Monster Hunter World (MHW)

Arch-Tempered Xeno'jiiva Weakness and Strategy Guide

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Learn how to beat Arch-Tempered Xeno'jiiva in the game Monster Hunter World (MHW)! This guide explains everything about Arch-Tempered Xeno'jiiva's weakness, carves, rewards, and a complete strategy guide for beating and capturing it. Find out what parts are breakable and severable, and what drops and Monster materials are available.

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Arch-Tempered Xeno'jiiva Weakness, Body Parts, and Resistances

Arch-Tempered Xeno'jiiva Characteristics

Monster Hunter World Xeno
Roar Wind Tremor Blight Status
Big High Big Fire, Dragon None
Breakable Parts
Head, Wings, Left Foreleg, Right Foreleg, Tail

Weakness, Body Parts, Extracts


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
70 70 55 20 Red
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
10 10 10 20

Head [Broken]

Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
80 80 60 20 Red
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
10 10 10 20


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
30 30 25 15 Orange
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
10 10 10 15


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
25 25 25 15 Orange
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
10 10 10 15


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
60 60 30 20 Orange
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
10 10 10 20


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
50 50 45 20 White
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
10 10 10 20

Forelegs [Broken]

Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
60 60 50 20 White
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
10 10 10 20


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
22 22 15 10 White
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
5 5 5 10


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
50 50 30 15 White
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
10 10 10 15

Wings [Broken]

Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
60 60 40 15 White
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
10 10 10 15


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
25 25 15 10 Green
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
5 5 5 10

Higher values indicate higher damage.

Vulnerability to Status Effects and Items

Poison ★★★ Flash
Paral Shock
Sleep Pitfall
Stun Ivy
Blast ★★ Dung
Exhaust Meat
Mount Screamer

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Best Loadout Against Arch-Tempered Xeno'Jiva

Xeno'Jiva is one of the toughest AT Elder Dragon from the base game but with the Iceborne Expansion, more tools have been given to us which made this Elder Dragon easier than the past. Below are the recommended skills, setups, weapons, and sample builds to use against AT Xeno'Jiva.

Best Skills

Heat Guard Negates the damage from the burning floor.
Fire Resist Negates Fire Blight if Resistance if over 20. (goes well with the Vegetable platter)
Partbreaker Breaking parts can allow you to increase your damage to that specific part. Breaking the forelegs can allow you to dish out damage without reaching Xeno'Jiva's weak spots.

Best Items

Max/Ancient Potion Instant full heal. Highly recommended so you can last through the magma that the cores spew out.
Farcaster Allows you to exit the fight, take a breather, or restock your items.
Poison Smokebomb Additional DPS.

Best Weapons

HBG with Pierce Ammo When AT Xeno'Jiva goes into her Critical Mode, dealing enough damage to her chest will cause her to stagger and fall down. Abuse this by using Pierce Ammo.
Weapon Augment:Health Regen If you don't wish to invest much in defensive skills, going for a health regen augment will greatly ease the difficulty of this fight.
Insect Glaive For Sever weapons, the IG takes the top spot due to its ability to strike the wings.

Sample Build Setup (HBG)

Crimson Kadachi Lion ⅠⅠ
Attack Affinity Dev.
390 15% None
Armor Decorations
Head Golden Headdress Beta + Attack Jewel+ 4
Ironwall Jewel 1
Armor Brachaydium Mail Beta+ Expert Jewel+ 4
Shield Jewel 2
Expert Jewel 1
Greaves Brachydium Braces Beta + Critical/Vitality Jewel 4 x2
Waist Brachydium Faulds Beta + Expert Jewel+ 4
Vitality Jewel 1
Legs Garuga Greaves Beta + Ironwall Jewel+ 4
Tenderizer Jewel 2
Critical Jewel 2
Charm Attack Charm V ---

Build Skills

Agitator 7 Weakness Exploit 3
Critical Eye 7 Attack Boost 7
Shield 3 Critical Boost 3
Guard Up Healthboost 3

This is a standard lategame HBG setup. In Iceborne's expansion, this setup is enough to deal consistent DPS to AT Xeno'Jiva especially with its pierce ammo and the stun lock it's capable of doing when Xeno'Jiva enters Critical mode.

Felyne Skills

Safeguard/Insurance More lives means more chances to fight the Elder Dragon.
Vegetable Platter set Increases your Elemental Resist which is highly needed due to Xeno'Jiva's high dragon damage and nasty fireblights.

Best Armor Skills

Heavy Artillery Required for Zorah Magdaros' 2nd phase.
Tool Specialist Reduces the cooldown of your tools. Allows you to don the Fireproof Mantle/ lay a health booster more often.

How to Beat Arch-Tempered Xeno'jiiva

Flying Xeno'Jiva

In the Xeno'Jiva fight, he will sometimes fly and perform a laser attack from the sky. You can easily shut this down by shooting him with Crystal Burst using your slinger to bring him down and cancel the attack.

Building Up Fire Resistance

Make sure to bring your Fire Resistance to more than 20. This will greatly aid you as the Arch-Tempered Xeno can ignite the floor and these floor will cause Heat damage and fireblight.

Different States

Normal State Critical State

Xeno'Jiva shifts to the critical state after a certain period of time. When Xeno'Jiva reaches the critical state, his skin will be more vulnerable to your attacks but you will need to play safely to learn his movements since his attack patterns will slightly change.

Big Bang Attack

How to Beat - Xeno
Xeno'Jiva's big bang attack during the critical state is completely different from the normal state. A large explosion is now added and it can deal massive damage to anyone around his front legs. Try to move away from his legs when he leans forward to avoid this attack.

Energy Laser

Xeno'Jiva uses an energy laser attack when he accumulates a certain amount of energy on his chest. Immediately sheath your weapon and move away from the laser energy when Xeno'Jiva stands on his hind legs. You can attack him during this situation but watch out for the heat damage from the laser and the tremors when Xeno'Jiva sinks into the ground.

Attacking the Front Legs

During the Xeno'Jiva fight, it is highly recommended that you focus all of your attacks on his front legs since they are easy to reach and much more vulnerable than the hind legs.

Attaching the Chest

When Xeno'Jiva goes to her Critical state, make sure to keep on shooting its Chest. This can knock her down resulting in more damage. If you're playing a ranged character, make sure to use Pierce Ammo on her chest, this can result in repeated knockdowns resulting in an easy clear.

Arch-Tempered Xeno'jiiva Attack Patterns

Attack Attack Power Guardable Exhaustion
Front Leg Slam 60 40
Lean Attack 90 50
Rush 80 60
Tail Sweep 60 50
Tail Slam 70 50
Energy Attack 70 40
Energy Blast 60 Guard Up 40
Laser Attack 110 Guard Up 40
Enhanced Laser Attack 100 Guard Up 40
Meandering Ray 100 Guard Up 40
Energy Eruption 80 60
Big Bang (Front Leg) 70 50
Big Bang 130 80

Arch-Tempered Xeno'jiiva Carves and Rewards

Carvings and Hunt Rewards

Obtain Rate (%)
HR Xeno'jiiva Tail / Body 8, Tail 71
Xeno'jiiva Horn / Body 8
Xeno'jiiva Gem / BOdy 5, Tail 7
Xeno'jiiva Shell / Body 32
Xeno'jiiva Soulscale / Body 22, Tail 22
Xeno'jiiva Claw / Body 14
Xeno'jiiva Wing / Body 11
MR Coming soon!

Rewards for Each Body Part

Obtain Rate (%)
HR Xeno'jiiva Wing / Wing 70
Xeno'jiiva Horn / Head 64
Xeno'jiiva Gem / Head 4
Xeno'jiiva Veil / Head 32, Wing 30
Xeno'jiiva Claw / Both Hindlegs 80
Xeno'jiiva Shell / Both Hindlegs 20
MR Coming soon!

Breakable Body Parts

Durability How to Break
Head 400 Set Durability to 0, twice.
Neck 400 -
Torso 800 -
Chest 150 -
Wings 300 Set durability to 0, twice.
Left Front Leg 300 Set durability to 0, twice.
Right Front Leg 300 Set durability to 0, twice.
Left Hind Leg 150 -
Right Hind Leg 150 -
Tail 350 Set durability to 0, 3 times using cut damage.

Shiny Drops

Obtain Rate (%)
Xeno'jiiva Soulscale / 50
Xeno'jiiva Veil / 28
Old Dragon Treasure / 22
Coming soon!

Quest Clear & Investigation Rewards

Obtain Rate (%)
Xeno'jiiva Gem / 3
Xeno'jiiva Shell / 22
Xeno'jiiva Soulscale / 18
Xeno'jiiva Veil / 14
Xeno'jiiva Claw / 13
Xeno'jiiva Wing / 10
Elder Dragon Bone / 10
Elder Dragon Blood / 10

Plunderblade Rewards


Obtain Rate (%)
HR Xeno'jiiva Soulscale / 45
Xeno'jiiva Shell / 30
Xeno'jiiva Claw / 24
Xeno'jiiva Gem / 1

Quests Where Arch-Tempered Xeno'jiiva Appears

Type Quest Name
Event ★9 - Like a Moth to the Flame

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Colored Variants

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