optional M★3 - The Secret to a Good Slice

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List of All Base Game Monsters

MHW (Base Game) Monsters

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Leshen IconLeshen Lunastra IconLunastra Nergigante IconNergigante Odogaron IconOdogaron
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Uragaan IconUragaan Vaal Hazak IconVaal Hazak XenoXeno'jiiva Zorah Magdaros IconZorah Magdaros

Colored Variants

Ancient Leshen IconAncient Leshen Azure Rathalos IconAzure Rathalos Black Diablos IconBlack Diablos Pink Rathian IconPink Rathian

Arch-Tempered Elder Dragons

Arch-Tempered Great Jagras IconArch-Tempered Great Jagras Arch-Tempered Kirin IconArch-Tempered Kirin Arch-Tempered Kulve Taroth IconArch-Tempered Kulve Taroth Arch-Tempered Kushala Daora IconArch-Tempered Kushala Daora
Arch-Tempered Lunastra IconArch-Tempered Lunastra Arch-Tempered Nergigante IconArch-Tempered Nergigante Arch-Tempered Teostra IconArch-Tempered Teostra Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak IconArch-Tempered Vaal Hazak
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