Marvel's Avengers

Forest Hive (Elite) Walkthrough: Chest Locations and Enemy List

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Forest Hive Elite walkthrough.jpg

This is a walkthrough for the Mission Forest Hive (Elite) in Marvel's Avengers (game). See all mission objectives, chest locations, and tips and strategy for completing the mission.

Forest Hive (Elite) General Info

Mission Information

Mission Forest Hive (Elite)
Type Hive Mission
Mission Power 95
Reward Guaranteed Reward
Rare or Better Gear
Guaranteed Reward
Upgrade Module
Description AIM is developing Adaptoids at high security Hives hidden in remote regions of the world. Infiltrate and destroy these Hives before AIM can let loose their dangerous creations.

Forest Hive (Elite) Walkthrough

1 Find the hive's entry tunnel and hack into the terminal before the hack integrity bar depletes.
2 Defeat all enemies then use the elevator to enter the hive.
3 Clear Floors 1-6 in order to finish this mission. The objectives on these floors will vary. See the list of all possible objectives below.

List Of Possible Objectives

Type Description
Elimination This type of objective will feature an elite AIM squad. Defeat all five members to accomplish the objective. Being downed once will deduct a star on this objective.
Assault This type of objective will feature waves of enemies that you need to defeat in order to advance. Being downed once will deduct a star on this objective.
Sabotage This objective will usually involve destroying generators or power cores. Being downed once will result in a lower rating on this objective.
Defend In this objective, you will need to defend AIM defectors from waves of enemies. Being downed once will result in a lower rating on this objective.
Control For this objective, you need to control three AIM platforms and wait for JARVIS to successfully hack into their servers. Being downed once and for every 25% that AIM progresses in their progress bar will cost you a star on this objective.
Dominion This objective will force you to defend an area from waves of enemies. Every time you step out of the area, AIM's progress bar will increase. Being downed once and for every 25% that AIM's progress bar achieves, you will lose a star on this objective.

Forest Hive (Elite) Tips And Strategy

Use A Balanced Attack

As this is filled with many difficult enemies including different versions of Adaptoids and the stronger Synthoids, bring your heroes who can land in a decent offense and still survive on its own in battle.

Solving The Puzzle: Secret Treasure Room

This room is always found on the fourth floor of the Hive facility.

All switch locations, type of switches, and even type of secret room in this mission is randomized. Depending on the type of switch and room you get, each one has a different activation mechanism and location.

Check out our page on how to unlock each switch type and their common locations.
How To Unlock The Yellow Doors

Forest Hive (Elite) Enemies

Enemy Strategy
SynthoidSynthoid Basic enemy that can be easily dealt with by combos.
Prime Adept SynthoidPrime Adept Synthoid They have uninterruptible attacks so time your dodge as they attack and counter back.
Prime Cryo SynthoidPrime Cryo Synthoid Time your dodge to avoid their chilling attacks and counter back.
Cryo SynthoidCryo Synthoid Basic enemy that can be dealt with by combos. Be wary of its chilling attack.
Elite SynthoidElite Synthoid They dodge and have uninterruptible laser attacks. Dodge and counter.
Proto-SynthoidProto-Synthoid Use combos to deal in damage then dodge when they execute their attacks.
Plague Proto-SynthoidPlague Proto-Synthoid Avoid its poison attacks and land in your combos. Don't hesitate to retreat until the poison effects wears off.
RiotbotRiotbot Use charged attacks to break their shields or vault over their back to attack their weak spot.
Stilleto RiotbotStilleto Riotbot Use charged attacks to break their shields or vault over their back to attack their weak spot.
KeeperKeeper They have slow recharge times so get closer to them and beat them with melee attacks.
Aero KeeperAero Keeper Use ranged attacks to defeat them quickly.
Cryo KeeperCryo Keeper Use ranged attacks but dodge whenever they fire their projectiles since it can freeze you.
Aegis KeeperAegis Keeper Use charged attacks to break their shields or vault over their back to attack their weak spot.
Purge KeeperPurge Keeper They fire poisonous projectiles so dodge it quickly. Close the gap and strike with combos.
PeacekeeperPeacekeeper Be quick with your attacks since they teleport when you strike them from close range. When they charge their shots, time your dodges as it means they will unleash a wide-arcing multiple shots.
Elite PeacekeeperElite Peacekeeper Close the gap immediately to prevent them from using their attacks. They also have higher attack than most Keepers so time your dodge properly.
Monotronic ExoMonotronic Exo Be careful of powerful attacks that may cause you to stagger. Dodge and counter its attacks.
Cryotronic ExoCryotronic Exo Be careful of powerful attacks that may cause you to freeze. Dodge and counter its attacks.
Swarm DroneSwarm Drone Dispose quickly by using ranged attacks.
Plague DronePlague Drone Dispose quickly by using ranged attacks.
Security DroneSecurity Drone Dispose quickly by using ranged attacks.
AdaptoidAdaptoid Use support heroics whenever possible as these enemies are sturdy. Alternate between quick attacks and dodging whenever they strike back.
Cryo AdaptoidCryo Adaptoid Use support heroics whenever possible as these enemies are sturdy. Alternate between quick attacks and dodging whenever they strike back.
Prime Aegis SynthoidPrime Aegis Synthoid Use strong attacks to pierce through its block.
SPIN SynthoidSPIN Synthoid Dodge their projectiles to avoid losing heroic charges and take them out as soon as possible.
Adept KeeperAdept Keeper Close the gap in order to prevent them from using their homing attacks .
Adept SynthoidAdept Synthoid Interrupt them with quick attacks before they teleport out.
SPIN KeeperSPIN Keeper Take them out as soon as possible as they can drain your heroic charges.
Blitz Proto-SynthoidBlitz Proto-Synthoid Before it explodes, it will stop for a few seconds. Destroy it quickly during this opening.
Phase RiotbotPhase Riotbot It is invulnerable while phasing so just parry its attacks to get an opening.
Assault AdaptoidAssault Adaptoid Watch out for the continuous damage dealt by its aura while using melee attacks then back out and use ranged attacks when you are low on health.
Adept DroneAdept Drone Dispose quickly by using ranged attacks. Has a high dodge rate than most drones.
Adept AdaptoidAdept Adaptoid Destroy his exterior shield first and defeat him while he is grounded.
Elite ExoElite Exo It will prepare for an attack after teleporting so be sure to dodge it while approaching the Exo.
SPIN DroneSPIN Drone Dispose quickly by using ranged attacks. Be careful as their attacks drain Heroic charges.

Enemies in this mission are randomized so any one of them can appear in a singe playthrough.

Forest Hive (Elite) Chest Locations

Chest Locations
This chest is found inside the secret room on Floor 4. To open the door, you need to activate all 4 switches. See the Tips and Strategy Section to know how to unlock them.

This chest will always be on Floor 4 but the type of room, switch, and switch location will always vary.

Marvel's Avengers Mission Walkthroughs

List of Hive Missions and Rewards

Mission Reward
Let the Game Begin Performance: Uncommon Gear
The Evil Reborn Guaranteed: Rare or Better Gear
Guaranteed: Legendary Gear
Desert Hive (Elite) Guaranteed: Rare or Better Gear
Guaranteed: Upgrade Module
Tundra Hive (Elite) Guaranteed: Rare or Better Gear
Guaranteed: Upgrade Module
Forest Hive Performance: Uncommon Gear
Forest Hive (Elite) Guaranteed: Rare or Better Gear
Guaranteed: Upgrade Module
Last Avenger Standing Guaranteed: Specialty Gear
Heroic Gauntlet 1 Guaranteed: Fragments
Heroic Gauntlet 2 Guaranteed: Fragments
Heroic Gauntlet 3 Guaranteed: Fragments
Heroic Gauntlet 4 Guaranteed: Fragments
Heroic Gauntlet 5 Guaranteed: Fragments
Heroic Gauntlet 6 Guaranteed: Fragments
Heroic Gauntlet 7 Guaranteed: Fragments


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